Livestock pigs, 1981- 2020

Table explanation

This table provides twice-yearly information about the number of pigs on Dutch agricultural holdings.
The number of pigs is broken down into:
- type of pigs (piglets, pigs for fattening, breeding pigs);
- reference date (April, August and December).

N.B. the considerable difference between the figures for 1997 and the previous and subsequent years are caused by the swine fever outbreak in February 1997 and the following clear-outs.

Data available from: April 1981 to December 2020.

Status of the figures:
The numbers are final.

Changes as of April 30, 2021:
None, this table has been discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
This table is followed by Livestock on agricultural holdings: reference date 1 April and 1 December, see the links in section 3.

Description topics

Pigs, total
Total of the pig population on agricultural holdings, present on the reference date.
The pig population can be broken down into piglets, young pigs, pigs for fattening and breeding pigs.
N.B. the considerable difference between the figures for 1997 and the previous and subsequent years are caused by the swinefever outbreak in February 1997 and the following clearouts.
Piglets related to sows
Young pigs, to 50 kg
Piglets with a live weight of less than 50 kg.
Weaned piglets (piglets no longer suckling at the sow) and young pigs for fattening or breeding weighing less than 50 kg.
Pigs for fattening, 50 kg or more
Fattening pigs (including rejected boars and sows) of at least 50 kg.
Sows and boars for fattening: pigs taken out of breedingproduction for fattening to be slaughtered.
Pigs for fattening, total 50 kg or more
Pigs for fattening, 50 -< 80 kg
Fattening pigs between 50 and 80 kg.
Pigs for fattening, 80 -< 110 kg
Fattening pigs between 80 and 110 kg.
Pigs for fattening, 110 kg or more
Fattening pigs of at least 110 kg.
Breeding pigs, 50 kg or more
Breeding pigs with a live weight of 50 kg or more.
Breeding pigs, total 50 kg or more
Covered sows
Covered or artificially inseminated sows, assumed to be pregnant on the reference date.
Sows related to piglets
Suckling sows until their piglets are weaned. Weaned piglets are permanently withdrawn from the suckling sow.
Other breeding pigs
Covered but not pregnant sows, unfertilised sows (sows in a period of infertility between suckling and insemination), never inseminated young sows and young breeding boars (= immature boars) and mature boars (= male pigs used for artificial insemination or natural covering).
Other breeding pigs, total
Young sows
Gilts, not yet covered.
Other breeding pigs
Covered but not pregnant sows, unfertilised sows (sows in a period of infertility between suckling and insemination), never inseminated young sows and young breeding boars (= immature boars) and mature boars (= male pigs used for artificial insemination or natural covering).