Retail trade; turnover change, 2000 - 2012

Retail trade; turnover change, 2000 - 2012

SIC 2008 Periods Turnover indices Value (2005 = 100) Turnover change Value (%)
Retail trade, no dispensing chemists .. 2012* 106.8 -1.0
Retail trade, no dispensing chemists 2012* 107.9 -1.0
Shops selling food 2012* 121.4 2.3
4711 Supermarkets and similar stores 2012* 127.7 3.0
Non-food shops 2012* 97.1 -3.8
472 Specialized shops selling food 2012* 87.5 -2.4
4721 Shops for vegetables and fruit 2012* . .
4722 Shops for meat and meat products 2012* . .
4725 Shops selling beverages 2012* 90.4 0.5
473 Petrol stations 2012* 116.4 -1.2
474 Shops selling consumer electronics 2012* 96.1 -2.6
4741 Shops for computers and software 2012* 78.4 -9.1
4743 Shops for brown and white goods 2012* 101.3 -2.0
475 Shops for other household equipment 2012* 85.8 -7.2
4752 Shops for do-it-yourself articles 2012* 80.8 -8.4
47525 Shops selling kitchens 2012* 66.2 -14.7
Shops for do-it-yourself articles 2012* 88.4 -6.6
47528 Builder's merchants 2012* 88.8 -6.0
4759 Shops for other household articles 2012* 91.1 -6.0
Shops for furniture, home furnishings 2012* 90.2 -7.4
Shops for household goods 2012* 96.9 -2.0
Shops for other household goods 2012* . .
47597 Shops for various household goods 2012* 101.3 -1.8
Shops for furnishings, furniture 2012* 87.0 -7.7
Shops for furnishing, building materials 2012* 84.1 -7.5
476 Shops selling recreational goods 2012* 92.2 -6.3
47641 Shops selling bicycles and mopeds 2012* . .
4765 Shops selling toys 2012* 98.6 -8.6
477 Shops selling other goods 2012* . .
4771 Shops selling clothes 2012* 103.5 -2.8
Shops selling outerwear 2012* 103.2 -2.9
47712 Shops selling ladies' wear 2012* 83.4 -5.4
47713 Shops for outerwear, accessories 2012* 119.3 -1.7
47718 Textile supermarkets 2012* 93.3 -2.4
4772 Shops for footwear, leather goods 2012* 99.4 -3.3
47721 Shops selling footwear 2012* 100.2 -3.8
4774 Drugstores, shops for medical goods 2012* 106.1 0.5
47741 Drugstores 2012* 108.0 2.5
Shops for personal care 2012* 110.2 3.0
47762 Garden centres 2012* . .
4777 Shops selling jewellery and watches 2012* . .
47782 Shops selling optical articles 2012* . .
4791 Retail sale via internet 2012* 166.7 9.0
Shops for books, papers and other art. 2012* 94.8 -5.3
Shops for durable and diy-articles 2012* 88.4 -6.3
Shops for clothes, footwear, textiles 2012* 102.0 -2.9
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table presents information about developments in turnover in retail trade. Turnover can be broken down into value, price and volume. The data can further be divided by a number of branches of trade according to Statistics Netherlands' Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities 2008 (SIC 2008).

The results are expressed in terms of indices with base year 2005. Changes on the same period in the previous year are also published. Value and/or price and volume data are lacking (temporarily) for some branches as the information is considered to be insufficiently reliable.

Data available from: 2000

Status of the figures
Figures on the four previous months are provisional, the remainder are definite.

Changes as of 20 March 2013:
Table has been discontinued as from 20 March 2013 and will be continued as "Retail trade; turnover change, index 2010 = 100". For more information see sections 3 and 4.

Changes as of 4 August 2010:
Research shows that the estimated errors of the turnover figures are too
large for some groups within the retail trade. As of January 2009 figures
will no longer be published concerning the following groups:
4721 Shops for vegetables and fruit
4722 Shops for meat and meat products
4764 Shops for sports and camping goods
47641 Shops selling bicycles and mopeds
47762 Garden Centers
4777 Shops selling jewellery and watches
47782 Shops selling optical articles

When will figures be published?
Table has been discontinued as from 20 March 2013 due to change of the base year from 2005 to 2010.
Statistics Netherlands has started a new table. For more information see sections 3 and 4.

Description topics

Turnover indices
Monthly statistics on retail trade published by Statistics Netherlands
provide indicators (monthly indices) for the public sector, industrial
organisations, businesses and other users of statistics. The indices
mainly refer to turnover developments. Price and volume indices are
also published for most (sub)categories.
The value of the goods and services, sold cash or on account, after
deduction of discounts, returns and repaid deposits. Receipts from
secondary activities are included in the turnover.
In retail trade turnover includes VAT.
Turnover change
Change as a percentage on the same period in the previous year calculated
on the basis of unrounded index figures. Changes available from 2001.
The value of the goods and services, sold cash or on account, after
deduction of discounts, returns and repaid deposits. Receipts from
secondary activities are included in the turnover.
In retail trade turnover includes VAT.