Petroleum products balance sheet; supply, consumption and stock 1946-2015

Petroleum products balance sheet; supply, consumption and stock 1946-2015

Petroleum products Periods Consumption of petroleum products Final consumption; other transformations Refineries, fuel (mln kg) Consumption of petroleum products Final consumption; other transformations Petrochemical industry, fuel (mln kg)
Gasoline type jet fuel 2015*
Kerosene type jet fuel 2015* - -
Fuel oil, total 2015* 7 -
Low-sulphur fuel oil 2015* - -
High-sulphur fuel oil 2015* 7 -
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows the supply and consumption of petroleum products as a balance sheet. Petroleum products are e.g. fuels such as LPG, motor gasoline and diesel oil. The balance sheet shows all products for processing or consumption in the Netherlands and transit goods.

Supply is calculated as production plus imports minus exports minus bunkers plus net stock changes. This calculation of the supply results in the amount of petroleum products consumed in the Netherlands in the period concerned.
Consumption is broken down by consumption as feedstock for transformation into other petroleum products and final consumption and other transformations (consumption of petroleum products for transformation into other energy commodities, like electricity).

Also published are the opening stock and closing stock of petroleum products.

Data available: From 1946 to 2015

Status of the figures:
All figures from 1946 to December 2013 are definite.
Figures from January 2014 onwards are provisional.

Changes as of 16 August 2016:
None, this table has been stopped. For more information see section 3.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable.

Description topics

Consumption of petroleum products
The amount of petroleum products used for transformation into other petroleum products or as final consumption within the Netherlands.
Final consumption; other transformations
Final consumption is consumption then no other energy commodity remains. This may be final consumption for energy purposes, such as motor gasoline in cars, or final consumption for non-energy purposes, such as naphtha in the petrochemical industry. Consumption for other transformations is input for transformations of petroleum products into other energy commodities, e.g. input of residual gases in a power plant.
Refineries, fuel
Consumption used to support business activities. Includes input for electricity and heat production to be sold. Mainly consumption of residual products released from refinery, such as refinery gas and fuel oil.
Petrochemical industry, fuel
Consumption used to support business activities, such as heating boilers. Includes input for electricity and heat production to be sold. Mainly consumption of residual products released from the assimilation process, such as chemical waste gas. Petrochemical industry contains companies which transform petroleum products into chemical products.