Producer Prices (2000 = 100) by ProdCom

Producer Prices (2000 = 100) by ProdCom

Sales Products Periods Prices excluding excise Index numbers (2000 = 100) Prices excluding excise Month-on-month development (%) Prices excluding excise Year-on-year development (%) Prices including excise Index numbers (2000 = 100) Prices including excise Month-on-month development (%) Prices including excise Year-on-year development (%)
Total sales 23201000 Fuel oil and gas; lubricating o 2008 208 21.8 192 19.6
Total sales 23201400 Kerosene-type jet fuel and othe 2008 231 31.7 222 31.6
Total sales 29120000 Pumps and compressors 2008 123 3.4 123 3.4
Total consumption 23201000 Fuel oil and gas; lubricating o 2008 187 20.5 161 15.1
Total consumption 23201400 Kerosene-type jet fuel and othe 2008 230 30.0 216 30.4
Total consumption 29120000 Pumps and compressors 2008 116 3.8 116 3.8
Domestic sales 23201000 Fuel oil and gas; lubricating o 2008 186 20.4 159 15.0
Domestic sales 23201400 Kerosene-type jet fuel and othe 2008 233 30.6 210 30.4
Domestic sales 29120000 Pumps and compressors 2008 131 3.8 131 3.8
Foreign sales 23201000 Fuel oil and gas; lubricating o 2008 220 22.5 220 22.5
Foreign sales 23201400 Kerosene-type jet fuel and othe 2008 230 32.3 230 32.3
Foreign sales 29120000 Pumps and compressors 2008 119 3.3 119 3.3
Consumption of foreign products 23201000 Fuel oil and gas; lubricating o 2008 . . . .
Consumption of foreign products 23201400 Kerosene-type jet fuel and othe 2008 x x x x
Consumption of foreign products 29120000 Pumps and compressors 2008 112 3.8 112 3.8
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Price index numbers including and excluding excise
according to product nomenclature Prodcom
2000-2007; January 2000 - December 2008.
Changed on April 16 2009.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Prices excluding excise
Index numbers
The price index numbers are rounded off to integers.
Month-on-month development
Percentual month-on-month development. The not round price index number
of month T compared to the not round price index number of month T-1.
Year-on-year development
Percentual year-on-year development. The not round price index number
of month T compared to the not round price index number of month T-12.
Prices including excise
Index numbers
The price index numbers are rounded off to integers.
Month-on-month development
Percentual month-on-month development. The not round price index number
of month T compared to the not round price index number of month T-1.
Year-on-year development
Percentual year-on-year development. The not round price index number
of month T compared to the not round price index number of month T-12.