Wind energy; electricity production, capacity and supply of wind, 2002-2019

Wind energy; electricity production, capacity and supply of wind, 2002-2019

On land/ off shore Periods Windex (index for supply of wind) Value measured (1996-2005=100)
Total wind energy 2019 2nd quarter* .
Wind energy on shore 2019 2nd quarter* .
Wind energy off shore 2019 2nd quarter* .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows monthly, quarterly and annual figures of the production of electricity by wind energy, the capacity of wind turbines and an index for the amount of wind supply for the production of electricity. The figures are broken down by onshore and offshore wind. The index for the amount of wind is only available for wind turbines on land.

Data available from 2002 to June 2019.

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are definite from January 2002 to December 2017, adjusted provisional from January 2018 to December 2018 and provisional from January 2019 onwards. Given that this table is stopped, the data will not be made definite.

Changes as of 11 September 2019:
None, this table has been stopped.

When will new figures be published?
No longer applicable.

This table, for the subject electricity production, is continued in the table Elektriciteitsbalans; aanbod en verbruik (Dutch only).

Description topics

Windex (index for supply of wind)
The supply of wind for wind energy is reported in the so-called Windex. The Windex is only available for wind on land. A Windex of 100 means that the supply of wind is equal to the average of all months in the period 1996-2005. This period is chosen because it is seen as a representative period for a long time series and also because a consistent time series of data is available for this period. The Windex until December 2007 comes from Wind Service Holland (WSH), and from January 2008 up to and including December 2014 from Statistics Netherlands.

Publication of the index for the supply of wind is ceased per January 2015, because the uncertainty for the long term trend is too large. See chapter 4 of the publication href="">Hernieuwbare Energie in Nederland 2013 (in Dutch) for more information.
Value measured