Fixed capital formation by region 1995-2001

Fixed capital formation by region 1995-2001

Regions Periods Fixed capital formation by industry Agriculture, forestry and fishing (mln. euro) Fixed capital formation by industry Mining and quarrying (mln. euro) Fixed capital formation by industry Electricity, gas and water supply (mln. euro) Fixed capital formation by industry Trade, hotels and restaurants and repair (mln. euro) Fixed capital formation by industry Transport, storage and communication (mln. euro) Fixed capital formation by industry Welfare and other services (mln. euro) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Machinery and equipment (mln. euro)
The Netherlands 2001 3,472 1,444 1,437 6,798 11,942 5,136 14,805
North Netherlands 2001 376 73 164 511 757 558 1,144
East Netherlands 2001 805 21 222 1,313 1,235 922 2,436
West Netherlands 2001 1,424 86 807 3,484 8,457 2,582 7,531
South Netherlands 2001 866 11 244 1,490 1,493 1,074 3,223
Friesland (PV) 2001 182 9 89 187 192 222 389
Flevoland (PV) 2001 132 0 24 136 66 75 176
Gelderland (PV) 2001 467 13 101 796 698 574 1,496
Noord-Holland (PV) 2001 328 11 230 1,203 2,803 976 2,268
Zuid-Holland (PV) 2001 818 73 286 1,579 4,677 1,027 4,021
Zeeland (PV) 2001 153 1 137 134 124 161 422
Noord-Friesland 2001 100 8 x 91 140 106 210
Zuidwest-Friesland 2001 29 0 x 33 20 25 48
Zuidoost-Friesland 2001 53 1 x 63 32 91 131
Zuidwest-Gelderland 2001 168 6 x 115 112 67 173
Kop van Noord-Holland 2001 170 5 x 127 62 114 218
Delft en Westland 2001 353 5 x 108 83 68 312
Oost-Zuid-Holland 2001 106 1 x 131 74 81 183
Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland 2001 49 5 x 214 202 160 391
Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen 2001 33 0 x 46 58 32 224
Overig Zeeland 2001 120 1 x 88 67 129 198
Flevoland 2001 132 0 x 136 66 75 176
Overig Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland 2001 38 0 x 95 42 46 123
Flevoland-Midden 2001 48 0 x 42 35 22 66
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Total fixed capital formation (gross), fixed capital formation (gross)
by industry, by type of capital good, by region
1995 - 2001
Changed on April 04 2006.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Fixed capital formation by industry
In determining fixed capital formation the ownership criterion is
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Mining and quarrying
Electricity, gas and water supply
In the tables on fixed capital formation by industry, information on
fixed capital formation of public utilities is subject to
confidentiality regulations and therefore included in manufacturing
industry. This only applies to (detailed) COROP regions.
Trade, hotels and restaurants and repair
Transport, storage and communication
Welfare and other services
Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good
Fixed capital formation by type of capital good.
Machinery and equipment