Health and Social Care Accounts; expenditure and financing 1998-2011

Health and Social Care Accounts; expenditure and financing 1998-2011

Periods Expenditure in current prices Providers of social care Total providers of social care (mln euro) Expenditure in current prices Providers of social care Providers of long term care for elderly (mln euro) Expenditure in current prices Providers of social care Providers of care for the handicapped (mln euro) Expenditure in current prices Providers of social care Other providers of social care Total other providers of social care (mln euro) Expenditure in current prices Providers of social care Other providers of social care Providers of day nursery (mln euro) Expenditure in current prices Providers of social care Other providers of social care Providers of youth welfare (mln euro) Expenditure in current prices Providers of social care Other providers of social care Refugee centres and boarding schools (mln euro) Expenditure in current prices Providers of social care Other providers of social care Providers of socio-cultural welfare (mln euro) Expenditure in current prices Providers of social care Other providers of social care Providers of other social care (mln euro) Expenditure in constant prices Providers of social care Total providers of social care (mln euro) Expenditure in constant prices Providers of social care Providers of long term care for elderly (mln euro) Expenditure in constant prices Providers of social care Providers of care for the handicapped (mln euro) Expenditure in constant prices Providers of social care Other providers of social care (mln euro)
2011 34,444 16,481 8,335 9,628 4,336 1,915 481 1,118 1,778 24,624 12,127 6,422 6,075
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains information on the expenditure on health and social care including child care, in current and constant prices. The subjects cover expenses and finance of the care system, including price and volume developments. All activities within the area of health and social care are considered, irrespective of whether it concerns a major or minor activity of the economic units. These figures refer to a broader definition than internationally used in the System of Health Accounts, that refers to health care including long term nursing care (health).

Data available from: 1998 to 2011

Status of the figures:
All figures are final.
Because this table is discontinued, figures will not be updated anymore.

Changes as of August 27, 2014:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore. This table has been replaced by three tables: Health accounts; providers and financing. Health accounts; providers and functions. Health accounts; functions and financing. See section 3.

Description topics

Expenditure in current prices
The expenditure is expressed in euros of the year under review. In this
way the series gives the development of the value of the expenditure.
Providers of social care
Suppliers of goods and services in the area of caring and social-cultural
activities. These goods and services: are provided to promote the ability
to cope and the (social and cultural) participation of people and are
aimed at a positive influence of the general well-being of the
population, are related to non-medical caring, stimulation, support,
recreation and education, are provided by trained experts and/or
companies (or parts of companies) set up for this purpose, or are
provided by households.
Total providers of social care
Providers of long term care for elderly
Nursing homes, homecare institutions, residential care for the elderly and
Nursing homes: A government-recognised institution where patients who
do not require hospital admittance are nursed and treated.
Homecare institutions: Institutions providing various types of assistance,
e.g. home help, home nursing, maternity care. Homecare is administered to
avoid admission in a hospital or nursing home.
Providers of care for the handicapped
Integrated institutions for the handicapped; Social pedagogical services;
Provision of goods and services by municipalities; Interpreters
for the deaf; Institutes providing guide dogs for the blind; Households.
Other providers of social care
Total other providers of social care
Providers of day nursery
Providers of youth welfare
Refugee centres and boarding schools
Providers of socio-cultural welfare
Providers of other social care
Includes community work, Relief homes.
Expenditure in constant prices
The expenditure is expressed in euros as if no price changes have taken
place compared with the base year. The base year for this series is 1998.
In this way the series gives an estimate of the "real" development, or
the development in quantities or volume.
Providers of social care
Total providers of social care
Providers of long term care for elderly
Providers of care for the handicapped
Other providers of social care
Providers of: day nursery; youth welfare; refugee centres and boarding
schools; socio-cultural welfare; community work; relief homes.