Museums; public access, collection, visits, costs and revenues 1993-2009

Table explanation

Museums; public access, collection, visits, exhibitions, costs & revenu
Museums; visits, costs & revenu
Changed on March 18 2014.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

A museum is a permanent institution for the benefit of society and its
development, accessible to public, non-profit, that acquires, conserves,
scientifically researches and exhibits the material witnesses of mankind
and his environment and informs on this for purposes of study, education
and pleasure.
Nature of the collection
A museum collection is a collection of objects by which the museum is
The collection is (partly) made accessible in exhibition spaces. It
is possible that a part of the collection has been stored in a depot
or elsewhere because of a lack of exhibition space, vulnerability,
restoration, policy or for other reasons.
Science and engineering museums
Number of temporary expositions of a collection taking place in a museum
or organised by the museum on another location.
In museum in the Netherlands
Organised by museum
Number of exhibitions organised by a museum in another area, thus not in
own location, whether in the Netherlands or abroad. No 2001 nor 2003 data
available for this.
In other space in the Netherlands
Not in own museum.
Costs & revenues museums
Overview of the total costs and revenues.
Overview of the museums' expenditures to the staff, accommodation,
purchase of goods, purchase of catering, depreciation, interests,
exhibitions, insurance premiums and maintenance collections.
Overview of the museums' revenue. These consist of amongst others: grants
and financial support from the government and sponsors, wage subsidies,
entrance fees, membership fees, museum cards, NS-pass, goods sales,
revenue from catering and from interests.
Grants and financial support
Revenue from grants and financial support from amongst others the
government, sponsors and wage subsidies.
A sponsor is someone who, or a private company which, financially
supports the museum. This company provides publicity for the museum in
return. The sponsors usually are companies operating in the private
Wage subsidies
Government financial support in the wages.
Other subsidies and financial support
Staff costs
Consists of gross wages and salaries, employers' social contribution,
hired staff, other staff costs etc.
Gross wages and salaries
Accommodation costs
Costs for accommodation, excluding the interests and depreciation
on the accommodation.
Rent buildings and sites
Maintenance building and sites
Sales and purchase collection
The sale and purchase of the collection are not recorded
in the financial balance overview.
Sales from the collection
Purchase for the collection