Urban waste water treatment per province and river basin district

Urban waste water treatment per province and river basin district

Regions Periods Sewage sludge Nutrients and heavy metals Ashes (1 000 kg) Sewage sludge Nutrients and heavy metals Nitrogen compounds as N (1 000 kg) Sewage sludge Nutrients and heavy metals Phosphorus compounds as P (1 000 kg) Sewage sludge Nutrients and heavy metals Copper (kg) Sewage sludge Nutrients and heavy metals Chromium (kg) Sewage sludge Nutrients and heavy metals Zinc (kg) Sewage sludge Nutrients and heavy metals Lead (kg) Sewage sludge Nutrients and heavy metals Cadmium (kg) Sewage sludge Nutrients and heavy metals Nickel (kg) Sewage sludge Nutrients and heavy metals Mercury (kg) Sewage sludge Nutrients and heavy metals Arsenic (kg)
Nederland 2022 89,938 17,755 11,004 109,077 11,795 298,603 23,100 280 7,670 134 3,006
Noord-Nederland (LD) 2022 11,350 1,848 1,222 10,616 1,435 29,981 2,495 26 971 20 291
Oost-Nederland (LD) 2022 19,282 4,113 2,149 20,789 2,710 64,136 4,149 59 1,612 25 565
West-Nederland (LD) 2022 34,216 7,706 4,735 48,515 3,829 122,985 10,578 105 2,706 56 1,639
Zuid-Nederland (LD) 2022 25,090 4,088 2,899 29,156 3,821 81,501 5,877 90 2,382 33 511
Groningen (PV) 2022 4,283 396 445 3,967 446 10,951 835 12 336 7 107
Fryslân (PV) 2022 4,826 956 510 4,370 754 12,615 1,169 9 426 11 159
Drenthe (PV) 2022 2,241 497 266 2,279 235 6,415 492 5 209 3 25
Overijssel (PV) 2022 6,047 1,359 697 7,790 1,077 21,143 1,425 16 605 8 121
Flevoland (PV) 2022 1,865 607 272 1,911 178 4,553 165 4 127 3 206
Gelderland (PV) 2022 11,371 2,147 1,179 11,088 1,455 38,440 2,560 39 880 14 238
Utrecht (PV) 2022 5,136 1,316 737 5,913 505 18,254 1,361 14 325 7 119
Noord-Holland (PV) 2022 12,450 2,465 1,750 19,384 1,358 46,997 3,660 37 936 21 483
Zuid-Holland (PV) 2022 14,659 3,617 2,058 20,270 1,757 50,664 4,984 47 1,308 26 877
Zeeland (PV) 2022 1,971 308 190 2,948 208 7,069 573 6 137 3 160
Noord-Brabant (PV) 2022 16,847 2,843 2,111 22,969 2,604 54,659 4,116 60 1,485 21 393
Limburg (PV) 2022 8,242 1,245 788 6,188 1,218 26,841 1,761 30 897 11 118
The river Eems 2022 4,283 396 445 3,967 446 10,951 835 12 336 7 107
The river Rijn (North Rijn) 2022 4,826 956 510 4,370 754 12,615 1,169 9 426 11 159
The river Rijn (East Rijn) 2022 19,054 4,237 2,236 20,522 2,754 64,864 4,214 58 1,667 25 534
The river Rijn (Central Rijn) 2022
The river Rijn (West Rijn) 2022 34,453 7,694 4,688 47,707 3,786 120,748 10,354 103 2,704 56 1,516
The river Maas 2022 22,729 3,876 2,712 26,641 3,465 75,911 5,436 82 2,195 31 452
The river Schelde 2022 4,593 597 413 5,870 590 13,513 1,093 15 342 6 239
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table presents the most significant results of the annual survey Public treatment of urban waste water. The results are presented per province and river basin district (Rijn, Maas, Eems and Schelde) and include:
- number and capacity of the urban waste water treatment plants by type of treatment;
- the volume and concentration of organic matter, nutrients and heavy metals in the waste water running into waste water treatment plants (influent) and the volume of treated waste water (effluent). As of 2017, data on heavy metals are only inventoried for even years.
- the volume and destination of the sludge released, with nutrients and heavy metals. As of 2017, sludge data are only inventoried for even years.
Additional data on urban waste water treatment plants, process technology, energy consumption, generation of energy and sludge dewatering can be accessed on the Dutch version of StatLine.

Data available from: 1981

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are definitive.

Changes as of 22 April 2024:
The figures of 2022 has been added.

When will new figures be published?
New figures on 2023 will be published by March 2025.

Description topics

Sewage sludge
Residue of treated waste water consisting of suspended solids and excess active sludge (biomass). Sewage sludge is measured including water (see Total wet sludge) or as dry solids.
Nutrients and heavy metals
The total weight of nutrients and heavy metals removed with the sludge. Most heavy metals adsorb strongly to the sludge particles.
The residue of non-inflammable, inorganic matter after incineration.
Nitrogen compounds as N
The total amount of nitrogen in organic compounds (e.g. proteins) and inorganic compounds (e.g. nitrate and ammonium).
Phosphorus compounds as P
The total amount of phosphorus in sewage sludge is analysed as P205 (diphosphorus pentoxide) converted to P total.