Museums; public access, collection, visits, costs and revenues 1993-2009

Museums; public access, collection, visits, costs and revenues 1993-2009

Periods Costs & revenues museums Financial balance (mln euro) Costs & revenues museums Costs Total costs (mln euro) Costs & revenues museums Costs Purchase goods (mln euro) Costs & revenues museums Costs Purchase catering (mln euro) Costs & revenues museums Costs Depreciation (mln euro) Costs & revenues museums Costs Paid interest (mln euro) Costs & revenues museums Costs Costs exhibition (mln euro) Costs & revenues museums Costs Insurance premiums (mln euro) Costs & revenues museums Costs Maintenance collection (mln euro) Costs & revenues museums Costs Other costs (mln euro) Costs & revenues museums Costs Staff costs Staff costs total (mln euro) Costs & revenues museums Costs Staff costs Gross wages and salaries (mln euro) Costs & revenues museums Costs Staff costs Employers' social contribution (mln euro) Costs & revenues museums Costs Staff costs Hired staff (mln euro) Costs & revenues museums Costs Staff costs Other staff costs (mln euro) Costs & revenues museums Costs Accommodation costs Accommodation costs total (mln euro) Costs & revenues museums Costs Accommodation costs Rent buildings and sites (mln euro) Costs & revenues museums Costs Accommodation costs Maintenance building and sites (mln euro) Costs & revenues museums Costs Accommodation costs Energy costs (mln euro) Costs & revenues museums Costs Accommodation costs Other accommodation costs (mln euro)
2009* 28 683 14 8 29 5 62 8 14 93 304 221 41 27 15 145 85 15 21 25
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Museums; public access, collection, visits, exhibitions, costs & revenu
Museums; visits, costs & revenu
Changed on March 18 2014.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Costs & revenues museums
Overview of the total costs and revenues.
Overview of the museums' expenditures to the staff, accommodation,
purchase of goods, purchase of catering, depreciation, interests,
exhibitions, insurance premiums and maintenance collections.
Total costs
Staff costs
Consists of gross wages and salaries, employers' social contribution,
hired staff, other staff costs etc.
Staff costs total
Gross wages and salaries
Employers' social contribution
Hired staff
Temporary workers not on the wage list.
Other staff costs
Other staff costs consists of amongst others: commuter traffic, company
car, child care facilities, costs for unpaid internships, voluntary
workers, committee members, freelancers, education, amelioration of
labour conditions, work clothing, specialist literature, and recruitment
Accommodation costs
Costs for accommodation, excluding the interests and depreciation
on the accommodation.
Accommodation costs total
Rent buildings and sites
Maintenance building and sites
Energy costs
Included are the costs of water, with the exception of the year 1999. The
costs of water were then added to the post 'other costs'.
Other accommodation costs
Cleaning (products), inventory, property tax, property insurance,
security devices.
Purchase goods
The purchase of goods for sale to the public such as reproductions,
brochures, cards, catalogues etc.
Purchase catering
Costs of purchase beverages, snacks etc.
Paid interest
Costs exhibition
Insurance premiums
Costs of insurances and other costs related to the collections.
Maintenance collection
Other costs
Consists of: office equipment, cost of automation, travel and stay costs,
costs of meetings, bank-, administration-, management-, board-,
accounting-, and publicity costs, telephone costs, costs of company cars
fuel, tax, fees etc. In 1999 inclusive the costs for water. The costs for
water are in other years added to the 'energy costs'.
Financial balance
The difference between the total costs and revenues.