Production figures industry (excl. construction) (1995-2008)

Production figures industry (excl. construction) (1995-2008)

SIC '93 Periods Production Short-term development (average daily) (%) Production Short-term development (seasonally adj) (%)
C-E: Industry (excl. construction) 2008* . .
C: Mining and quarrying 2008* . .
D: Manufacturing 2008* . .
DA: Manufacture of food and tobacco 2008* . .
15 Manufacture of food prod. and bevera 2008* . .
1510b Meat, eggs and dairy products 2008* . .
1520c Other food (excl. 155) 2008* . .
159 Manufacture of beverages 2008* . .
16 Manufacture of tobacco products 2008* . .
1700a Textiles, clothing, leather(prod.) 2008* . .
17 Textile industry 2008* . .
18 Manufacture of clothing 2008* . .
DC: Manufacture of leather(products) 2008* . .
DE: Paper and printing industry 2008* . .
21 Manufacture of paper(products) 2008* . .
22 Printing, publishing, reproduction 2008* . .
2300b Ref.petroleum,chemicals,plastic 2008* . .
DF: Manufacture of refined petroleum 2008* . .
DG: Manufacture of chemical products 2008* . .
2410a Manufacture of basic chemicals 2008* . .
2420a Manuf. of chemical end products 2008* . .
DH: Manuf. of rubber and plastic prod. 2008* . .
2700b Manufacture of metals (total) 2008* . .
27 Manufacture of basic metals 2008* . .
28 Manufacture of metal products 2008* . .
DK: Machinery and equipment 2008* . .
3000a Manuf. of electrical equipment 2008* . .
DM: Manuf. of transport equipment 2008* . .
2000d Wood,building materials,furniture 2008* . .
2000c Manuf. of wood,building materials 2008* . .
DD: Manuf. of wood (excl. furniture) 2008* . .
DI: Manufacture of building materials 2008* . .
3600a Furniture, prod. n.e.c., recycling 2008* . .
E: Public utility companies 2008* . .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Indices (2000=100) production, sales and orders, industry (excl.
construction) and production development by SIC 1993.
1995 - 2008; January 1995 - December 2008
Changed on May 12 2009.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Short-term development (average daily)
The short-term development of the average daily production shows the
development of the average of the last two months compared with the
average of the corresponding months of the previous year. This serie
shows a more steady picture than the development average daily production.
These monthly results are only published for the manufactory.
Short-term development (seasonally adj)
The short-term development of the seasonally adjusted production shows
the development of the average of the last two months (t and t-1)
compared with the average of the two previous months (t-2 and t-3). This
serie shows a more steady picture than the development seasonally
adjusted. These monthly results are only published for the manufactory.