Savings 1991-2017

Table explanation

In this table you will find figures about savings (deposits) which are held by private individuals.
Two types of savings accounts (deposits) are distinguished:
- Deposits redeemable at notice
- Deposits with agreed maturity
Figures from DNB are taken over by CBS 1-on-1.
In January 2001 a new series was introduced because of a change in the obligation to report imposed on credit institutions.
In January 2009 a new series was introduced. The savings-data from the Dutch Central Bank (DNB), composed by means of a renewed raising-method, are as from this date taken over 1-on-1 by Statistics Netherlands(CBS).
In June 2010 the Dutch central bank (de Nederlandsche Bank, DNB) commenced a new series. As of this date the savings data from DNB is specified by counter-party. A refined grossing-up and compilation methodology has also been introduced.

Data available from December 1991 to December 2017.

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are definite when published. Yet if any changes occur, this will be the result of new -or recent data coming available.

Changes as of 22 February 2018:
None, this table is discontinued.
The table is terminated as a result of a redistribution of tasks between the CBS and DNB.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Monthly figures
Total amount in savings accounts
As of January 1998 all savings balances are called deposits. Total savings accounts divided into Deposits redeemable at notice and Deposits with agreed maturity.
Corrections and statistical differences
The savings balance is affected by deposits, withdrawals, interest added and corrections. Corrections comprise money deposited in a bank or savings institution wrongly included in or excluded from the savings balance. Statistical differences comprises changes in population, changes in method, takeovers or rounding off.
Deposits redeemable at notice
Deposits redeemable at notice comprise all deposits without any agreed maturity and which can only be converted into currency without significant expense subject to a period of prior notice(source the Dutch Central Bank).
Corrections and statistical differences
The savings balance is affected by deposits, withdrawals, interest added and corrections. Corrections comprise money deposited in a bank or savings institution wrongly included in or excluded from the savings balance. Statistical differences comprises changes in population, changes in method, takeovers or rounding off.
Deposits with agreed maturity
Deposits with agreed maturity comprise all deposits placed for a term. They include administratively regulated deposits held for specific purposes (source the Dutch Central Bank).
Corrections and statistical differences
The savings balance is affected by deposits, withdrawals, interest added and corrections. Corrections comprise money deposited in a bank or savings institution wrongly included in or excluded from the savings balance. Statistical differences comprises changes in population, changes in method, takeovers or rounding off.
Cumulative figures January-month
Total amount in savings accounts
As of January 1998 all savings balances are called deposits.
Corrections and statistical differences
The savings balance is affected by deposits, withdrawals, interest added and corrections. Corrections comprise money deposited in a bank or savings institution wrongly included in or excluded from the savings balance. Statistical differences comprises changes in population, changes in method, takeovers or rounding off.
Deposits redeemable at notice
Deposits redeemable at notice comprise all deposits without any agreed maturity and which can only be converted into currency without significant expense subject to a period of prior notice (source the Dutch Central Bank).
Corrections and statistical differences
The savings balance is affected by deposits, withdrawals, interest added and corrections. Corrections comprise money deposited in a bank or savings institution wrongly included in or excluded from the savings balance. Statistical differences comprises changes in population, changes in method, takeovers or rounding off.
Deposits with agreed maturity
Deposits with agreed maturity comprise all deposits placed for a term. They include administratively regulated deposits held for specific purposes (source The Dutch Central Bank).
Corrections and statistical differences
The savings balance is affected by deposits, withdrawals, interest added and corrections. Corrections comprise money deposited in a bank or savings institution wrongly included in or excluded from the savings balance. Statistical differences comprises changes in population, changes in method, takeovers or rounding off.