House Price Index by type of dwelling, region; existing own homes;1995-2012

House Price Index by type of dwelling, region; existing own homes;1995-2012

Type of dwelling Regions Periods Total value purchase prices (mln euro)
Dwellings: all The Netherlands 2012 26,578
Dwellings: all Noord Nederland (LD) 2012 2,027
Dwellings: all Oost Nederland (LD) 2012 5,050
Dwellings: all West Nederland (LD) 2012 14,084
Dwellings: all Zuid Nederland (LD) 2012 5,417
Dwellings: all Groningen (PV) 2012 642
Dwellings: all Friesland (PV) 2012 729
Dwellings: all Drenthe (PV) 2012 656
Dwellings: all Overijssel (PV) 2012 1,589
Dwellings: all Flevoland (PV) 2012 485
Dwellings: all Gelderland (PV) 2012 2,976
Dwellings: all Utrecht (PV) 2012 2,539
Dwellings: all Noord-Holland (PV) 2012 5,439
Dwellings: all Zuid-Holland (PV) 2012 5,467
Dwellings: all Zeeland (PV) 2012 640
Dwellings: all Noord-Brabant (PV) 2012 3,982
Dwellings: all Limburg (PV) 2012 1,435
Single-family dwellings: all The Netherlands 2012 19,577
Single-family dwellings: all Noord Nederland (LD) 2012 1,735
Single-family dwellings: all Oost Nederland (LD) 2012 4,292
Single-family dwellings: all West Nederland (LD) 2012 8,940
Single-family dwellings: all Zuid Nederland (LD) 2012 4,611
Single-family dwellings: all Groningen (PV) 2012 491
Single-family dwellings: all Friesland (PV) 2012 648
Single-family dwellings: all Drenthe (PV) 2012 596
Single-family dwellings: all Overijssel (PV) 2012 1,400
Single-family dwellings: all Flevoland (PV) 2012 419
Single-family dwellings: all Gelderland (PV) 2012 2,473
Single-family dwellings: all Utrecht (PV) 2012 1,890
Single-family dwellings: all Noord-Holland (PV) 2012 3,004
Single-family dwellings: all Zuid-Holland (PV) 2012 3,489
Single-family dwellings: all Zeeland (PV) 2012 557
Single-family dwellings: all Noord-Brabant (PV) 2012 3,379
Single-family dwellings: all Limburg (PV) 2012 1,232
Single-family dwellings: terraced houses The Netherlands 2012 7,898
Single-family dwellings: terraced houses Noord Nederland (LD) 2012 380
Single-family dwellings: terraced houses Oost Nederland (LD) 2012 1,387
Single-family dwellings: terraced houses West Nederland (LD) 2012 4,331
Single-family dwellings: terraced houses Zuid Nederland (LD) 2012 1,800
Single-family dwellings: terraced houses Groningen (PV) 2012 132
Single-family dwellings: terraced houses Friesland (PV) 2012 127
Single-family dwellings: terraced houses Drenthe (PV) 2012 122
Single-family dwellings: terraced houses Overijssel (PV) 2012 464
Single-family dwellings: terraced houses Flevoland (PV) 2012 222
Single-family dwellings: terraced houses Gelderland (PV) 2012 700
Single-family dwellings: terraced houses Utrecht (PV) 2012 939
Single-family dwellings: terraced houses Noord-Holland (PV) 2012 1,387
Single-family dwellings: terraced houses Zuid-Holland (PV) 2012 1,856
Single-family dwellings: terraced houses Zeeland (PV) 2012 149
Single-family dwellings: terraced houses Noord-Brabant (PV) 2012 1,370
Single-family dwellings: terraced houses Limburg (PV) 2012 430
Single-family dwellings: corner houses The Netherlands 2012 3,541
Single-family dwellings: corner houses Noord Nederland (LD) 2012 201
Single-family dwellings: corner houses Oost Nederland (LD) 2012 721
Single-family dwellings: corner houses West Nederland (LD) 2012 1,780
Single-family dwellings: corner houses Zuid Nederland (LD) 2012 839
Single-family dwellings: corner houses Groningen (PV) 2012 56
Single-family dwellings: corner houses Friesland (PV) 2012 76
Single-family dwellings: corner houses Drenthe (PV) 2012 69
Single-family dwellings: corner houses Overijssel (PV) 2012 238
Single-family dwellings: corner houses Flevoland (PV) 2012 83
Single-family dwellings: corner houses Gelderland (PV) 2012 400
Single-family dwellings: corner houses Utrecht (PV) 2012 355
Single-family dwellings: corner houses Noord-Holland (PV) 2012 577
Single-family dwellings: corner houses Zuid-Holland (PV) 2012 760
Single-family dwellings: corner houses Zeeland (PV) 2012 87
Single-family dwellings: corner houses Noord-Brabant (PV) 2012 619
Single-family dwellings: corner houses Limburg (PV) 2012 220
Single-family dwellings: semi-detached The Netherlands 2012 3,311
Single-family dwellings: semi-detached Noord Nederland (LD) 2012 401
Single-family dwellings: semi-detached Oost Nederland (LD) 2012 905
Single-family dwellings: semi-detached West Nederland (LD) 2012 1,223
Single-family dwellings: semi-detached Zuid Nederland (LD) 2012 782
Single-family dwellings: semi-detached Groningen (PV) 2012 103
Single-family dwellings: semi-detached Friesland (PV) 2012 143
Single-family dwellings: semi-detached Drenthe (PV) 2012 155
Single-family dwellings: semi-detached Overijssel (PV) 2012 303
Single-family dwellings: semi-detached Flevoland (PV) 2012 37
Single-family dwellings: semi-detached Gelderland (PV) 2012 565
Single-family dwellings: semi-detached Utrecht (PV) 2012 303
Single-family dwellings: semi-detached Noord-Holland (PV) 2012 464
Single-family dwellings: semi-detached Zuid-Holland (PV) 2012 358
Single-family dwellings: semi-detached Zeeland (PV) 2012 98
Single-family dwellings: semi-detached Noord-Brabant (PV) 2012 521
Single-family dwellings: semi-detached Limburg (PV) 2012 260
Single-family dwellings: detached houses The Netherlands 2012 4,828
Single-family dwellings: detached houses Noord Nederland (LD) 2012 752
Single-family dwellings: detached houses Oost Nederland (LD) 2012 1,280
Single-family dwellings: detached houses West Nederland (LD) 2012 1,607
Single-family dwellings: detached houses Zuid Nederland (LD) 2012 1,190
Single-family dwellings: detached houses Groningen (PV) 2012 199
Single-family dwellings: detached houses Friesland (PV) 2012 303
Single-family dwellings: detached houses Drenthe (PV) 2012 250
Single-family dwellings: detached houses Overijssel (PV) 2012 395
Single-family dwellings: detached houses Flevoland (PV) 2012 78
Single-family dwellings: detached houses Gelderland (PV) 2012 806
Single-family dwellings: detached houses Utrecht (PV) 2012 292
Single-family dwellings: detached houses Noord-Holland (PV) 2012 576
Single-family dwellings: detached houses Zuid-Holland (PV) 2012 515
Single-family dwellings: detached houses Zeeland (PV) 2012 223
Source: Statistics Netherlands, Kadaster
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows the changes of the sale prices of existing own homes.
Besides the price indices, also the numbers sold, the average purchase
price of these dwellings and the total sum of the puchase prices of these
dwellings are published.
The House Price Index of existing own homes is based on a complete
registration of sales of dwellings by the Dutch Land Registry Office
(Kadaster) and Value Immovable Property (in Dutch: WOZ) of all dwellings
in The Netherlands.
Indices can fluctuate, for example when the number of dwellings sold of a
certain type of dwelling in a region is limited. In that case it is
recommended to use the long term change of the index.
The average purchase price of existing own homes may differ from the price
index of existing own homes. The change in the average purchase price is,
however, not an indicator for price developments of existing own homes.
For more information on this subject, see the article at chapter 3 "Why
the average purchase price is not an indicator".

Data available from: January 1995

Status of the figures.
The figures are definitive.

When are new figures published?
This table is stopped as from 3-8-2013 and will be continued as House Price Index by region; existing own homes, 2010 = 100 and House Price Index by type of dwelling; existing own homes; 2010 = 100. See paragraph 3.

Description topics

Total value purchase prices
The total value of purchase prices is related to dwellings sold to a
private person and intended for permanent residence by a
private person.