Investment climate; The Netherlands international comparison 1990-2009

Investment climate; The Netherlands international comparison 1990-2009

Countries Periods Value added in services (% of GDP)
Austria 2009 69
Belgium 2009 78
Bulgaria 2009 64
Croatia 2009 66
Czech Republic 2009 60
Cyprus 2009 .
Denmark 2009 77
Estonia 2009 .
Finland 2009 69
France 2009 79
Germany 2009 73
Greece 2009 79
Hungary 2009 .
Iceland 2009 .
Ireland 2009 68
Italy 2009 73
Latvia 2009 77
Lithuania 2009 .
Luxembourg 2009 86
Malta 2009 .
The Netherlands 2009 74
Norway 2009 59
Poland 2009 66
Portugal 2009 75
Romania 2009 67
Russian Federation 2009 62
Slovak Republic 2009 63
Slovenia 2009 .
Spain 2009 71
Sweden 2009 73
Switserland 2009 72
Turkey 2009 65
Ukraine 2009 62
United Kingdom 2009 78
Argentina 2009 61
Australia 2009 .
Brazil 2009 69
Canada 2009 .
Chile 2009 55
China 2009 43
Egypt 2009 49
Hong Kong, China 2009 .
India 2009 55
Indonesia 2009 35
Israel 2009 .
Japan 2009 .
Malaysia 2009 46
Mexico 2009 61
New Zealand 2009 .
Pakistan 2009 54
Peru 2009 59
Philippines 2009 55
Singapore 2009 .
South Afrika 2009 66
South Korea 2009 61
Sri Lanka 2009 58
Thailand 2009 45
United States 2009 .
Venezuela 2009 .
Vietnam 2009 39
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows basic figures on population and economic development for sixty countries. It concerns the following elementary indicators:
- Gross Domestic Product;
- Gross Domestic Product per capita;
- Exports of goods and services;
- Exports of high-tech goods;
- Incoming Foreign Direct Investments;
- Value added in services;
- Population size.

These indicators give an overall picture of the economic size and trade position of a country. The national economic development defines the basic climate within which companies develop their activities. A good economic development ensures a favourable investment climate in which enterprises can function well.

Comparable definitions are used to compare the figures presented internationally. The definitions sometimes differ from definitions used by Statistics Netherlands. The figures in this table could differ from Dutch figures presented elsewhere on the website of Statistics Netherlands.

Data available from 1990 - 2009.

Status of the figures:
All figures are final.

Changes as of April 2019:
This table has been discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
No longer applicable.

Description topics

Value added in services
Total production of the services sector, consisting of all goods and
services produced minus the inputs used (for example materials).
Source: World Bank, World Develoment Indicators.