Public libraries

Public libraries

Periods Volume collections Books Books for adults >= 18 yrs Total books for adults >=18 yrs (x 1 000) Volume collections Books Books for adults >= 18 yrs Fiction (x 1 000) Volume collections Books Books for adults >= 18 yrs Non-fiction (x 1 000) Volume collections Books Books for adults >= 18 yrs Reference books (x 1 000) Volume collections Books Books for young people =< 17 yrs Total books for young people =< 17 yrs (x 1 000) Volume collections Books Books for young people =< 17 yrs Fiction (x 1 000) Volume collections Books Books for young people =< 17 yrs Non-fiction (x 1 000) Volume collections Books Books for young people =< 17 yrs Reference books (x 1 000) Volumes lent out to the public Books Books for adults >= 18 yrs Total books for adults >= 18 yrs (x 1 000) Volumes lent out to the public Books Books for adults >= 18 yrs Fiction (x 1 000) Volumes lent out to the public Books Books for adults >= 18 yrs Non-fiction (x 1 000) Volumes lent out to the public Books Books for adults >= 18 yrs Reference books (x 1 000) Volumes lent out to the public Books Books for young people =< 17 yrs Total books for young people =< 17 yrs (x 1 000) Volumes lent out to the public Books Books for young people =< 17 yrs Fiction (x 1 000) Volumes lent out to the public Books Books for young people =< 17 yrs Non-fiction (x 1 000) Volumes lent out to the public Books Books for young people =< 17 yrs Reference books (x 1 000) Libraries by membership fee Other form of membership fee (number)
2022 excl.* 9,906 5,459 4,447 12,553 9,799 2,754 21,661 16,682 4,979 31,620 27,098 4,522 .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table presents an overview of the number of public libraries, the number of volumes in collections, the number of volumes lent out to the public, registered users, the staff working for public libraries and their operating costs and revenues.

Data available from: 1999.

Status of the figures:
The figures for 2022 are preliminary. All other figures are final.

Changes as of 15 September 2023:
The final figures for 2021 have been published.
The preliminary figures for 2022 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
Preliminary figures for 2023 and final figure for 2022 will be published in July 2024.

Description topics

Volume collections
The overall collection including material lent out and specific sub collections for educational purposes, for lending counters in hospitals, homes for the elderly, etc. excluding mobile libraries.
From 2006 onwards there are no figures on magazine single issues and other collections due to a lack of quality in the underlying data. E-books are excluded from these numbers.
More information on the digital public library can be found in the table explanation.
Physical books. E-books are excluded from these numbers.
More information on the digital public library can be found in the table explanation.
Books for adults >= 18 yrs
Total books for adults >=18 yrs
Stories mainly derived from the imagination of the writer. For example: fairy tales, novels, plays, poetry and comic books are often classified as fiction.
Texts mainly used to convey information. For example: informative books in general, dictionaries, essays, scientific works, study books and travel guides. Newspaper and magazine articles are classified as non-fiction as well.
From 2008 onwards including reference books.
Reference books
Starting 2008 the collection of Reference books is categorized as part of the collection of Non-fiction.
Books for young people =< 17 yrs
Total books for young people =< 17 yrs
Stories mainly derived from the imagination of the writer. For example: fairy tales, novels, plays, poetry and comic books are often classified as fiction.
Texts mainly used to convey information. For example: informative books in general, dictionaries, essays, scientific works, study books and travel guides. Newspaper and magazine articles are classified as non-fiction as well.
From 2008 onwards including reference books.
Reference books
Starting 2008 the collection of Reference books is categorized as part of the collection of Educational books.
Volumes lent out to the public
Total number of volumes lent out to the public by libraries, excluding mobile libraries and excluding e-books. More information on the digital public library can be found here in the table explanation.
From 2006 onwards there are no figures on magazine single issues and other material due to a lack of quality in the underlying data. In 2008 libraries adjusted their reported data on volumes lent out to the public for the number of extensions of items already lent out. Because of this the number of volumes lent out to the public is somewhat lower than would have been the case without the adjustment.
Books for adults >= 18 yrs
Total books for adults >= 18 yrs
Stories mainly derived from the imagination of the writer. For example: fairy tales, novels, plays, poetry and comic books are often classified as fiction.
Texts mainly used to convey information. For example: informative books in general, dictionaries, essays, scientific works, study books and travel guides. Newspaper and magazine articles are classified as non-fiction as well.
From 2008 onwards including reference books.
Reference books
Starting 2008 reference books are part of the category non-fiction.
Books for young people =< 17 yrs
Total books for young people =< 17 yrs
Stories mainly derived from the imagination of the writer. For example: fairy tales, novels, plays, poetry and comic books are often classified as fiction.
Texts mainly used to convey information. For example: informative books in general, dictionaries, essays, scientific works, study books and travel guides. Newspaper and magazine articles are classified as non-fiction as well.
From 2008 onwards including reference books.
Reference books
Starting 2008 reference books are part of the category educational books.
Libraries by membership fee
The annual membership fee, if no other costs are charged.
For the years 2005, 2006 and 2007 there are no figures on the annual membership fee due to a lack of quality in the underlying data. From 2008 onwards information on the annual membership fee is no longer gathered.
Other form of membership fee
Libraries which only charge an annual membership fee in combination with a lending fee per volume.