Savings 1991-2017

Savings 1991-2017

Periods Savings Monthly figures Total amount in savings accounts Balance at beginning of period (mln euro) Savings Monthly figures Total amount in savings accounts Deposits (mln euro) Savings Monthly figures Total amount in savings accounts Withdrawals (mln euro) Savings Monthly figures Total amount in savings accounts Deposits minus withdrawals (mln euro) Savings Monthly figures Total amount in savings accounts Interest added (mln euro) Savings Monthly figures Total amount in savings accounts Savings (mln euro) Savings Monthly figures Total amount in savings accounts Corrections and statistical differences (mln euro) Savings Monthly figures Total amount in savings accounts Balance at end of period (mln euro) Savings Cumulative figures January-month Total amount in savings accounts Balance at beginning of period (mln euro) Savings Cumulative figures January-month Total amount in savings accounts Deposits (mln euro) Savings Cumulative figures January-month Total amount in savings accounts Withdrawals (mln euro) Savings Cumulative figures January-month Total amount in savings accounts Deposits minus withdrawals (mln euro) Savings Cumulative figures January-month Total amount in savings accounts Interest added (mln euro) Savings Cumulative figures January-month Total amount in savings accounts Savings (mln euro) Savings Cumulative figures January-month Total amount in savings accounts Corrections and statistical differences (mln euro) Savings Cumulative figures January-month Total amount in savings accounts Balance at end of period (mln euro)
2017 January 337,070 17,796 16,443 1,353 1,085 2,438 1 339,509 338,606 17,796 16,443 1,353 1,085 2,170 1 339,509
2017 February 339,509 12,877 12,867 10 76 86 -1 339,594 338,606 30,673 29,310 1,363 1,161 2,322 0 339,594
2017 March 339,594 19,008 18,156 852 94 946 36 340,576 338,606 49,681 47,466 2,215 1,255 2,510 36 340,576
2017 April 340,576 12,412 12,100 312 71 383 1 340,960 338,606 62,093 59,566 2,527 1,326 2,652 37 340,960
2017 May 340,960 16,628 11,764 4,864 68 4,932 -1 345,891 338,606 78,721 71,330 7,391 1,394 2,788 36 345,891
2017 June 345,891 18,938 17,239 1,699 74 1,773 -13 347,651 338,606 97,659 88,569 9,090 1,468 2,936 23 347,651
2017 July 347,651 12,379 13,776 -1,397 57 -1,340 1 346,312 338,606 110,038 102,345 7,693 1,525 3,050 24 346,312
2017 August 346,312 11,492 12,346 -854 64 -790 -2 345,520 338,606 121,530 114,691 6,839 1,589 3,178 22 345,520
2017 September 345,520 15,413 15,614 -201 78 -123 -6 345,391 338,606 136,943 130,305 6,638 1,667 3,334 16 345,391
2017 October 345,391 13,507 13,916 -409 62 -347 0 345,044 338,606 150,450 144,221 6,229 1,729 3,458 16 345,044
2017 November 345,044 12,992 14,602 -1,610 64 -1,546 -34 343,464 338,606 163,442 158,823 4,619 1,793 3,586 -18 343,464
2017 December 343,464 21,699 25,991 -4,292 201 -4,091 -5 339,368 338,606 185,141 184,814 327 1,994 3,988 -23 339,368
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

In this table you will find figures about savings (deposits) which are held by private individuals.
Two types of savings accounts (deposits) are distinguished:
- Deposits redeemable at notice
- Deposits with agreed maturity
Figures from DNB are taken over by CBS 1-on-1.
In January 2001 a new series was introduced because of a change in the obligation to report imposed on credit institutions.
In January 2009 a new series was introduced. The savings-data from the Dutch Central Bank (DNB), composed by means of a renewed raising-method, are as from this date taken over 1-on-1 by Statistics Netherlands(CBS).
In June 2010 the Dutch central bank (de Nederlandsche Bank, DNB) commenced a new series. As of this date the savings data from DNB is specified by counter-party. A refined grossing-up and compilation methodology has also been introduced.

Data available from December 1991 to December 2017.

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are definite when published. Yet if any changes occur, this will be the result of new -or recent data coming available.

Changes as of 22 February 2018:
None, this table is discontinued.
The table is terminated as a result of a redistribution of tasks between the CBS and DNB.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Monthly figures
Total amount in savings accounts
As of January 1998 all savings balances are called deposits. Total savings accounts divided into Deposits redeemable at notice and Deposits with agreed maturity.
Balance at beginning of period
The statistics on savings were revised in 1986 and henceforth presented excluding current interest, i.e. the interest the saver has earned but has not yet been added to the account.
All amounts deposited including transfers from one savings account to another.
All amounts withdrawn including transfers from one savings account to another.
Deposits minus withdrawals
The balance of deposits and withdrawals.
Interest added
Interest added to a savings account .
Only data on the total savings balance are available. Household savings are defined as the net deposits minus withdrawals plus interest. Interest paid in cash or to a current account are not included in the savings.
Corrections and statistical differences
The savings balance is affected by deposits, withdrawals, interest added and corrections. Corrections comprise money deposited in a bank or savings institution wrongly included in or excluded from the savings balance. Statistical differences comprises changes in population, changes in method, takeovers or rounding off.
Balance at end of period
The statistics on savings were revised in 1986 and henceforth presented excluding current interest, i.e. the interest the saver has earned but has not yet been added to the account.
Cumulative figures January-month
Total amount in savings accounts
As of January 1998 all savings balances are called deposits.
Balance at beginning of period
The statistics on savings were revised in 1986 and henceforth presented excluding current interest, i.e. the interest the saver has earned but has not yet been added to the account.
All amounts deposited including transfers from one savings account to another.
All amounts withdrawn including transfers from one savings account to another.
Deposits minus withdrawals
The balance of deposits and withdrawals.
Interest added
Interest added to a savings account.
Only data on the total savings balance are available. Household savings are defined as the net deposits minus withdrawals plus interest. Interest paid in cash or to a current account are not included in the savings.
Corrections and statistical differences
The savings balance is affected by deposits, withdrawals, interest added and corrections. Corrections comprise money deposited in a bank or savings institution wrongly included in or excluded from the savings balance. Statistical differences comprises changes in population, changes in method, takeovers or rounding off.
Balance at end of period
The statistics on savings were revised in 1986 and henceforth presented excluding current interest, i.e. the interest the saver has earned but has not yet been added to the account.