Consumer prices; price index 2006 = 100, 1996 - 2015

Consumer prices; price index 2006 = 100, 1996 - 2015

CPI Periods CPI (2006 = 100) Derived CPI (2006 = 100) Year-on-year change CPI (%) Year-on-year change Derived CPI (%)
01220 Mineral waters, soft drinks, juice 2015 120.89 117.83 -0.1 -0.1
01221 Mineral waters 2015 129.12 123.74 0.6 0.5
04000 Housing, water, electricity, gas 2015 121.54 118.72 1.9 1.6
04410 Water supply 2015 105.70 94.44 0.2 0.1
04511 Transport of electricity 2015 113.12 111.25 -2.8 -2.8
04521 Transport of gas 2015 96.96 95.36 -4.2 -4.2
05314 (Water) heaters, geysers etc. 2015 88.65 87.18 4.4 4.4
07000 Transport 2015 118.85 113.70 -1.9 -2.4
07200 Use of personal transport 2015 120.09 112.18 -4.9 -5.2
07230 Maint. and repair priv. transport 2015 129.62 127.17 0.8 0.8
07240 Other services priv. transport 2015 116.00 113.49 -0.1 -0.1
07241 Rent means of transport 2015 116.38 114.45 0.0 0.0
07300 Transport services 2015 127.84 128.73 3.4 3.4
07310 Passenger transport by railway 2015 126.11 126.11 1.6 1.6
07320 Passenger transport by road 2015 135.69 135.69 2.7 2.7
07330 Passenger transport by air 2015 145.72 151.09 5.4 5.4
07340 Passenger transport by waterway 2015 100.18 100.18 8.9 8.9
07360 Other purchased transport services 2015 97.00 95.39 1.9 1.9
12540 Insurances concerning transport 2015 122.26 108.45 3.4 3.4
12543 Other insurances conc. transport 2015 120.09 108.33 2.0 2.0
Source: CBS
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

The Consumer price index (CPI) all households, calculated by Statistics Netherlands, measures the average price changes of goods and services purchased by households. The index is an important criterion for inflation, frequently used by trade and industry, employers' organisations, trade unions and government. The index is for instance, used to make adjustments to wages, tax tablesand index-linked rent increases, annuities, etc.

Data available from: January 1996 till December 2015

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are final.

Changes as of 18 May 2016:
None, this table is stopped.

Changes from 7 January 2016:
New figures added.

Changes from 10 December 2015:
On 1 October 2015, the points system for the pricing of rental homes was adjusted by the Dutch national government. As a direct consequence, rental prices of a limited number of dwellings were reduced, which had a downward effect on the average rental price. The effect of this decrease on the rental price indices and imputed rent value could not be determined in time because housing associations announced the impact of rent adjustments only in November. For this reason, the figures of the groups 04100 ‘Actual rentals for housing’ and 04200 ‘Imputed rent value’ over October 2015 have now been adjusted.

The figures of the groups 061100 ‘Pharmaceutical products’, 061200 ‘Other medical products, equipment’, 072200 ‘Fuels and lubricants’ and 083000 ‘Telephone and internet services’ over the months June through September 2015 have been corrected. This has no impact on the headline indices.

The derived CPI decreased by 0.01 index point over August 2015.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable. This table is succeeded by Consumer prices; price index 2015=100. See paragraph 3.

Description topics

CPI all households refers to the 'shopping basket' of all households in
the Netherlands.
Derived CPI
The derived CPI is the same as the regular CPI, but excluding the effects
of changes in the rates of product-related taxes (e.g. VAT and excise on
alcohol and tobacco) and subsidies. The derived CPI answers the question
of how prices would have developed if tax rates were the same as in the
base year. The derived indices are used to correct wage and income tax
levies, and also often in wage negotiations.
Year-on-year change CPI
Change compared with previous year.
Year-on-year change Derived CPI
Change compared with previous year.