Hairdressers and beauticians; monthly developments 1993 - 2008

Hairdressers and beauticians; monthly developments 1993 - 2008

Periods Index figures Turnover (2000=100) Index figures Price (2000=100) Index figures Volume (2000=100) Change Turnover (%) Change Price (%) Change Volume (%)
2008 125 136 92 2.2 3.3 -1.0
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Index figures and developments hairdressers and beauticians.
Average monthly turnover, base year 2000. (SIC 9302)
1993-2008; 1993 quarter I - 2008 quarter IV; 1993 Jan. - 2008 Dec.
Changed on April 15 2009.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Index figures
Monthly statistics hairdressers and beauticians published by Statistics
Netherlands provide indicators (monthly indices) for the public sector,
businesses and other users of statistics. The indices mainly refer to
turnover developments. Price and volume indices are also published.
Average monthly turnover, base year 2000. The index figures (including
VAT) reflect sales and services. Receipts from secondary activities are
included in the turnover.
Prices are based on the consumer price index (CPI).
Turnover adjusted for price developments.
Change as a percentage on the same period in the previous year calculated
on the basis of unrounded index figures. Changes available from 1994.
Prices are based on the consumer price index (CPI).
Turnover adjusted for price developments.