Production figures industry (excl. construction) (1995-2008)

Production figures industry (excl. construction) (1995-2008)

SIC '93 Periods Production Average daily production (2000=100) Production Production seasonally adjusted (2000=100) Production Development average daily production (%) Production Development seasonally adjusted (%) Production Short-term development (seasonally adj) (%) Turnover Total turnover (2000=100) Turnover Domestic sales (2000=100) Turnover International sales (2000=100) Orders Total orders (2000=100)
2000d Wood,building materials,furniture 2008* 100.9 100.9 0.1 0.1 . 110.9 110.9 110.7 .
2000c Manuf. of wood,building materials 2008* 97.2 97.2 -0.2 -0.2 . 117.3 120.9 101.7 .
DI: Manufacture of building materials 2008* 100.3 100.3 1.4 1.4 . 115.1 117.8 104.8 .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Indices (2000=100) production, sales and orders, industry (excl.
construction) and production development by SIC 1993.
1995 - 2008; January 1995 - December 2008
Changed on May 12 2009.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Average daily production
The average daily production is calculated using a regression method.
An adjustment is being made for changes in production because of:
- national holidays
- bridge days
- working day effects
- leap year effects
- shifting holiday patterns
This results in the so-called "average daily index" which is significant
for the determination of development of production volume of a certain
month in a particular year compared with the same month in the
previous year.
Production seasonally adjusted
The average daily production is seasonally adjusted. Data on industry
classes are published every quarter, data on industry, manufacturing,
mining and quarrying and public utilities every month. A correction
factor is calculated for each class. The subsequent compilation of the
aggregates takes the share of each class into account. This results in
the so-called "average daily index, seasonally adjusted" which is
significant for the determination of development of production volume
of a certain period in a particular year compared with the previous
period in the same year.
Development average daily production
The development of the average daily production in terms of percentage of
a certain period (month, quarter, year) compared with the same period of
the previous year.
Development seasonally adjusted
The development of the seasonally adjusted production in terms of
percentage of a certain period (month, quarter, year) compared with the
previous period.
Short-term development (seasonally adj)
The short-term development of the seasonally adjusted production shows
the development of the average of the last two months (t and t-1)
compared with the average of the two previous months (t-2 and t-3). This
serie shows a more steady picture than the development seasonally
adjusted. These monthly results are only published for the manufactory.
Turnover refers to the invoice value (excl. VAT) of sales to third parties
of goods and services processed within the company.
Total turnover
Total turnover covers domestic and international sales.
Domestic sales
Domestic sales include export through exporters or other non-
manufacturing companies.
International sales
International sales refer to direct exports by manufacturing companies.
Exports through exporters or other non-manufacturing companies are
included in domestic sales.
The total order received refers to the value (excl. VAT) of accepted
manufacturing orders in the period under review.
Total orders