Consumption; 1995-September 2005

Consumption; 1995-September 2005

Goods and services Periods Consumption of households Share in domestic cons. of households (%) Consumption of households Values consumption of households (mln euro) Consumption of households Changes consumption of households Value changes cons. households (%) Consumption of households Changes consumption of households Volume changes cons. of households (%) Consumption of households Changes consumption of households Shopping day adjusted volume ch. (%) Consumption of households Indices consumption of households Value indices cons. households (1995=100) Consumption of households Indices consumption of households Volume indices cons. of households (1995=100) Actual individual consumption households Share in domestic cons.act. ind. cons. h (%) Actual individual consumption households Values act. ind. cons. of households (mln euro) Actual individual consumption households Changes act. ind. consumption househ. Value changes act. ind. cons .househ. (%) Actual individual consumption households Changes act. ind. consumption househ. Volume changes act.ind.cons. househ. (%) Actual individual consumption households Indices act. ind. consumption. househ. Value indices act. ind. cons. househ. (1995=100) Actual individual consumption households Indices act. ind. consumption. househ. Volume indices act. ind. cons. househ. (1995=100)
3400 Household appliances 2005 3rd quarter . . 0.3 8.3 . . . . . . . . .
3500 Household articles 2005 3rd quarter . . -5.1 -4.9 . . . . . . . . .
6000 Consumption non-resident households 2005 3rd quarter . . . 0.5 . . . . . . . . .
7000 Cons. by Dutch households abroad 2005 3rd quarter . . . -3.0 . . . . . . . . .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Changes, indices, shares, value of consumption of households and actual
individual consumption of households by type of goods and services;
1995 – 2004, QI 1995 – QIII 2005, Jan. 1995 – Sep. 2005
Changed on December 21 2005.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Consumption of households
The consumption of households consists of only those goods and services
that households pay for. Government expenditure is excluded. From October
2002 on the reports on consumption will focus on consumption of
Changes consumption of households
Adjusted to the National accounts 2003 and the regular Quarterly accounts.
Value changes cons. households
Change on same period in previous year.
Volume changes cons. of households
Change on same period in previous year.
Shopping day adjusted volume ch.
Volume changes on same period in previous year adjusted for differences
in shopping days.
Indices consumption of households
Adjusted to the National accounts 2003 and the regular Quarterly accounts.
Value indices cons. households
Volume indices cons. of households
Share in domestic cons. of households
Percentage of domestic consumption on an annual basis.
Adjusted to the National accounts 2003.
Values consumption of households
Values in euro, at current prices.
Adjusted to the results of the national accounts 2003
Actual individual consumption households
The actual individual consumption consists of all goods and services that
households acquire for consumption purposes, regardless of who actually
paid for them. In this respect, elements of consumption by government and
non-profit organisations working in aid of households that can be
individualised are attributed to consumption expenditure by households.
Changes act. ind. consumption househ.
Adjusted to the National accounts 2003and the regular Quarterly accounts.
Value changes act. ind. cons .househ.
Change on same period in previous year.
Volume changes act.ind.cons. househ.
Change on same period in previous year.
Indices act. ind. consumption. househ.
Adjusted to the National accounts 2003 and the regular Quarterly accounts.
Value indices act. ind. cons. househ.
Volume indices act. ind. cons. househ.
Share in domestic cons.act. ind. cons. h
Percentage of domestic consumption on an annual basis.
Adjusted to the National accounts 2003.
Values act. ind. cons. of households
Values in euro, at current prices.
Adjusted to the results of the national accounts 2003.