Regional production structure by SIC'93

Regional production structure by SIC'93

Regions SIC '93 Periods Intermediate consumption (mln. euro)
The Netherlands E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 14,423
Extra territorial region E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 0
North Netherlands E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 1,728
East Netherlands E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 2,878
West Netherlands E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 6,593
South Netherlands E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 3,224
Groningen (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 932
Friesland (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 463
Drenthe (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 333
Overijssel (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 780
Flevoland (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 122
Gelderland (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 1,975
Utrecht (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 960
Noord-Holland (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 2,172
Zuid-Holland (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 2,864
Zeeland (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 597
Noord-Brabant (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 2,213
Limburg (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 1,011
Oost-Groningen E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Delfzijl e.o. E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Overig Groningen E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 744
Noord-Friesland E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 423
Zuidwest-Friesland E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Zuidoost-Friesland E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Noord-Drenthe E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 140
Zuidoost-Drenthe E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Zuidwest-Drenthe E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Noord-Overijssel E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 390
Zuidwest-Overijssel E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Twente E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Veluwe E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Achterhoek E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Aggl. Arnhem/Nijmegen E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 1,227
Zuidwest-Gelderland E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 102
Utrecht E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 960
Kop van Noord-Holland E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 83
Alkmaar en omgeving E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 179
IJmond E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 204
Agglomeratie Haarlem E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Zaanstreek E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Groot-Amsterdam E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 1,204
Het Gooi en Vechtstreek E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 155
Agglomeratie Leiden en Bollenstreek E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Agglomeratie 's-Gravenhage E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 380
Delft en Westland E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 439
Oost-Zuid-Holland E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 221
Groot-Rijnmond E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 1,350
Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Overig Zeeland E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
West-Noord-Brabant E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 442
Midden-Noord-Brabant E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 53
Noordoost-Noord-Brabant E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 1,321
Zuidoost-Noord-Brabant E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 397
Noord-Limburg E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Midden-Limburg E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Zuid-Limburg E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 678
Flevoland E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 122
Utrecht-West E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Stadsgewest Amersfoort E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 82
Stadsgewest Utrecht E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 770
Zuidoost-Utrecht E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Amsterdam E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 871
Overig Agglomeratie Amsterdam E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 258
Edam-Volendam e.o. E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 15
Haarlemmermeer e.o. E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 61
Agglomeratie 's-Gravenhage ex. Zoeterm. E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 380
Zoetermeer E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 0
Rijnmond E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Overig Groot-Rijnmond E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Drechtsteden E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Overig Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Stadsgewest 's-Hertogenbosch E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Overig Noordoost-Noord-Brabant E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Almere E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Flevoland-Midden E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 81
Noordoostpolder en Urk E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Production, intermediate consumption, value added, taxes, compensation
of employees, operating surplus and labour input of employees by region
1995 - 2001
Changed on March 22 2006.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Intermediate consumption
Intermediate consumption includes all products used in the production
process in the period under review as well as raw materials,
semi manufactured articles, fuels, communication services, cleansing
services and audits by accountants. Intermediate consumption is valued at
purchasers' prices, excluding deductible VAT but including non-deductible
VAT paid by enterprises exempt from VAT taxation.