Construction industry; employment and finance, SIC'93, 2006 - 2008

Construction industry; employment and finance, SIC'93, 2006 - 2008

Sector/branches (SIC'93) Periods Business returns Total business returns (mln euro) Business returns Business turnover, net (mln euro) Business returns Other business returns (mln euro) Business costs Total business costs (mln euro) Business costs Depreciation fixed assets (mln euro) Business costs Other business costs Total other business costs (mln euro) Business costs Other business costs Energy costs (mln euro) Business costs Other business costs Housing costs (mln euro) Business costs Other business costs Equipment and inventory costs (mln euro) Business costs Other business costs Transport costs (mln euro) Business costs Other business costs Sales costs (mln euro) Business costs Other business costs Communication costs (mln euro) Business costs Other business costs Services provided by third parties (mln euro) Business costs Other business costs Business costs, not elsewhere classified (mln euro)
45 Building and construction 2008 92,804 91,019 1,784 86,217 1,612 8,390 278 1,051 1,014 1,831 508 284 799 2,624
451 Site preparation 2008 2,900 2,833 67 2,648 137 582 37 43 163 154 18 12 43 112
452 Building of complete constructions 2008 58,864 57,610 1,255 55,372 893 4,580 142 531 599 863 228 130 448 1,639
4521 General building of complete con.. 2008 42,031 41,676 355 40,009 387 2,674 60 368 273 477 152 79 295 969
45211 General construction of buildings 2008 37,505 37,252 253 35,666 333 2,142 51 326 164 377 138 69 250 768
4521c Engineering works, cables/pipes 2008 4,526 4,424 102 4,343 54 532 9 43 109 100 14 11 45 202
4522 Erection of roof covering and .. 2008 1,404 1,393 11 1,237 19 153 2 18 11 41 13 7 15 46
4523 Construction of highways 2008 9,096 8,865 231 8,625 187 1,035 28 75 171 198 31 22 69 441
4524 Construction of water projects 2008 1,469 899 570 1,317 178 183 40 11 62 15 6 4 25 21
4525 Other construction work, building.. 2008 4,863 4,776 87 4,184 122 535 12 60 81 132 26 19 43 162
453 Building installation 2008 20,337 20,042 296 18,955 285 1,953 52 284 88 508 164 96 204 558
4531 Installation of electrical wiring 2008 7,977 7,853 123 7,472 117 792 22 125 31 196 56 38 76 249
4532 Insulation work activities 2008 535 514 20 481 10 63 2 10 3 16 4 2 8 17
4533 Plumbing and fitting 2008 8,863 8,857 6 8,207 133 907 24 124 39 257 72 45 96 251
4534 Other building installation 2008 2,963 2,817 146 2,794 25 190 4 25 14 39 32 10 24 42
454 Building completion 2008 9,448 9,352 96 8,135 174 981 29 168 59 223 90 42 87 283
4541 Plastering 2008 1,038 1,034 4 825 20 123 2 12 5 38 10 7 12 38
4542 Joinery installation 2008 2,838 2,820 18 2,401 52 238 10 53 16 51 17 9 22 59
4543 Floor and wall covering 2008 1,643 1,622 20 1,454 29 159 4 33 8 34 18 7 12 41
4544 Painting and glazing 2008 3,524 3,473 51 3,095 66 426 12 61 28 90 40 16 38 140
4545 Other building completion 2008 407 403 3 359 7 36 1 8 2 9 5 2 3 6
455 Renting, construction eq. with .. 2008 1,253 1,183 70 1,109 123 294 18 26 105 83 8 5 18 32
4511a Construction of buildings, .. 2008 40,903 40,594 309 38,595 409 2,575 61 364 227 487 164 85 291 896
4511b Civil engineering 2008 17,089 16,148 941 16,100 515 2,151 108 156 463 424 61 44 167 727
4525a Construction, no general .. 2008 34,812 34,277 535 31,523 688 3,664 109 531 324 920 283 156 341 1,001
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows relevant data for the economic sector 'construction
industry', e.g. the number of persons employed, costs and revenues,
turnover and other financial results. The figures can be divided by a
number of branches according to Statistics Netherlands' Standard
Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities 1993 (SIC'93).

The survey questionnaire was changed slightly in 2007. Up to and including
2006, wage subsidies were counted as (other) business returns. From 2007
onwards these subsidies are deducted from business costs. Because of these
changes, results for 2007 are not fully comparable with results for 2006.
The effect of these changes on business returns and business costs are
small for most of the branches.

Data available from 2006 - 2008.

Status of the figures: All data are definite.

Changes as of 1 September 2011:
This table has been stopped. Two important points in the processing of the
data on 2009 have changed :
- a new version of the Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic
Activities has been implemented (SIC 2008);
- the statistical unit has been changed.
Due to these changes, the figures are no longer comparable to those of the
previous years. Therefore new table has been started from 2009 onwards
(see also heading 3).

Description topics

Business returns
Turnover generated under regular operating conditions.
This includes selling of goods and services plus the value of
stock changes, work at hand, activated output for use in the company,
subsidies and damage compensation. Activated production includes fixed
assets manufactured by the company for own use, e.g. machinery and
buildings valued at cost price.
Since 2007, wage cost subsidies are no longer included.
Total business returns
Business turnover, net
Business returns, excluding VAT (value added taxes) from the selling of
goods and services to customers.
Turnover is calculated after deduction of discounts, bonuses, returnable
deposits and on-charged freight costs.
Customers could be private persons and companies outside (the Dutch part)
of the concern.
Other business returns
This category comprises revenues not included in net turnover, such as:
- financial compensation for personnel working on a temporary basis for
another company;
- changes in stocks of finished products and work at hand;
- activated production includes fixed assets manufactured by the company
for own use, e.g. machinery and buildings valued at cost price (up to
2006; as from 2007 no longer included);
- wage (cost)subsidies and other subsidies and export restitutions;
- revenues from licenses, royalties and copyright;
- damage compensation.
Business costs
All costs made to generate revenues.
Since 2007, wage (cost) subsidies are no longer included in net
business returns. Therefore, wage (cost)subsidies are deducted from
business costs.
Total business costs
Other business costs
This category includes the costs of energy, housing, machinery and
equipment, inventory, etc, transport, sales and promotions, communication,
costs of services provided by third parties and other costs not classified
Total other business costs
Energy costs
Including energy costs for machinery and equipment, lighting and/or
Housing costs
Including rent, lease and repair and maintenance of housing and premises,
cleaning services and insurance premiums water consumption, furniture,
Equipment and inventory costs
Rent and lease of machinery, equipment and computers (excluding software)
and (office) furniture and equipment.
Transport costs
Costs related to means of transport, including:
- rental costs and lease costs;
- repair and maintenance;
- costs of insurances and road tax;
- fuel costs.
Sales costs
Costs of sales and promotion, including advertising, commercial fairs,
representation, goodwill, travel and hotel costs.
Communication costs
Walkie-talkies, (mobile) phones, fax machines, Internet, e-mail, messenger
services, etc.
Services provided by third parties
- banking costs (excluding interest costs and currency losses)
- insurance premiums paid to third parties (not classified elsewhere)
- research and development costs by third parties
- accountancy, legal aid and assistance, etc.
- ICT services provided by third parties, including hardware and software
- separately paid transport costs
- costs of waste disposal and waste processing
Business costs, not elsewhere classified
This category includes costs and payments for activities like
licenses, copyright, royalties, lease and rent of software, overhead
costs and taxes, office supplies, etc.
Depreciation fixed assets
Depreciation of durable means of production, e.g. machinery buildings,
transport equipment, computers and software due to normal usage and
economic obsolescence. Depreciation of intangible assets, e.g. costs of
research and development, acquisition of intellectual rights and goodwill.