Services; employment and finance per sector, SIC'93, 2006 - 2008

Services; employment and finance per sector, SIC'93, 2006 - 2008

Economic sectors (SIC'93) Periods Business costs Total business costs (mln euro) Business costs Depreciation fixed assets (mln euro) Business costs Purchase value turnover Total purchasing costs (mln euro) Business costs Purchase value turnover Costs of raw and auxiliary materials (mln euro) Business costs Purchase value turnover Costs of commodities (mln euro) Business costs Personnel costs Total personnel costs (mln euro) Business costs Personnel costs Gross wages and salaries (mln euro) Business costs Personnel costs Other personnel costs (mln euro) Business costs Other business costs Other business costs, total (mln euro) Business costs Other business costs Energy costs (mln euro) Business costs Other business costs Housing costs (mln euro) Business costs Other business costs Equipment and inventory costs (mln euro) Business costs Other business costs Transport costs (mln euro) Business costs Other business costs Sales costs (mln euro) Business costs Other business costs Communication costs (mln euro) Business costs Other business costs Services provided by third parties (mln euro) Business costs Other business costs Business costs, not elsewhere classified (mln euro)
50 Sale and repair of motor vehicles 2008 69,459 541 57,077 4,966 51,573 4,615 3,523 1,092 7,226 235 1,011 130 . 917 133 455 3,945
501 Sale and repair of motor vehicles 2008 49,225 371 39,984 3,842 35,711 3,016 2,315 701 5,855 146 631 84 . 734 91 281 3,623
5010a Sale/repair of commercial vehicles 2008 5,291 60 4,326 519 3,732 551 402 149 355 18 91 11 . 48 13 38 93
50102 Import of new passenger cars 2008 13,110 30 9,368 29 9,324 205 146 59 3,507 4 28 4 . 385 10 44 3,000
50104 Sale and repair of passenger cars 2008 30,825 281 26,290 3,294 22,655 2,260 1,767 494 1,993 124 512 69 . 301 68 199 530
502 Service and repair of motor vehicles 2008 2,285 74 1,092 1,036 0 679 512 167 440 36 143 22 . 37 14 40 88
503 Sale of motor vehicle parts and ac.. 2008 7,451 52 6,382 44 6,291 553 415 138 465 20 101 13 . 71 17 92 95
5030a Wholesale of motor vehicle parts 2008 7,121 46 6,146 43 6,057 510 381 129 419 16 85 11 . 64 15 88 87
50303 Retail of motor vehicle parts 2008 331 6 236 1 235 43 34 9 46 3 16 2 . 7 2 4 8
504 Sale/repair of motorcycles and parts 2008 1,464 10 1,235 36 1,198 72 54 18 147 4 18 3 . 35 3 13 65
505 Retail sale of automotive fuel 2008 9,034 35 8,385 8 8,372 296 227 69 319 29 118 9 . 41 8 30 75
55 Hotels and restaurants 2008 15,612 902 5,137 4,851 174 4,895 3,612 1,283 4,679 541 1,895 282 155 488 104 294 919
551 Hotels 2008 3,154 251 559 549 5 1,186 857 329 1,158 118 488 52 20 108 17 61 295
552 Short-stay accommodation 2008 1,407 130 376 334 35 335 248 87 566 90 227 34 14 70 19 35 78
553 Restaurants and cafeterias 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
55301 Restaurants 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
55302 Cafeterias 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
554 Pubs 2008 2,354 109 933 895 10 610 450 160 701 86 264 50 21 77 21 61 123
555 Canteens and catering 2008 2,352 65 1,059 1,027 0 899 607 292 328 31 93 24 39 39 13 34 56
71 Renting of machinery and equipment 2008 8,445 2,950 3,663 2,837 488 1,003 715 288 829 23 160 33 140 115 42 114 202
7110a Renting of vehicles 2008 5,805 2,542 2,545 2,308 173 393 280 114 325 7 55 7 32 46 20 54 105
713 Renting of other machinery/equipment 2008 1,604 255 675 301 208 376 271 104 299 8 63 15 61 47 14 36 54
714 Renting of other moveable property 2008 1,037 153 444 228 107 234 164 70 206 8 42 10 47 23 9 24 43
72 Computer programming and consultancy 2008 20,876 630 6,539 4,230 1,130 9,454 6,847 2,607 4,254 66 597 216 847 511 188 573 1,256
74 Other business services 2008 76,000 1,975 23,007 18,860 382 36,911 25,309 11,602 14,107 326 2,560 600 2,023 1,445 779 1,769 4,605
7411b Legal activities, accounting and.. 2008 23,347 732 3,926 2,529 123 12,709 8,885 3,825 5,980 115 1,104 229 762 596 361 706 2,109
7411 Legal activities 2008 4,232 151 300 197 42 2,694 1,563 1,131 1,086 26 272 47 57 92 69 139 385
7412 Accounting 2008 7,573 297 512 142 4 4,661 3,316 1,345 2,103 52 460 81 263 170 128 279 670
7413a Market and economic research, in.. 2008 11,542 284 3,113 2,190 77 5,354 4,005 1,349 2,791 37 372 102 442 334 164 287 1,053
7413 Market research, polling activities 2008 1,487 34 529 456 7 612 468 144 313 6 58 12 35 46 22 37 99
7414 Economic research 2008 10,055 250 2,584 1,733 70 4,742 3,537 1,205 2,478 32 314 90 408 289 142 251 954
742 Architects, engineers, etc. 2008 12,552 307 3,721 2,771 24 6,131 4,246 1,885 2,392 53 441 105 334 216 114 319 811
743 Testing and analysis 2008 1,315 63 250 137 14 705 482 223 297 11 44 21 42 24 21 45 90
744 Advertising etc. 2008 6,360 114 4,149 3,865 46 1,316 978 337 782 24 171 49 106 94 43 92 203
745 Employment activities 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7450a Temporary employment agencies 2008 18,118 268 7,191 6,814 24 8,825 5,699 3,126 1,835 27 277 68 349 231 81 231 571
74503 Employment placement agencies 2008 1,684 32 363 234 1 871 558 313 418 7 87 10 40 46 22 82 124
74504 Job pools 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
746 Security and investigation 2008 1,681 34 129 73 4 1,272 906 366 246 4 33 12 55 14 13 27 89
747 Cleaning activities 2008 4,177 102 757 332 55 2,683 1,919 763 635 13 75 35 177 48 35 62 191
74701 General cleaning of buildings 2008 3,467 71 559 217 47 2,355 1,703 652 483 8 55 23 133 37 30 51 146
74702 Cleaning of transport equipment 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
748 Other business service activities 2008 6,766 322 2,522 2,104 92 2,400 1,637 764 1,522 74 328 73 158 177 89 205 418
7481 Photographic activities 2008 381 26 182 160 18 95 72 22 79 5 25 5 10 5 4 6 19
7484a Other business services n.e.c. 2008 5,871 199 2,338 1,941 74 2,029 1,393 636 1,305 53 265 59 139 159 80 160 391
74873 Auctions of agriculture, fish 2008 515 98 3 3 0 276 171 105 138 16 38 9 9 14 5 40 7
921 Motion picture and video activities 2008 1,186 76 523 410 34 275 211 64 312 11 53 16 26 36 20 28 122
921b Production / distribution of films 2008 981 57 444 341 32 225 173 51 255 5 36 12 25 30 19 23 105
9213 Motion picture projection 2008 205 20 79 69 1 51 38 12 57 6 17 4 1 6 1 5 17
921a Audio-visual activities 2008 3,587 297 1,649 1,464 54 996 741 255 645 23 115 40 44 89 33 71 230
922 Radio and television activities 2008 2,401 220 1,126 1,054 21 721 530 191 333 12 62 24 18 53 13 42 108
92201 Programming and broadcasting 2008 1,572 . 722 690 1 455 340 116 212 6 34 13 8 44 9 26 73
921c Production and support TV programms 2008 829 . 405 363 20 266 190 76 120 6 29 11 10 10 4 16 35
9301a Other personal service activities 2008 3,313 307 794 598 117 1,311 971 341 902 102 289 54 76 130 33 77 141
9301 Cleaning of clothes of textile 2008 702 107 103 77 5 327 214 114 166 34 34 15 33 9 5 13 22
9302 Hairdressing and beauty treatment 2008 1,173 79 237 126 100 534 424 110 323 26 136 15 17 45 12 23 50
9303 Funeral and related activities 2008 853 44 393 351 2 231 161 70 185 13 30 8 19 47 9 28 31
9304 Fitness centres, saunas, solariums 2008 585 77 61 44 10 219 172 47 229 29 90 17 6 29 7 13 39
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows relevant data for the economic sector 'commercial
services', e.g. the number of persons employed, costs and revenues,
turnover and other financial results. The figures can be divided by a
number of branches according to Statistics Netherlands' Standard
Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities 1993 (SIC'93).

The survey questionnaire was changed slightly in 2007. Up to and including
2006, wage subsidies were counted as (other) business returns. From 2007
onwards these subsidies are deducted from business costs. Because of these
changes, results for 2007 are not fully comparable with results for 2006.
The effect of these changes on business returns and business costs are
small for most of the branches.

Data available from 2006 - 2008.

Status of the figures: All data are definite.

Changes as of 1 September 2011:
This table has been stopped. Two important points in the processing of
the data on 2009 have changed :
- a new version of the Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic
Activities has been implemented (SIC 2008);
- the statistical unit has been changed.
Due to these changes, the figures are no longer comparable to those of the
previous years. Therefore new table has been started from 2009 onwards
(see also heading 3).

Description topics

Business costs
Business costs
All costs made to generate revenues.
Since 2007, wage (cost) subsidies are no longer included in net
business returns. Therefore, wage (cost)subsidies are deducted from
business costs.
Total business costs
Purchase value turnover
Purchasing costs of raw and auxiliary materials, packing material,
Total purchasing costs
Costs of raw and auxiliary materials
Including import duties, costs of transport, import levies European Union,
transport insurance and temporary storage.
Costs of commodities
Costs of commodities bought with the intention to resell without any
further processing, import duties, costs of transport, import levies
European Union, transport insurance and temporary storage
Personnel costs
This category comprises expenses like
- gross wages and salaries of employees, including social
security and pension scheme contributions
- payments for temporary workers and hired personnel
- costs of schooling and training
- recruitment and selection costs
- canteen costs
- costs for health and safety provisions
- working clothes
- anniversary celebrations, etc.
In 2006, subsidies were not deducted from personnel costs.
As from 2007 wage (cost) subsidies are deducted from personnel costs.
Total personnel costs
Gross wages and salaries
The category gross wages and salaries refers to employees on the payroll
and includes
- wages including employees' contributions to social insurances minus sick
- bonuses, holiday allowances, thirteenth month payments and dismissal
- allowances for commuter traffic
- contributions to savings schemes
Over 2006 wage (cost) subsidies were not deducted from gross wages and
salaries; as from 2007 wage (cost) subsidies are deducted from gross wages
and salaries.
Other personnel costs
This category includes:
- gross wages and salaries of employees, including social
security and pension scheme contributions
- payments for temporary workers and hired personnel
- costs of schooling and training
- recruitment and selection costs
- canteen costs
- costs for health and safety provisions
- working clothes
- anniversary celebrations, etc.
Other business costs
This category includes the costs of energy, housing, machinery and
equipment, inventory, etc, transport, sales and promotions, communication,
costs of services provided by third parties and other costs not classified
Other business costs, total
Energy costs
Including energy costs for machinery and equipment, lighting and/or
Housing costs
Including rent, lease and repair and maintenance of housing and premises,
cleaning services and insurance premiums water consumption, furniture,
Equipment and inventory costs
Rent and lease of machinery, equipment and computers (excluding software)
and (office) furniture and equipment.
Transport costs
Costs related to means of transport, including
- rental costs and lease costs
- repair and maintenance
- costs of insurances and road tax
- fuel costs.
Sales costs
Costs of sales and promotion, including advertising, commercial fairs,
representation, goodwill, travel and hotel costs.
Communication costs
Walkie-talkies, (mobile) phones, fax machines, Internet, e-mail, messenger
services, etc.
Services provided by third parties
- banking costs (excluding interest costs and currency losses)
- insurance premiums paid to third parties (not classified elsewhere)
- research and development costs by third parties, - -
- accountancy, legal aid and assistance, etc.
- ICT services provided by third parties, including hardware and software
- separately paid transport costs
- costs of waste disposal and waste processing
Business costs, not elsewhere classified
This category includes costs and payments for activities like
licenses, copyright, royalties, lease and rent of software, overhead
costs and taxes, office supplies, etc.
Depreciation fixed assets
Depreciation of durable means of production, e.g. machinery buildings,
transport equipment, computers and software due to normal usage and
economic obsolescence. Depreciation of intangible assets, e.g. costs of
research and development, acquisition of intellectual rights and goodwill.