Liquid biofuels for transport; supply, consumption and blending, 2003-2018

Liquid biofuels for transport; supply, consumption and blending, 2003-2018

Energy commodities Periods Consumption Pure (mln kg) Consumption Blended (mln kg) Consumption Total pure and blended Part of total gasoline/diesel (% in terms of energy)
Biogasoline 2018 0 265 .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains data on liquid biofuels for transport. It covers supply and use of biofuels and the amount of biofuels that is blended in ordinary gasoline and diesel. Also, data on the production capacity are included.

Data are available for both the total biofuels and two separate kinds of biofuels for transport: biogasoline and biodiesel.

Supply of biofuels is equal to the sum of production, net imports and stock changes. For net imports and stock changes figures are broken down into pure biofuels and blended biofuels. The use of biofuels is set equal to the deliveries of the oil companies to the petrol stations in the Netherlands. To a large extent, these deliveries concern biofuels that are blended in ordinary gasoline and diesel and, therefore, these biofuels cannot be recognised any more at the petrol stations. Use of biofuels is given in four units: million kg, million litres, terajoules and as biocomponent of total use in terms of energy of motor gasoline and diesel for transport.

Data available from:
2003 until 2018.

Status of the figures:
The figures are definite.

Changes in April 2020:
None, this table has been discontinued

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

This table is followed by Liquid biofuels for transport; supply, consumption and blending. See section 3.

Description topics

It is assumed that consumption is equal to the deliveries of the oil companies to the petrol stations in the Netherlands. Mostly, these deliveries concern biofuels that are blended in ordinary gasoline and transport diesel. So, these biofuels cannot be recognized any more at the petrol stations.
Total pure and blended
Part of total gasoline/diesel
The use of biofuels in Joules divided by the total use of fuels (bio and fossil) in Joules. Biodiesel is expressed as percentage of total diesel. Biogasoline is expressed as percentage of total gasoline.
The total of biofuels is expressed as percentage of the total of gasoline and diesel. This way of calculating the percentage biofuels corresponds to the EU directive on biofuels for transport from 2003.

This directive is valid up to and including 2010 and is succeeded by the new renewable energy directive from 2009. Part of this directive is a binding share of renewable energy for transport. This share is calculated in a different way. Additionally, in the Netherlands there is an obligation for suppliers of diesel and gasoline to ensure that part of their delivered fuels is from renewable energy sources. The calculation of this obligatory share for this obligation differs again. The co-existence of different ways of calculating a share of renewables for transport may be confusing for users. Therefore, the share of renewables according to the old EU directive, part of this table, is restricted to the years up to and including 2010. The shares according the new EU directive and the national obligation are given in the publication Renewable Energy in the Netherlands. A link to this publication is included in the table explanation.
Biofuels that are not blended in ordinary gasoline or diesel.
Biofuels that are blended in ordinary gasoline or diesel.