Milk supply and dairy production by dairy factories

Milk supply and dairy production by dairy factories

Periods Milk supply Volume (1 000 kg) Milk supply Fat content (%) Milk supply Protein content (%) Dairy production Butter (1 000 kg) Dairy production Cheese (1 000 kg) Dairy production Milk powder Total Milk powder (1 000 kg) Dairy production Milk powder Whole milk powder (1 000 kg) Dairy production Milk powder Skimmed-milk powder (1 000 kg) Dairy production Concentrated milk (1 000 kg) Dairy production Whey powder (1 000 kg)
1995 10,811,000 4.40 3.48 132,300 682,900 154,000 121,900 32,100 353,100 126,700
2000 10,733,600 4.38 3.47 126,200 683,600 166,000 96,700 69,300 273,500 129,700
2005 10,478,900 4.39 3.49 118,800 672,200 160,400 107,200 53,200 291,800 68,316
2010 11,626,123 4.42 3.52 133,419 752,638 199,087 135,457 63,630 347,285 .
2015 13,330,873 4.38 3.53 147,577 844,974 204,231 135,660 68,571 407,775 .
2020 13,986,695 4.42 3.58 133,605 972,734 248,115 177,605 70,510 393,852 .
2021 13,686,880 4.45 3.59 133,156 958,799 201,226 116,540 84,686 379,859 .
2022 December 1,178,046 4.64 3.66 10,569 81,248 16,780 7,353 9,391 28,479 .
2022 13,875,916 4.42 3.55 133,311 945,712 200,619 84,889 115,730 366,969 .
2023 January* 1,211,863 4.56 3.63 11,379 80,789 13,847 6,363 7,484 34,561 .
2023 February* 1,110,555 4.59 3.63 11,168 75,450 15,038 6,985 8,053 34,370 .
2023 March* 1,226,670 4.61 3.63 10,835 81,557 15,502 6,860 8,642 35,090 .
2023 April* 1,191,969 4.57 3.62 11,110 79,312 18,042 10,011 8,031 33,912 .
2023 May* 1,229,595 4.42 3.58 11,232 79,100 16,490 9,917 6,573 33,939 .
2023 June* 1,166,530 4.31 3.52 9,289 78,535 13,430 8,341 5,089 33,394 .
2023 July* 1,185,105 4.28 3.51 10,220 79,111 14,044 6,371 7,673 29,376 .
2023 August* 1,151,376 4.33 3.53 10,453 79,261 10,739 6,290 4,449 32,365 .
2023 September* 1,093,743 4.35 3.54 9,120 76,816 9,837 5,714 4,123 32,608 .
2023 October* 1,114,060 4.48 3.59 9,694 78,758 9,418 5,709 3,709 35,557 .
2023 November* 1,071,591 4.61 3.65 10,242 78,582 10,121 5,706 4,415 35,236 .
2023 December* 1,140,747 4.64 3.65 10,774 82,010 11,880 6,905 4,975 34,677 .
2023* 13,893,804 4.48 3.59 125,516 949,281 158,388 85,172 73,216 405,085 .
2024 January* 1,175,723 4.63 3.63 11,653 83,083 14,729 7,420 7,309 34,122 .
2024 February* 1,125,603 4.56 3.59 10,891 77,276 14,795 6,830 7,965 31,585 .
2024 March* 1,210,315 4.57 3.60 10,513 78,708 15,756 7,219 8,537 31,596 .
2024 April* 1,177,221 4.52 3.59 10,680 79,717 16,150 7,704 8,446 31,749 .
2024 May* 1,212,156 4.40 3.54 11,094 79,845 15,422 8,043 7,379 35,976 .
2024 June* 1,142,667 4.34 3.50 9,370 77,190 14,210 6,817 7,393 32,413 .
2024 July* 1,148,394 4.30 3.49 9,118 75,204 13,378 7,117 6,261 36,068 .
2024 August* 1,106,504 4.31 3.48 10,042 75,792 11,379 6,007 5,372 28,274 .
2024 September* 1,064,759 4.40 3.55 8,742 71,864 11,320 5,459 5,861 28,714 .
2024 October* 1,096,430 4.54 3.65 8,848 77,434 12,711 5,796 6,915 36,382 .
2024 November* 1,067,444 4.61 3.66 8,419 77,640 11,961 5,369 6,592 29,129 .
2024 December* 1,134,546 4.64 3.66 9,621 81,788 14,257 6,391 7,866 29,197 .
2024* 13,660,190 4.48 3.54 118,991 931,900 165,735 80,172 85,563 377,463 .
2024 January* 1,156,330 4.66 3.65 9,804 81,747 14,695 6,739 7,956 32,807 .
Source: © RVO
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

In the Netherlands about 96 percent of all raw cow's milk from dairy farmers is delivered to dairy factories. The remaining 4 percent is kept by the dairy farmers themselves for their own use (to feed young cattle and/or manufacture dairy products). This table contains data about the volume of cow's milk delivered by dairy farmers and the products manufactured by the dairy industry in the Netherlands. The table contains monthly figures as well as yearly figures. The figures on raw cow's milk concern volume, protein content and fat content. Dairy products include butter, cheese, milk powder, concentrated milk and whey in powder or block form.

The data in this table are provided by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) gathers data for two series on dairy products, namely monthly statistics and yearly statistics. As the monthly figures are based on about 98 percent of all cow's milk delivered to dairy factories, a provisional adjustment is done by the Agency. This adjustment only concerns collected milk and these monthly figures are revised when the yearly figures become available.

The table does not contain figures about fresh products such as drinking milk for consumption or acidified milk products such as yoghurts.
Figures about these products are only available for the years 1995-1997.

Data available from: January 1995

Status of the figures:
The monthly figures are provisional at first publication.
Definite month and year figures are published in August/December of the following year.

Changes as of 17 March 2025:
The provisional figures of January 2025 have been added. The provisional figures of October 2024, November 2024, December 2024 and the provisional annual figures for 2024 have been updated.

When will new figures be published?
Approximately six weeks after the month under review.

Description topics

Milk supply
Raw cow's milk collected from dairy farms and delivered to dairy
1000 kilograms = 971 litre.
Fat content
Fat content of raw cow's milk.
Protein content
Protein content (mainly casein) in raw cow's milk.
Casein, or curd, is an important milk protein that is used in the
process of making cheese from cow's milk.
Dairy production
The processing of raw cow's milk into dairy products such as butter,
processed cheese, milk powder, concentrated milk and whey by dairy
factories in the Netherlands.
NB. Provisional figures exclude, but definite figures include the products
of small dairy manufacturers.
All types of butter.
Cheese made of cow's milk only.
Milk powder
There are four kinds of milk powder: cream milk powder, whole milk powder,
partly skimmed-milk powder and skimmed milk powder.
Skimmed milk powder is obtained by removing cream from milk. It also
includes buttermilk powder.
Total Milk powder
Whole milk powder
Milk powder with 1.5 percent or more fat.
Skimmed-milk powder
Milk powder with less than 1.5 percent fat.
Concentrated milk
Thickened milk or concentrated milk is a product obtained by partially
removing water. With or without a sugar supplement.
Milk for use in coffee is concentrated milk without a sugar supplement.
Whey powder
Whey (in powdered or block form) is a by-product of cheese making.
Whey powder is given in unprocessed form and does not include whey
powder that is low in sugar or salt. Figures about whey are only available
per year.
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