Deaths; cause of death (extensive list), age and sex

Deaths; cause of death (extensive list), age and sex

Sex Age Causes of death Periods Deaths (number)
Total male and female Total A02 Other Salmonella infections 2023* 5
Total male and female Total A07 Other protozoal intestinal diseases 2023* 0
Total male and female Total A18 Tuberculosis of other organs 2023* 0
Total male and female Total A28 Other zoonotic bacterial dis., nec 2023* 0
Total male and female Total A31 Infection due to other mycobacteria 2023* 1
Total male and female Total A35 Other tetanus 2023* 0
Total male and female Total A36 Diphtheria 2023* 0
Total male and female Total A41 Other septicaemia 2023* 1,157
Total male and female Total A48 Other bacterial diseases, nec 2023* 57
Total male and female Total A53 Other and unspecified syphilis 2023* 0
Total male and female Total A69 Other spirochaetal infections 2023* 2
Total male and female Total A74 Other diseases caused by chlamydiae 2023* 0
Total male and female Total A79 Other rickettsioses 2023* 0
Total male and female Total A85 Other viral encephalitis, nec 2023* 0
Total male and female Total A92 Other mosquito-borne viral fevers 2023* 0
Total male and female Total A98 Other viral haemorrhagic fevers, nec 2023* 0
Total male and female Total B17 Other acute viral hepatitis 2023* 3
Total male and female Total B33 Other viral diseases, nec 2023* 0
Total male and female Total B36 Other superficial mycoses 2023* 0
Total male and female Total B48 Other mycoses, nec 2023* 23
Total male and female Total B60 Other protozoal diseases, nec 2023* 0
Total male and female Total B66 Other fluke infections 2023* 0
Total male and female Total B71 Other cestode infections 2023* 0
Total male and female Total B81 Other intestinal helminthiases, nec 2023* 0
Total male and female Total B83 Other helminthiases 2023* 0
Total male and female Total B88 Other infestations 2023* 0
Total male and female Total B94 Sequelae of other and unsp. inf.. 2023* 34
Total male and female Total B96 Oth.bacterial agents as the cause .. 2023* 0
Total male and female Total B97 Viral agents as the cause of dis.. 2023* 0
Total male and female Total C06 M.n. of other and uns. mouth.. 2023* 89
Total male and female Total C14 Other and ill-def. lip, oral cavit.. 2023* 81
Total male and female Total C44 Other malignant neoplasms of skin 2023* 153
Total male and female Total C45 Mesothelioma 2023* 465
Total male and female Total C49 M.n. other connective and soft tis.. 2023* 276
Total male and female Total C57 M.n. other and uns. female genital.. 2023* 29
Total male and female Total C75 M.n. other endocrine glands and .. 2023* 23
Total male and female Total C76 M. ne of other and ill-defined sites 2023* 296
Total male and female Total C79 Secondary m.n. of other sites 2023* 0
Total male and female Total C96 Other and unsp. m.n. of lymphoid,.. 2023* 56
Total male and female Total D19 Benign neoplasm mesothelial tissue 2023* 0
Total male and female Total D21 Oth. b.n. connective and other soft. 2023* 0
Total male and female Total D23 Other benign neoplasms of skin 2023* 0
Total male and female Total D26 Other benign neoplasms of uterus 2023* 0
Total male and female Total D36 B.n. of other and unspecified sites 2023* 3
Total male and female Total D53 Other nutritional anaemias 2023* 124
Total male and female Total D58 Other hereditary haemolytic anaemias 2023* 0
Total male and female Total D61 Other aplastic anaemias 2023* 43
Total male and female Total D64 Other anaemias 2023* 326
Total male and female Total D68 Other coagulation defects 2023* 27
Total male and female Total D69 Purpura and other haemorrhagic con.. 2023* 30
Total male and female 0 year A02 Other Salmonella infections 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year A07 Other protozoal intestinal diseases 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year A18 Tuberculosis of other organs 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year A28 Other zoonotic bacterial dis., nec 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year A31 Infection due to other mycobacteria 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year A35 Other tetanus 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year A36 Diphtheria 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year A41 Other septicaemia 2023* 1
Total male and female 0 year A48 Other bacterial diseases, nec 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year A53 Other and unspecified syphilis 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year A69 Other spirochaetal infections 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year A74 Other diseases caused by chlamydiae 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year A79 Other rickettsioses 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year A85 Other viral encephalitis, nec 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year A92 Other mosquito-borne viral fevers 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year A98 Other viral haemorrhagic fevers, nec 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year B17 Other acute viral hepatitis 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year B33 Other viral diseases, nec 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year B36 Other superficial mycoses 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year B48 Other mycoses, nec 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year B60 Other protozoal diseases, nec 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year B66 Other fluke infections 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year B71 Other cestode infections 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year B81 Other intestinal helminthiases, nec 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year B83 Other helminthiases 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year B88 Other infestations 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year B94 Sequelae of other and unsp. inf.. 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year B96 Oth.bacterial agents as the cause .. 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year B97 Viral agents as the cause of dis.. 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year C06 M.n. of other and uns. mouth.. 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year C14 Other and ill-def. lip, oral cavit.. 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year C44 Other malignant neoplasms of skin 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year C45 Mesothelioma 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year C49 M.n. other connective and soft tis.. 2023* 1
Total male and female 0 year C57 M.n. other and uns. female genital.. 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year C75 M.n. other endocrine glands and .. 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year C76 M. ne of other and ill-defined sites 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year C79 Secondary m.n. of other sites 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year C96 Other and unsp. m.n. of lymphoid,.. 2023* 1
Total male and female 0 year D19 Benign neoplasm mesothelial tissue 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year D21 Oth. b.n. connective and other soft. 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year D23 Other benign neoplasms of skin 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year D26 Other benign neoplasms of uterus 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year D36 B.n. of other and unspecified sites 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year D53 Other nutritional anaemias 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year D58 Other hereditary haemolytic anaemias 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year D61 Other aplastic anaemias 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year D64 Other anaemias 2023* 0
Total male and female 0 year D68 Other coagulation defects 2023* 1
Total male and female 0 year D69 Purpura and other haemorrhagic con.. 2023* 0
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains the number of deaths in the population of the Netherlands by underlying cause of death. The causes of death are shown according to the extensive list of 'three digit codes', by age and sex.

Since 2013 Statistics Netherlands is using Iris software for automatic coding for cause of death. This improved the international comparison of the data. The change in coding did cause a considerable shift in the statistic. Since 2013 the (yearly) ICD-10 updates are applied.

Data available from: 1996

Status of the figures:
The figures for 2023 are provisional, all other figures are final.

Changes as of July 18th 2024:
The provisional figures for 2023 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
The aim is to publish final figures for 2023 in the fourth quarter of 2024.

Description topics
