Trade and industry; employment and finance per sector, SIC'93, 2006 - 2008

Trade and industry; employment and finance per sector, SIC'93, 2006 - 2008

Sector/branches (SIC'93) Periods Business costs Purchase value of turnover (mln euro)
01411 Gardening services 2008 740
0141a Agriculture services 2008 1,322
C Mining and quarrying 2008 26,499
CA Mining and quarrying of energy .. 2008 25,830
10 Extraction and agglomeration of peat 2008 .
11 Extraction of crude petroleum and gas 2008 25,830
111 Crude petroleum and gas extraction 2008 25,190
112 Services activities to oil and gas 2008 640
CB Mining and quarrying, except of .. 2008 668
D Manufacturing 2008 203,519
DA Manufacture of food and tobacco 2008 45,094
15 Manufacturing food products and .. 2008 x
16 Manufacture of tobacco products 2008 x
DB Manufacture textiles, wearing apparel 2008 x
17 Manufacture of textiles 2008 1,408
18 Manufacture of wearing apparel 2008 x
DC Manufacture of leather(products) 2008 152
19 Tanning, dressing leather; luggage 2008 152
DD Manufacture of wood products, cork 2008 1,823
20 Manufacture of wood products, cork 2008 1,823
DE Paper and printing industry 2008 8,579
21 Manufacture of pulp,paper,paperboard 2008 3,387
22 Publishing, printing and reprodcution 2008 5,193
DF Manufacture of coke 2008 x
23 Manufacture of coke 2008 x
DG Manufacture,chemicals/chemical prod.. 2008 35,780
24 Manufacture,chemicals/chemical prod.. 2008 35,780
DH Manufacture, rubber/plastic products 2008 4,126
25 Manufacture, rubber/plastic products 2008 4,126
DI Manufacture non-metallic mineral prod 2008 3,654
26 Manufacture non-metallic mineral prod 2008 3,654
DJ Manufacture of metals/metal products 2008 17,584
27 Manufacture of basic metals 2008 4,482
28 Manufacture fabricated metal products 2008 13,102
DK Machinery and equipment 2008 13,818
29 Manufacture of machinery, equipment 2008 13,818
30 Manufacture, office machinery/compu.. 2008 871
DL Vervaardiging van elektrische en.. 2008 12,719
31 Manufacture of electrical machinery 2008 3,740
32 Manufacture of audio-equipment 2008 4,200
33 Manufacture of medical equipment 2008 3,907
DM Manufacture of transport equipment 2008 13,255
34 Manufacture of motor vehicles 2008 7,791
35 Manufacture of transport equipuipment 2008 5,464
DN Manufacture of furniture 2008 3,890
36 Manufacture of furniture 2008 2,736
36631 Social job creation 2008 304
37 Preparation for recycling 2008 1,154
E Production of electricity, .. 2008 31,182
40 Production of electricity,natural gas 2008 31,048
41 Collection and distribution of water 2008 133
45 Building and construction 2008 54,495
451 Site preparation 2008 1,267
452 Building of complete constructions 2008 38,091
4521 General building of complete con.. 2008 29,155
45211 General construction of buildings 2008 26,565
4521c Engineering works, cables/pipes 2008 2,590
4522 Erection of roof covering and .. 2008 693
4511a Construction of buildings, .. 2008 28,001
4511b Civil engineering 2008 9,496
4525a Construction, no general .. 2008 16,999
453 Building installation 2008 10,542
454 Building completion 2008 4,217
455 Renting, construction eq. with .. 2008 377
50 Sale and repair of motor vehicles 2008 57,077
501 Sale of motor vehicles 2008 39,984
5010135 Sale/repair commercial motor .. 2008 4,326
50102 Import of passenger cars 2008 9,368
50104 Sale and repair of passenger cars 2008 26,290
502 Maintenance,repair of motor vehicles 2008 1,092
503 Sale of motor vehicle parts,access.. 2008 6,382
5030a Wholesale, motor vehicle parts, .. 2008 6,146
50303 Retail sale, motor vehicle parts 2008 236
504 Sale/repair, motorcycles/related .. 2008 1,235
505 Retail sale of automotive fuel 2008 8,385
51 Wholesale trade and commission trade 2008 318,531
511 Wholesale on a fee or contract basis 2008 .
512 Wholesale, agric. raw materials/.. 2008 32,016
5121 Wholesale of grain 2008 21,581
5122 Wholesale of flowers and plants 2008 7,411
5123a Wholesale of live animals, .. 2008 3,023
513 Wholesale of food 2008 54,798
5131 Wholesale, fruit, vegetables,.. 2008 12,008
5132a Wholesale in rest of food, .. 2008 29,498
5139 Non-specialized wholesale of food 2008 13,292
514 Wholesale of other consumer goods 2008 58,081
5141a Wholesale in rest of other .. 2008 25,003
5142 Wholesale, clothing/footwear/.. 2008 8,185
5146 Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods 2008 24,894
515 Wholesale, non-agricultural .. 2008 97,963
5151 Wholesale of fuels 2008 51,660
5152a Wholesale in rest of intermediate 2008 12,827
5153 Wholesale,wood and construction .. 2008 14,156
5155 Wholesale of chemical products 2008 13,077
5157 Wholesale of waste and scrap 2008 6,244
518 Wholesale of machinery 2008 65,469
5181a Wholesale of rest machinery 2008 5,862
5184a Wholesale of computers, .. 2008 36,342
5186 Wholesale of electric motors etc. 2008 .
5187 Wholesale of other machinery 2008 .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows relevant economic data for trade and industry sectors,
e.g. the number of persons employed, costs and revenues, turnover and
other financial results. The figures can be divided by a number of
branches according to Statistics Netherlands' Standard Industrial
Classification of all Economic Activities 1993 (SIC'93).

The survey questionnaire was changed slightly in 2007. Up to and including
2006, wage subsidies were counted as (other) business returns. From 2007
onwards these subsidies are deducted from business costs. Because of these
changes, results for 2007 are not fully comparable with results for 2006.
The effect of these changes on business returns and business costs are
small for most of the branches.

Data available from 2006 - 2008.

Status of the figures: All data are definite.

Changes as of 1 September 2011:
This table has been stopped. Two important points in the processing of the
data on 2009 have changed :
- a new version of the Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic
Activities has been implemented (SIC 2008);
- the statistical unit has been changed.
Due to these changes, the figures are no longer comparable to those of the
previous years. Therefore new table has been started from 2009 onwards (
see also heading 3).

Description topics

Business costs
All costs made to generate revenues.
Since 2007, wage (cost) subsidies are no longer included in net
business returns. Therefore, wage (cost)subsidies are deducted from
business costs.
Purchase value of turnover
Purchasing costs of raw and auxiliary materials, packing material,
commodities and outsourced activities used for the production of the
commodities and services sold in the year under review.