Young people (12-29 yrs) and families, 2003

Young people (12-29 yrs) and families, 2003

Personal characteristics Periods Living conditions Living at home Percentage of young peopl living at home (%) Living conditions Living at home Future expectations Still living with at home 1 yr. from now (%) Living conditions Living at home Future expectations Main reason for living at home Pleasant family atmosphere (%) Living conditions Living at home Future expectations Main reason for living at home Financial dependency (%) Living conditions Living at home Future expectations Main reason for living at home Still attending school (%) Living conditions Living at home Future expectations Main reason for living at home Feeling too young to live on their own (%) Living conditions Living at home Future expectations Main reason for living at home Well being looked after at home (%) Living conditions Living at home Future expectations Main reason for living at home Other reasons (%) Living conditions Living at home Future expectations No longer living at home 1 yr. from now (%) Living conditions Living at home Future expectations Reasons for leaving home Working, studying in another town (%) Living conditions Living at home Future expectations Reasons for leaving home Become independent (%) Living conditions Living at home Future expectations Reasons for leaving home Marriage, living together (%) Living conditions Living at home Future expectations Reasons for leaving home Other reasons (%) Living conditions Living on their own % of young people living on their own (%) Living conditions Living on their own Average age when leaving home (leeftijd) Living conditions Living on their own Reasons for leaving home Working, studying in another town (%) Living conditions Living on their own Reasons for leaving home Become independent (%) Living conditions Living on their own Reasons for leaving home Marriage living together (%) Living conditions Living on their own Reasons for leaving home Domestic strife (%) Living conditions Living on their own Reasons for leaving home Other reasons (%) Upbringing Freedom young people living at home Allowed to take soft drugs (%) Upbringing Freedom young people living at home Allowed to come home when he/she pleases Always (%) Upbringing Freedom young people living at home Allowed to come home when he/she pleases Sometimes (%) Upbringing Freedom young people living at home Allowed to come home when he/she pleases Never (%) Upbringing Freedom young people living at home Allowed to play loud music at home Always (%) Upbringing Freedom young people living at home Allowed to play loud music at home Sometimes (%) Upbringing Freedom young people living at home Allowed to play loud music at home Never (%) Upbringing Freedom young people living at home Parents monitor homework Always (%) Upbringing Freedom young people living at home Parents monitor homework Sometimes (%) Upbringing Freedom young people living at home Parents monitor homework Never (%) Upbringing Sometimes in conflict with parents about Importance of school, study and homework (%) Upbringing Sometimes in conflict with parents about Time to come home at night (%) Satisfactory upbringing Young people living at home Yes (%) Satisfactory upbringing Young people living at home Rather (%) Satisfactory upbringing Young people living at home No (%) Satisfactory upbringing Young people living on their own Yes (%) Satisfactory upbringing Young people living on their own Rather (%) Satisfactory upbringing Young people living on their own No (%)
Total personal characteristics 2003 61 77 15 15 25 12 19 13 23 22 49 25 4 39 22 30 28 30 7 5 15 13 29 58 15 58 27 24 50 27 32 35 85 14 1 81 14 5
Men 2003 66 80 15 16 22 11 22 12 20 22 53 20 4 34 23 31 33 24 6 7 18 14 30 56 13 60 27 28 48 25 34 35 87 13 1 82 13 4
Women 2003 56 73 16 13 30 14 13 14 27 22 45 30 3 44 22 29 24 35 8 3 11 12 28 60 16 56 27 19 52 29 29 35 84 15 1 81 15 5
12-17 yrs 2003 100 94 10 15 34 23 15 2 6 . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 27 65 15 57 28 26 51 23 36 47 83 16 1 . . .
18-24 yrs 2003 64 74 18 15 23 7 20 17 26 22 49 24 4 36 21 34 28 25 8 6 26 46 40 14 14 66 21 10 40 50 29 21 88 11 1 84 11 5
25-29 yrs 2003 12 46 23 9 2 2 26 39 54 4 58 38 . 88 23 28 28 33 6 4 38 . . . . . . . . . 16 10 89 11 1 80 16 4
0-14 yrs 2003 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 16 83 12 55 33 36 49 16 30 44 82 16 1 . . .
15-24 yrs 2003 75 80 15 15 27 13 18 12 20 26 47 22 5 25 21 34 28 25 8 6 19 22 39 38 17 61 22 14 51 35 34 33 86 13 1 84 11 5
25-44 yrs 2003 12 46 23 9 2 2 26 39 54 4 58 38 . 88 23 28 28 33 6 4 38 . . . . . . . . . 16 10 89 11 1 80 16 4
One-person household 2003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 15 6
Member of a one-parent family 2003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 17 26 57 15 56 29 21 43 35 29 37 83 16 2 . . .
Member of a couple without children 2003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 12 3
Member of a couple with children 2003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 16 4
Very high degree of urbanisation 2003 47 77 15 21 22 16 11 14 23 . . . . 53 22 45 33 12 6 4 14 10 25 65 16 56 29 26 42 31 29 37 84 16 1 77 17 6
High degree of urbanisation 2003 54 78 15 19 29 10 18 10 22 19 56 23 2 46 22 31 31 27 7 4 18 14 29 57 17 56 27 22 49 29 32 33 87 12 1 82 14 4
Average degree of urbanisation 2003 64 75 17 13 27 11 19 12 25 24 46 27 3 36 22 22 23 40 9 6 16 11 29 61 14 60 26 26 48 26 33 38 82 17 1 84 12 4
Low degree of urbanisation 2003 72 79 16 14 20 13 23 14 21 22 46 26 6 28 23 17 23 46 7 7 14 15 29 56 13 61 26 22 53 25 32 34 88 11 1 83 12 6
Very low degree of urbanisation 2003 73 77 13 8 29 15 17 17 23 28 39 32 2 27 23 23 22 44 8 3 12 15 34 51 14 58 27 22 57 22 32 33 83 16 1 82 14 4
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Data available for the years: 1997, 2001 and 2003.

Data available from 2010 till 2013.

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are definite.

Changes as of 23 March 2018
The tabel is stopped.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable.

Description topics

Living conditions
Living at home
Percentage of young peopl living at home
The data refer to young people in the age category 12-29 still living with
their parents/guardians.
Future expectations
The data refer to people living at home in the age category 17-29.
Total line is: people living at home in the age category 17-29.
Consequently, the (standard) age category 12-17 only refers to
Still living with at home 1 yr. from now
Refers to persons who answer affirmatively to the question: Do you think
you will still be living with your parents/guardians in one year's time?
Main reason for living at home
Main reason for still living with parents/guardians in one year's time.
Answer to the question: What would be the main reason? (Only one answer
Pleasant family atmosphere
Financial dependency
Financially dependent on parents/guardians.
Still attending school
Feeling too young to live on their own
Feeling too young to live on their own.
Well being looked after at home
Other reasons
For instance, because accommodation is hard to find or other reasons.
No longer living at home 1 yr. from now
Refers to persons who answer negatively to the question: Do you think
you will still be living with your parents/guardians in one year's time?
Reasons for leaving home
Main reason for leaving the parental home in one year's time.
As a percentage of young people who expect to live on their own in one
year's time.
Refers to the answer to the question: What would be the main reason?
(Only one answer possible).
Working, studying in another town
Become independent
Marriage, living together
Other reasons
For instance, domestic strife, no private room, no proper place to study,
Living on their own
% of young people living on their own
These data refer to young people in the age category 12-29. The perentage
of persons who no longer live with their parents/guardians.
Average age when leaving home
Average age to leave the parental home (for the first time).
The data refer to young people in the age category 12-29.
Reasons for leaving home
Main reason to start living on one's own (for the first time). The data
refer to persons living on their own in the age category 17-29.
Total line is: people living at home in the age category 17-29.
Consequently, the (standard) age category 12-17 only refers to
17-year-olds. Refers to the answer to the question: What was the main
reason for you to start living on your own? Exclusively refers to the
first time. (Only one answer possible).
Working, studying in another town
Become independent
Marriage living together
Domestic strife
Other reasons
Freedom young people living at home
Allowed to come home when he/she pleases
The data refer to people living at home in the age category 12-18.
Total line is: people living at home in the age category 12-18.
Consequently, the (standard) age category is 18 year-olds.
Refers to the answer to the question: Are you allowed to come home as late
as you please?
Allowed to play loud music at home
The data refer to people living at home in the age category 12-18.
Total line is: people living at home in the age category 12-18.
Consequently, the (standard) age category is 18 year-olds.
Refers to the answer to the question: Are you allowed to play loud music
at home?
Parents monitor homework
The data refer to people living at home in the age category 12-18.
Total line is: people living at home in the age category 12-18.
Consequently, the (standard) age category is 18 year-olds.
Refers to the answer to the question: Do your parents monitor your
Allowed to take soft drugs
The data refer to young people in the age category 12-29 living at home
and answer affirmatively to the question: Are you allowed to take soft
Sometimes in conflict with parents about
The data refer to young people in the age category 12-29 living at home.
Parents' opinions on a number of subjects may differ from what their
children think is appropriate. This may lead to strife.
Importance of school, study and homework
Realise the importance of attending school, studying and doing homework.
Time to come home at night
Satisfactory upbringing
Young people living at home
The data refer to young people living at home in the age category 12-29.
Answer to the question: are you pleased with the way your parents brought
you up?
Young people living on their own
The data refer to young people living on their own in the age category
12-29. Answer to the question: are you pleased with the way you your
parents brought you up?