Museums; public access, collection, visits, costs and revenues 1993-2009

Table explanation

Museums; public access, collection, visits, exhibitions, costs & revenu
Museums; visits, costs & revenu
Changed on March 18 2014.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

A museum is a permanent institution for the benefit of society and its
development, accessible to public, non-profit, that acquires, conserves,
scientifically researches and exhibits the material witnesses of mankind
and his environment and informs on this for purposes of study, education
and pleasure.
Number of museums
Temporary closed museums excluded from 1997 on.
Visits by entrance fee type
Number of visits per year by entrance fee type. Access to the
museum can be granted by paying the full entrance fee, with a discount
rate, with a museum card or for free.
Total number of visits
Paid visits (full rate)
Paid visits with discounts
Group discount, CJP Voucher, NS Daytrips.
Visits with museum cards
Inclusive NS-pass and/or Rabo-Europass.
Free visits
Average entrance fees museums
The entrance fee is the entrance rate which has to be paid in order to
access the collection. The average admission fee has been calculated for
the non-free museums.
Costs & revenues museums
Overview of the total costs and revenues.
Overview of the museums' expenditures to the staff, accommodation,
purchase of goods, purchase of catering, depreciation, interests,
exhibitions, insurance premiums and maintenance collections.
Overview of the museums' revenue. These consist of amongst others: grants
and financial support from the government and sponsors, wage subsidies,
entrance fees, membership fees, museum cards, NS-pass, goods sales,
revenue from catering and from interests.
Revenue total
Total costs
Financial balance
The difference between the total costs and revenues.
Sales and purchase collection
The sale and purchase of the collection are not recorded
in the financial balance overview.
Sales from the collection
Purchase for the collection