Monthly statistics hairdressers and beauticians 1993 - 2002

Monthly statistics hairdressers and beauticians 1993 - 2002

SIC '93 Periods Index figures Turnover (2000=100) Index figures Price (2000=100) Index figures Volume (2000=100) Percentage developments Turnover (%) Percentage developments Price (%) Percentage developments Volume (%)
9302 Hairdressers and beauty care 2002 110 . . 4.1 . .
93021 Hairdressers 2002 108 111 98 2.7 5.0 -2.1
93022 Beauty care 2002 124 . . 11.6 . .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Monthly index figures and developments hairdressers and beauticians
Average monthly turnover, base year 2000. (SIC 9302)
1993 - 2002;1st quarter1993-4th quarter 2002;January 1993-December2002
Changed on January 18 2005.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Index figures
Average monthly turnover, base year 2000. The index figures (including
VAT) reflect sales and services. Receipts from secondary activities are
included in the turnover.
Prices based on the consumer price index (CPI) weighted by the share of
the article groups per branch. Source: yearly statistics on commercial
Percentage developments
Development compared with the corresponding period in previous year.
Prices based on the consumer price index (CPI) weighted by the share of
the article groups per branch. Source: yearly statistics on commercial