Emissions to air on Dutch territory; road traffic; 1980-2018

Table explanation

This table contains figures on the actual emissions into the atmosphere in the Netherlands by road traffic, including emissions by foreign vehicles. It also presents the average emissions per vehicle-kilometre, the so-called fleet emission factors, are given, expressed in grams per vehicle kilometre. It covers emissions from the combustion of motor fuels and emissions caused by evaporation of fuel from the vehicle's fuel system.
The emissions are calculated by multiplying data on activities, for instance vehicle kilometres and fuel consumption, by emission factors.

Data available from: 1980-2018.

Status of the figures:
The 2018 data is provisional; all other data are final.

Changes as of 24 February 2023:
This table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable. This table is succeeded by Emissions to air on Dutch territory; road traffic. See paragraph 3.

Description topics

See general explanation with this publication.
CO emission
Carbon monoxide.

CO is caused by incomplete combustion of fuels. It is a toxic gas (detrimental to health).
On all road types jointly.
VOC emission, total
Volatile organic compounds, including methane (combustion + evaporation).

Caused by combustion of fuels and evaporation of petrol from the vehicle fuel system. In this table emissions of cooling agents from air conditioners and emissions from car products like screen washer liquid are excluded. Volatile organic compounds are smog generating and sometimes carcinogenic.
On all road types jointly.
NOx emission
Nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO and NO2, calculated as NO2).

Nitrogen oxides are formed in the engine by the combustion of nitrogen from ambient air. Nitrogen oxides cause acidification and play a role in smog generation. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is detrimental to health.
On all road types jointly.
PM10 emission by combustion
Particulate matter (PM10 = particulates with diameter smaller than 10 micrometres).

The major part of the PM10 emissions by road traffic is caused by motor fuel combustion. Furthermore particulates originate from various wear processes like the wear of tyres, brake linings and road surface. In this table wear emissions are excluded. The PM10 emission inclusive of emission due to wear are given in the Statline table 'Emissions to the atmosphere; mobile sources'. Detrimental to health, penetrates deeply into the lungs.
On all road types jointly.
SO2 emission
Sulphur dioxide (SO2 and SO3, calculated as SO2).

SO2 is formed by the combustion of sulphur in fuels. Causes acidification.
On all road types jointly.