Environmental and economic key figures; NAMEA

Environmental and economic key figures; NAMEA

Classifications and households All periods Macroeconomics Output (basic prices) (mln euros) Macroeconomics Value added (gross, basic prices) (mln euros) Macroeconomics Fixed capital formation (gross) (mln euros) Macroeconomics Labour input of employed persons (1 000 years of employment)
0000h All economic activities 1995 572,833 275,686 64,210 5,774.0
0000h All economic activities 1996 605,959 287,079 69,948 5,907.6
0000h All economic activities 1997 649,628 306,539 75,888 6,089.2
0000h All economic activities 1998 683,977 324,027 81,292 6,266.2
0000h All economic activities 1999 728,317 344,335 89,418 6,414.4
0000h All economic activities 2000 804,906 373,415 92,742 6,533.7
0000h All economic activities 2001 851,895 397,556 96,197 6,636.4
0000h All economic activities 2002 869,151 414,374 94,507 6,619.5
0000h All economic activities 2003 882,248 425,256 94,759 6,547.2
0000h All economic activities 2004 912,631 436,874 94,336 6,480.1
0000h All economic activities 2005 960,793 456,182 99,170 6,478.0
0000h All economic activities 2006 1,020,578 479,012 108,568 6,582.8
0000h All economic activities 2007 1,084,270 507,650 116,712 6,728.3
0000h All economic activities 2008 1,150,453 529,319 125,125 6,810.6
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table presents an overview of environmental and economic key figures
that illustrate the contribution to environmental issues (greenhouse
effect, acidification, etc.), environmental expenditure (costs, taxes,
etc.) and the economic position (value added, labour input, etc.) of
sectors of industry. All figures are taken from existing (Dutch) StatLine
publications. The indicators presented can be used for analysis and to
support environmental-economic government policy.

Data available from: 1995
Frequency: cancelled by november 21, 2011.

Status of the figures:
Figures in this publication are updated yearly according to the updates of
the StatLine source publications.

Changes compared with previous version:

When will new figures be published?
This table has been replaced by a table based on the new industry classification (SBI 2008).

>Environmental and economic keyfigures

Description topics

Economy dealing with groups of commodities and production output.
Output (basic prices)
Output (basic prices) covers the value of all goods produced for sale,
including unsold goods, and all receipts for services rendered. Output
furthermore covers the market equivalent of goods and services produced
for own use, such as own account capital formation, services of
owner-occupied dwellings and agricultural products produced by farmers for
own consumption.
The output of such goods is estimated by valuing the quantities produced
against the price that the producer would have received if these goods had
been sold. Output is valued at basic prices, defined as the price received
by the producer excluding trade and transport margins and the balance of
taxes and subsidies on products. This is the price the producer is
ultimately left with.
Value added (gross, basic prices)
Value added at basic prices is equal to the difference between production
(basic prices) and intermediate consumption.
Fixed capital formation (gross)
Expenses on produced material and immaterial assets that can be used in
the production proces for a period longer than one year, e.g. buildings,
houses, machines, transportation and such.
Fixed capital formation includes also:
- the underhand work in construction, that is considered the client's
fixed capital formation. This includes houses, government buildings, civil
engineering works and such;
- military structures that are used in similar way as by civil producers,
like airports and hospitals;
- improvements on used fixed assets, that are not the usual maintenance
and repair works;
- the costs made, buying new or used fixed assets, such as conveyancing
fees and costs of real estate agents, architects, notaries and appraisers.
At the total economy-level (and the departments) the investments are
corrected on buying and selling used fixed assets.
Labour input of employed persons
The input of labour that is deployedin a certain period. The labour input
can be expressed as jobs, years of employment and hours of employment.
Employed persons are all individuals working at a company that is settled
in The Netherlands or at a private household in The Netherlands.
Employed persons are considered all individuals performing paid labour,
even if it is for just one or a few hour a week, even if they:
- perform labour that is legal, but which from the payment is withdrawn
from registration by the treasury and social security authorities ('black
- do not perform any labour temporary, but still get payment (e.g. in case
of illness or hold-ups due to frost;
- are on holiday temporary, without payment.
Employed persons can becategorised in employees and freelancers.
Employees are individuals performing labour for a certain period, in
return of payment or salary, in money or in kind.
Freelancers are individuals receiving income by performing labour at their
own expenses and risk, for the company or profession they practise
independently. Participating members of the family are also considered
freelancers, unless they start an employment contract.