Labour force; 1800-2013 (12-hours threshold)

Labour force; 1800-2013 (12-hours threshold)

Sex Personal characteristics Periods Labour force (x 1 000) Employed labour force Employed labour force (x 1 000) Unemployed labour force (x 1 000)
Total sex Total personal characteristics 2013 7,939 7,283 656
Total sex Age 15 to 25 years 2013 864 726 137
Total sex Age 25 to 40 years 2013 2,643 2,437 207
Total sex Age 40 to 55 years 2013 3,149 2,937 212
Total sex Age 55 to 65 years 2013 1,284 1,183 100
Total sex Background: Netherlands 2013 6,326 5,904 422
Total sex Background: with migration background 2013 1,601 1,368 233
Total sex Background: western 2013 770 692 78
Total sex Background: non-western 2013 831 677 155
Total sex Background: unknown 2013 12 11 .
Total sex Educ. level: primary 2013 400 337 63
Total sex Educ. level: vmbo, mbo1, avo 2013 1,192 1,057 135
Total sex Educ. level: havo, vwo, mbo 2013 3,421 3,124 297
Total sex Educ. level: hbo 2013 1,726 1,633 92
Total sex Educ. level: wo 2013 1,059 1,009 51
Total sex Educ level: unknown 2013 141 123 18
Men Total personal characteristics 2013 4,354 3,999 355
Men Age 15 to 25 years 2013 440 374 66
Men Age 25 to 40 years 2013 1,402 1,284 118
Men Age 40 to 55 years 2013 1,730 1,621 108
Men Age 55 to 65 years 2013 782 720 63
Men Background: Netherlands 2013 3,475 3,246 229
Men Background: with migration background 2013 872 747 125
Men Background: western 2013 406 368 38
Men Background: non-western 2013 466 379 88
Men Background: unknown 2013 . . .
Men Educ. level: primary 2013 250 211 39
Men Educ. level: vmbo, mbo1, avo 2013 697 623 75
Men Educ. level: havo, vwo, mbo 2013 1,865 1,709 156
Men Educ. level: hbo 2013 875 827 48
Men Educ. level: wo 2013 583 556 27
Men Educ level: unknown 2013 83 72 11
Women Total personal characteristics 2013 3,585 3,284 301
Women Age 15 to 25 years 2013 424 352 71
Women Age 25 to 40 years 2013 1,242 1,153 89
Women Age 40 to 55 years 2013 1,419 1,315 104
Women Age 55 to 65 years 2013 501 464 37
Women Background: Netherlands 2013 2,851 2,658 193
Women Background: with migration background 2013 729 622 108
Women Background: western 2013 364 324 41
Women Background: non-western 2013 365 298 67
Women Background: unknown 2013 . . .
Women Educ. level: primary 2013 150 126 24
Women Educ. level: vmbo, mbo1, avo 2013 495 434 61
Women Educ. level: havo, vwo, mbo 2013 1,556 1,415 141
Women Educ. level: hbo 2013 851 806 45
Women Educ. level: wo 2013 476 452 24
Women Educ level: unknown 2013 58 51 7
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

In this table you can find a historical series of figures since 1800 on the composition of the Dutch labour force from 15-64 by sex and a few other personal characteristics. The data on the registered unemployed by ethnic background and level of education are only available from 1996 and onwards. The figures on professional prestige, socio-economic status and social class are only available from 1975 and onwards and only concern the total employed labour force. Until 1987 the definition of the employed labour force deviates somewhat from the current definition. It concerns people who work at least 15 hours a week instead of 12 hours a week.

Data available from 1800 including 2013.

Status of the figures:
On 26 February 2015 new revised tables about the labour force have been published. The revision of the labour force statistics consists of two parts. The definitions are adjusted to the international standard definitions and data collection is improved by using web interviewing. The figures in this table haven’t been revised yet and thus differ from the figures in other tables concerning the labour force. For more information about this revision, see the link to the press release in paragraph 3.

Changes as of June 27, 2018:
None, this table has been discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
This table will no longer be updated. A new historical series of yearly figures on the labour force based on the international definition is made. See the link in paragraph 3.

Description topics

Labour force
The labour force includes everyone (15-64):
- with a paid job of at least twelve hours a week;
- who has accepted a paid job for at least twelve hours a week;
- who states they want to work for at least twelve hours a week, are
available to do so and are actively seeking such a job.
Employed labour force
Employed labour force
Dutch residents who have paid work for twelve hours a week or more.
Unemployed labour force
People without work, or with less than twelve hours of paid work a week,
who are actively looking for paid work for twelve hours a week or more
and who are directly available for this job.