Deaths; underlying cause of death (shortlist), sex, age

Deaths; underlying cause of death (shortlist), sex, age

Sex Age Periods All causes of death (number) 1 Infectious and parasitic diseases Total infectious and parasitic diseases (number) 1 Infectious and parasitic diseases 1.1 Tuberculosis (number) 1 Infectious and parasitic diseases 1.2 Cerebrospinal infection (number) 1 Infectious and parasitic diseases 1.3 Viral hepatitis (number) 1 Infectious and parasitic diseases 1.4 AIDS (number) 1 Infectious and parasitic diseases 1.5 Other infect. and parasitic diseases (number) 2 Neoplasms Total neoplasms (number) 2 Neoplasms 2.1 Malignant neoplasms Total malignant neoplasms (number) 2 Neoplasms 2.1 Malignant neoplasms 2.1.1 Mal. neopl. lip, oral cavity ..... (number) 2 Neoplasms 2.1 Malignant neoplasms 2.1.2 Mal. neopl. oesophagus (number) 2 Neoplasms 2.1 Malignant neoplasms 2.1.3 Mal. neopl. stomach (number) 2 Neoplasms 2.1 Malignant neoplasms 2.1.4 Mal. neopl. colon (number) 2 Neoplasms 2.1 Malignant neoplasms 2.1.5 Mal. neopl. rectum and anus (number) 2 Neoplasms 2.1 Malignant neoplasms 2.1.6 Mal. neopl. liver and intrah.... (number) 2 Neoplasms 2.1 Malignant neoplasms 2.1.7 Mal. neopl. galbladder and .... (number) 2 Neoplasms 2.1 Malignant neoplasms 2.1.8 Mal. neopl. pancreas (number) 2 Neoplasms 2.1 Malignant neoplasms 2.1.9 Mal. neopl. larynx (number) 2 Neoplasms 2.1 Malignant neoplasms 2.1.10 Mal. neopl. trachea, bronchi .... (number) 2 Neoplasms 2.1 Malignant neoplasms 2.1.11 Melanoma skin (number) 2 Neoplasms 2.1 Malignant neoplasms 2.1.12 Mal. neopl. breast (number) 2 Neoplasms 2.1 Malignant neoplasms 2.1.13 Mal. neopl. cervix uteri (number) 2 Neoplasms 2.1 Malignant neoplasms 2.1.14 Mal. neopl. corp. uteri and .... (number) 2 Neoplasms 2.1 Malignant neoplasms 2.1.15 Mal. neopl. ovary (number) 2 Neoplasms 2.1 Malignant neoplasms 2.1.16 Mal. neopl. prostate (number) 2 Neoplasms 2.1 Malignant neoplasms 2.1.17 Mal. neopl. kidney, ex. ren.... (number) 2 Neoplasms 2.1 Malignant neoplasms 2.1.18 Mal. neopl. bladder (number) 2 Neoplasms 2.1 Malignant neoplasms 2.1.19 Mal. neopl. lymphoid, heam.... (number) 2 Neoplasms 2.1 Malignant neoplasms 2.1.20 Other malignant neoplasms (number) 2 Neoplasms 2.1 Malignant neoplasms 2.2 Other neoplasms (number) 3 Blood/bloodform. org. and imm.dis. (number) 4 Endocrine, nutritional and metab. dis. Total endocrine, nutritional and ... (number) 4 Endocrine, nutritional and metab. dis. 4.1 Diabetes mellitus (number) 4 Endocrine, nutritional and metab. dis. 4.2 Other endocrine, nutr. and met. dis. (number) 5 Mental and behavioural disorders Total mental and behavioural disorders (number) 5 Mental and behavioural disorders 5.1 ... due to use of alcohol (number) 5 Mental and behavioural disorders 5.2 ... due to use of drugs (number) 5 Mental and behavioural disorders 5.3 Other mental and behavioural .... (number) 6 Diseases of the nervous system Total diseases of the nervous system (number) 6 Diseases of the nervous system 6.1 Meningitis (number) 6 Diseases of the nervous system 6.2 Parkinson's disease (number) 6 Diseases of the nervous system 6.3 Other diseases of the nervous system (number) 7 Diseases of the circulatory system Total diseases of the circulatory system (number) 7 Diseases of the circulatory system Total ischaemic heart diseases 7.1 Ischaemic heart diseases (number) 7 Diseases of the circulatory system Total ischaemic heart diseases 7.1.1 Acute myocardial infarction (number) 7 Diseases of the circulatory system Total ischaemic heart diseases 7.1.2 Other ischaemic heart diseases (number) 7 Diseases of the circulatory system 7.2 Other heart diseases (number) 7 Diseases of the circulatory system 7.3 Cerebrovascular diseases (number) 7 Diseases of the circulatory system 7.4 Other diseases of the circulat..... (number) 8 Diseases of the respiratory system Total diseases of the respiratory system (number) 8 Diseases of the respiratory system 8.1 Influenza (number) 8 Diseases of the respiratory system 8.2 Pneumonia (number) 8 Diseases of the respiratory system 8.3 Chronic lower respiratory diseases Total chronic lower respiratory diseases (number) 8 Diseases of the respiratory system 8.3 Chronic lower respiratory diseases 8.3.1 Asthma (number) 8 Diseases of the respiratory system 8.3 Chronic lower respiratory diseases 8.3.2 Other chronic lower resp. diseases (number) 8 Diseases of the respiratory system 8.4 Other diseases of the respirator.... (number) 9 Diseases of the digestive system Total diseases of the digestive system (number) 9 Diseases of the digestive system 9.1 Peptic ulcers (number) 9 Diseases of the digestive system 9.2 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis Total chronic liver disease and cirrh. (number) 9 Diseases of the digestive system 9.2 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 9.2.1 Alcoholic liver disease (number) 9 Diseases of the digestive system 9.2 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 9.2.2 Other chronic liver diseases (number) 9 Diseases of the digestive system 9.3 Other diseases of the digesti..... (number) 10 Diseases of skin and subcut. tissue (number) 11 Dis. of musc. syst. and con. tis. Total dis. of musc. syst. and con. tis. (number) 11 Dis. of musc. syst. and con. tis. 11.1 Rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis (number) 11 Dis. of musc. syst. and con. tis. 11.2 Other dis. musc. syst. and ..... (number) 12 Diseases of the genitourinary system Total diseases of the genit. system (number) 12 Diseases of the genitourinary system 12.1 Diseases of the kidney and ureter (number) 12 Diseases of the genitourinary system 12.2 Other dis. of the genitourinary ... (number) 13 Compl. pregn., childb. and the puerp. (number) 14 Conditions origin. in perinat. period (number) 15 Congenital anomalies Total congenital anomalies (number) 15 Congenital anomalies 15.1 ... of the nervous system (number) 15 Congenital anomalies 15.2 ... of the circulatory system (number) 15 Congenital anomalies 15.3 Other congenital anomalies (number) 16 Sympt., signs and ill-defined cond. Total sympt., signs and ill-defined c... (number) 16 Sympt., signs and ill-defined cond. 16.1 Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) (number) 16 Sympt., signs and ill-defined cond. 16.2 Ill-defined and unknown causes .... (number) 16 Sympt., signs and ill-defined cond. 16.3 Other sympt., signs and ill-def.... (number) 17 External causes of injury and pois. Total external causes of injury and p... (number) 17 External causes of injury and pois. 17.1 Accidents Total accidents (number) 17 External causes of injury and pois. 17.1 Accidents 17.1.1 Transport accidents Total transport accidents (number) 17 External causes of injury and pois. 17.1 Accidents 17.1.1 Transport accidents Road accidents (number) 17 External causes of injury and pois. 17.1 Accidents 17.1.1 Transport accidents Other transport accidents (number) 17 External causes of injury and pois. 17.1 Accidents 17.1.2 Accidental falls (number) 17 External causes of injury and pois. 17.1 Accidents 17.1.3 Accidental drowning (number) 17 External causes of injury and pois. 17.1 Accidents 17.1.4 Accidental poisoning (number) 17 External causes of injury and pois. 17.1 Accidents 17.1.5 Other accidents (number) 17 External causes of injury and pois. 17.2 Suicide and selfinflicted injury (number) 17 External causes of injury and pois. 17.3 Homicide and injury purposely ..... (number) 17 External causes of injury and pois. 17.4 Event of undetermined intent (number) 17 External causes of injury and pois. 17.5 Other ext causes of injury and ... (number) 18 COVID-19 (Coronavirus diseases) 18 Total COVID-19 (Coronavirus diseases) 18 COVID-19 (Coronavirus diseases) 18.1 Confirmed COVID-19 18 COVID-19 (Coronavirus diseases) 18.2 Probable COVID-19 Average population (number)
Total male and female Total of all ages 1970 109,611 828 156 49 17 606 26,267 25,367 188 379 3,194 2,112 961 142 638 1,140 162 5,252 192 2,283 426 375 777 1,272 465 731 1,894 2,784 900 276 1,933 1,592 341 790 74 7 709 1,594 116 470 1,008 49,717 23,662 19,029 4,633 7,403 12,670 5,982 7,802 1,089 2,977 3,171 150 3,021 565 3,297 534 517 97 420 2,246 125 392 160 232 2,538 1,315 1,223 32 1,554 1,310 318 591 401 3,565 24 1,761 1,780 7,591 6,426 3,345 3,176 169 2,217 302 90 472 1,049 62 45 9 13,035,666
Total male and female Total of all ages 1980 114,279 617 162 17 17 0 421 31,178 30,669 252 431 2,581 2,518 1,101 216 641 1,606 196 7,618 232 2,690 334 348 798 1,654 602 955 2,200 3,696 509 304 1,732 1,316 416 306 52 3 251 1,700 57 724 919 51,246 24,536 20,352 4,184 10,191 12,040 4,479 7,007 69 2,784 3,623 202 3,421 531 3,920 458 662 372 290 2,800 409 509 247 262 2,445 1,601 844 16 660 785 132 305 348 5,350 168 4,221 961 6,095 4,435 2,066 1,932 134 1,681 137 119 432 1,430 111 98 21 14,153,226
Total male and female Total of all ages 1990 128,824 1,102 136 38 11 269 648 35,815 35,173 388 833 2,091 3,009 898 203 494 1,685 208 8,241 348 3,313 288 397 978 2,135 761 1,129 2,729 5,045 642 609 4,553 3,680 873 1,109 118 10 981 2,653 59 1,157 1,437 51,620 22,396 17,302 5,094 10,519 12,392 6,313 10,671 318 3,501 6,051 275 5,776 801 4,623 435 720 386 334 3,468 596 837 411 426 2,530 1,549 981 15 596 751 115 272 364 5,438 112 4,061 1,265 5,306 3,616 1,410 1,330 80 1,584 111 47 464 1,450 135 92 13 14,956,742
Total male and female Total of all ages 2000 140,527 1,630 91 42 49 132 1,316 38,805 37,746 533 1,225 1,719 3,389 911 319 317 1,767 252 8,559 470 3,452 258 400 910 2,367 871 1,112 2,992 5,923 1,059 367 4,317 3,345 972 5,133 263 18 4,852 2,888 83 755 2,050 49,191 17,443 12,959 4,484 12,868 12,184 6,696 14,677 369 6,559 6,753 87 6,666 996 5,337 408 823 496 327 4,106 498 812 242 570 2,809 1,462 1,347 18 531 601 79 179 343 7,744 25 4,885 2,834 5,169 3,377 1,134 1,086 48 1,675 107 123 338 1,500 180 30 82 15,927,948
Total male and female Total of all ages 2005 136,402 1,830 70 11 45 80 1,624 40,373 39,346 538 1,443 1,529 3,583 1,017 343 335 2,176 227 9,414 624 3,322 235 425 946 2,370 886 1,157 2,956 5,820 1,027 507 4,492 3,759 733 6,436 223 14 6,199 3,555 80 1,024 2,451 43,350 13,343 9,502 3,841 12,473 10,326 7,208 14,315 324 5,604 6,423 63 6,360 1,964 5,384 332 821 469 352 4,231 392 798 248 550 2,860 1,508 1,352 16 509 527 56 162 309 5,715 19 3,326 2,370 5,343 3,511 828 760 68 1,961 93 132 497 1,572 174 55 31 16,316,942
Total male and female Total of all ages 2010 136,058 2,104 54 8 55 50 1,937 43,516 42,359 609 1,642 1,450 3,896 1,215 556 281 2,481 209 10,214 783 3,245 205 425 1,065 2,593 978 1,228 3,100 6,184 1,157 437 3,845 3,002 843 7,617 178 12 7,427 4,704 80 1,191 3,433 39,009 10,382 6,823 3,559 12,354 8,839 7,434 13,016 31 5,053 6,063 58 6,005 1,869 5,266 203 772 440 332 4,291 409 877 240 637 3,472 1,824 1,648 4 356 452 43 114 295 5,226 17 2,842 2,367 5,748 3,911 728 597 131 2,303 80 112 688 1,600 144 42 51 16,615,300
Total male and female Total of all ages 2015 147,134 3,497 36 4 56 33 3,368 45,790 44,195 655 1,814 1,293 3,804 1,357 667 431 2,702 203 10,432 828 3,302 207 461 1,002 2,641 981 1,177 3,470 6,768 1,595 491 3,662 2,847 815 11,404 481 35 10,888 7,605 45 1,588 5,972 39,379 9,003 5,408 3,595 13,595 9,635 7,146 12,681 371 3,369 7,076 123 6,953 1,865 4,532 146 828 435 393 3,558 251 1,044 352 692 3,336 2,119 1,217 6 334 433 38 81 314 5,436 7 2,753 2,676 7,253 5,206 673 579 94 3,486 83 166 798 1,871 104 34 38 16,937,838
Total male and female Total of all ages 2018 153,363 3,323 28 13 30 24 3,228 46,657 44,770 711 1,975 1,108 3,703 1,346 786 435 2,892 220 10,374 793 3,088 217 532 987 2,896 873 1,280 3,548 7,006 1,887 543 3,570 2,694 876 13,017 564 40 12,413 8,973 66 1,889 7,018 37,795 8,439 5,125 3,314 13,114 9,204 7,038 14,044 1,207 3,715 7,085 171 6,914 2,037 4,723 141 892 421 471 3,690 294 1,128 399 729 3,361 2,106 1,255 5 328 507 45 85 377 6,464 12 3,341 3,111 8,631 6,631 736 628 108 4,630 112 196 957 1,829 100 24 47 17,231,103
Total male and female Total of all ages 2019 151,885 3,307 20 8 35 27 3,217 46,990 45,144 692 1,999 1,229 3,566 1,279 866 393 3,005 219 10,233 751 3,077 216 576 1,067 2,964 972 1,271 3,695 7,074 1,846 564 3,536 2,725 811 12,758 484 62 12,212 8,793 64 1,923 6,806 37,541 8,269 4,915 3,354 12,809 9,309 7,154 12,624 540 3,366 6,969 183 6,786 1,749 4,682 152 873 408 465 3,657 320 1,091 356 735 3,347 2,108 1,239 9 363 504 52 93 359 6,782 13 3,669 3,100 8,674 6,680 706 617 89 4,723 76 204 971 1,811 109 35 39 17,345,493
Total male and female Total of all ages 2020 168,678 2,974 32 1 34 23 2,884 47,089 45,103 690 2,013 1,150 3,395 1,235 956 452 2,942 205 10,080 811 3,083 230 560 1,032 3,006 923 1,359 3,636 7,345 1,986 560 3,646 2,799 847 11,682 531 61 11,090 8,387 50 1,792 6,545 36,622 8,037 4,718 3,319 12,682 8,850 7,053 10,503 295 2,726 5,776 146 5,630 1,706 4,882 138 948 433 515 3,796 323 1,067 333 734 3,248 1,958 1,290 2 390 436 42 87 307 7,664 11 4,436 3,217 9,030 7,040 669 590 79 5,234 107 238 792 1,823 107 28 32 20,173 17,495 2,678 17,441,092
Total male and female Total of all ages 2021 170,972 2,975 20 0 29 20 2,906 47,107 45,072 771 2,019 1,197 3,326 1,242 973 466 2,998 230 10,095 789 3,127 213 589 977 3,003 834 1,201 3,602 7,420 2,035 617 3,676 2,830 846 11,771 542 79 11,150 8,279 49 1,871 6,359 37,446 8,048 4,809 3,239 13,148 8,965 7,285 10,119 21 2,584 5,773 149 5,624 1,741 4,934 138 909 396 513 3,887 387 1,097 350 747 3,633 2,209 1,424 5 370 434 36 85 313 9,248 6 5,826 3,416 9,266 7,222 634 559 75 5,430 80 240 838 1,862 114 34 34 19,608 19,309 299 17,538,629
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains the number of deaths in the population of the Netherlands by underlying cause of death (short list), sex and age-group (at time of death).

Since 2013 Statistics Netherlands is using Iris software for automatic coding for cause of death. This improved the international comparison of the data. The change in coding did cause a considerable shift in the statistic. Since 2013 the (yearly) ICD-10 updates are applied.

Data available from: 1950

Status of the figures:
All figures are final.

Changes as of December 18th 2024:
The final figures for 2023 have been added.

Changes as of February 14th 2024:
A correction has been implemented concerning the average population for the years 2015 and 2016, there was a shift in all age categories.

When will new figures be published?
The aim is to publish the provisional figures of 2024 in the third quarter of 2025.

Description topics

All causes of death
Total number of deaths.
ICD-10: A00-Y89;
ICD-9: 001-E999;
ICD-8: 000-E999;
ICD-6+7: 000-E999
1 Infectious and parasitic diseases
1 Infectious and parasitic diseases.
ICD-10: A00-B99;
ICD-9: 001-139, 279.8 (279.8 is a CBS-code. European code: 040-042);
ICD-8: 000-136;
ICD-6+7: 000-138
Total infectious and parasitic diseases
Total infectious and parasitic diseases.
ICD-10: A00-B99;
ICD-9: 001-139, 279.8 (279.8 is a CBS-code. European code: 040-042);
ICD-8: 000-136;
ICD-6+7: 000-138
1.1 Tuberculosis
1.1 Tuberculosis (TBC).
ICD-10: A15-A19, B90;
ICD-9: 010-018, 137;
ICD-8: 010-019;
ICD-6+7: 001-019
1.2 Cerebrospinal infection
1.2 Infection caused by meningococcus.
ICD-10: A39;
ICD-9: 036;
ICD-8: 036;
ICD-6+7: 057
1.3 Viral hepatitis
1.3 Viral hepatitis
ICD-10: B15-B19;
ICD-9: 070;
ICD-8: 070;
ICD-6+7: 092
1.4 AIDS
1.4 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
ICD-10: B20-B24;
ICD-9: 279.8 (this is a CBS-code. Europese code: 042-044);
ICD-8: --;
ICD-6+7: --
1.5 Other infect. and parasitic diseases
1.5 Other infectious and parasitic diseases.
ICD-10: A00-A09, A20-A38, A40-B09, B25-99;
ICD-9: 001-009, 018-035, 037-066, 071-136, 138-139;
ICD-8: 000-009, 020-035, 037-068, 070-136;
ICD-6+7: 020-056, 058-091, 093-138
2 Neoplasms
2 Neoplasms
ICD-10: C00-D48;
ICD-9: 140-239;
ICD-8: 140-239;
ICD-6+7: 140-239
Total neoplasms
Total neoplasms
ICD-10: C00-D48;
ICD-9: 140-239;
ICD-8: 140-239;
ICD-6+7: 140-239
2.1 Malignant neoplasms
2.1 Malignant neoplasms
ICD-10: C00-C97;
ICD-9: 140-208;
ICD-8: 140-209;
ICD-6+7: 140-207
Total malignant neoplasms
Total malignant neoplasms
ICD-10: C00-C97;
ICD-9: 140-208;
ICD-8: 140-209;
ICD-6+7: 140-207
2.1.1 Mal. neopl. lip, oral cavity .....
2.1.1 Malignant neoplasms of lip, oral cavity and pharynx.
ICD-10: C00-C14;
ICD-9: 140-149;
ICD-8: 140-149;
ICD-6+7: 140-148
2.1.2 Mal. neopl. oesophagus
2.1.2 Malignant neoplasms of oesophagus.
ICD-10: C15;
ICD-9: 150;
ICD-8: 150;
ICD-6+7: 150
2.1.3 Mal. neopl. stomach
2.1.3 Malignant neoplasms of stomach.
ICD-10: C16;
ICD-9: 151;
ICD-8: 151;
ICD-6+7: 151
2.1.4 Mal. neopl. colon
2.1.4 Malignant neoplasms of colon.
ICD-10: C18;
ICD-9: 153;
ICD-8: 153;
ICD-6+7: 153
2.1.5 Mal. neopl. rectum and anus
2.1.5 Malignant neoplasms of rectum, rectosigmoïd and anus.
ICD-10: C19-C21;
ICD-9: 154;
ICD-8: 154;
ICD-6+7: 154
2.1.6 Mal. neopl. liver and intrah....
2.1.6 Malignants neoplasms of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts.
ICD-10: C22.0 - C22.8;
ICD-9: 155.0-155.1;
ICD-8: 155;
ICD-6+7: 155

In ICD-6+7 there is no difference between liver, intrahepatic bile ducts, galblatter or bile ducts. For this reacon all deceased because of these disease in the period 1950-1968 are counted in 2.1.6 Malignants neoplasms of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts.

2.1.7 Mal. neopl. galbladder and ....
2.1.7 Malignant neoplasms of galbladder and bile ducts.
ICD-10: C23-C24;
ICD-9: 156;
ICD-8: 156;
ICD-6+7: --

In ICD-6+7 there is no difference between liver, intrahepatic bile ducts, galblatter or bile ducts. For this reacon all deceased because of these disease in the period 1950-1968 are counted in 2.1.6 Malignants neoplasms of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts.

2.1.8 Mal. neopl. pancreas
2.1.8 Malignant neoplasms of pancreas.
ICD-10: C25;
ICD-9: 157;
ICD-8: 157;
ICD-6+7: 157
2.1.9 Mal. neopl. larynx
2.1.9 Malignant neoplasms of larynx.
ICD-10: C32;
ICD-9: 161;
ICD-8: 161;
ICD-6+7: 161
2.1.10 Mal. neopl. trachea, bronchi ....
2.1.10 Malignant neoplasms of trachea, bronchus and lung.
Trachea (windpipe) including branchings.
ICD-10: C33-C34;
ICD-9: 162;
ICD-8: 162;
ICD-6+7: 162-163
2.1.11 Melanoma skin
2.1.11 Melanoma skin
ICD-10: C43;
ICD-9: 172;
ICD-8: 172;
ICD-6+7: 190
2.1.12 Mal. neopl. breast
2.1.12 Malignant neoplasms of breast.
ICD-10: C50;
ICD-9: 174-175;
ICD-8: 174;
ICD-6+7: 170
2.1.13 Mal. neopl. cervix uteri
2.1.13 Malignant neoplasms of cervix uteri.
ICD-10: C53;
ICD-9: 180;
ICD-8: 180;
ICD-6+7: 171
2.1.14 Mal. neopl. corp. uteri and ....
2.1.14 Malignant neoplasms of corpus uteri and uterus unspecified.
ICD-10: C54-C55;
ICD-9: 179,182;
ICD-8: 182;
ICD-6+7: 172-174
2.1.15 Mal. neopl. ovary
2.1.15 Malignant neoplasms of ovary.
ICD-10: C56;
ICD-9: 183.0;
ICD-8: 183.0;
ICD-6+7: 175
2.1.16 Mal. neopl. prostate
2.1.16 Malignant neoplasms of prostate.
ICD-10: C61;
ICD-9: 185;
ICD-8: 185;
ICD-6+7: 177
2.1.17 Mal. neopl. kidney, ex. ren....
2.1.17 Malignant neoplasms of kidney, except renal pelvis.
ICD-10: C64;
ICD-9: 189.0;
ICD-8: 189.0;
ICD-6+7: 180
2.1.18 Mal. neopl. bladder
2.1.18 Malignant neoplasms of bladder.
ICD-10: C67;
ICD-9: 188;
ICD-8: 188;
ICD-6+7: 181
2.1.19 Mal. neopl. lymphoid, heam....
2.1.19 Malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, heamatopoietic and related tissue.
ICD-10: C81-C96;
ICD-9: 200-208;
ICD-8: 200-209;
ICD-6+7: 200-207
2.1.20 Other malignant neoplasms
2.1.20 Other malignant neoplasms
ICD-10: C17, C22.9, C26-C31, C35-C41, C44-C49, C51-C52, C57-C60,
C62-C63, C65-C66, C68-C80, C97;
ICD-9: 152, 155.2, 158-160, 163-171, 173, 179, 181, 183.2-183,9, 184,
186-187, 189.1-189.9, 190-199;
ICD-8: 452,158-160, 163-171, 173, 181, 183.1-183.9, 184, 186-187,
189.1-189.9, 190-199;
ICD-6+7: 152, 158-160, 164-165, 176, 178-179, 191-199
2.2 Other neoplasms
2.2 Other neoplasms
ICD-10: D00-D48;
ICD-9: 219-239;
ICD-8: 210-239;
ICD-6+7: 210-239
3 Blood/bloodform. org. and imm.dis.
3 Diseases of the blood and bloodforming organs and certain
disorders involving the immune mechanism.
ICD-10: D50-D89;
ICD-9: 279-289 excl. 279.8;
ICD-8: 280-289;
ICD-6+7: 290-299
4 Endocrine, nutritional and metab. dis.
4 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases
ICD-10: E00-E90;
ICD-9: 240-278;
ICD-8: 240-279;
ICD-6+7: 250-289
Total endocrine, nutritional and ...
Total of endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases.
ICD-10: E00-E90;
ICD-9: 240-278;
ICD-8: 240-279;
ICD-6+7: 250-289
4.1 Diabetes mellitus
4.1 Diabetes mellitus
ICD-10: E10-E14;
ICD-9: 250;
ICD-8: 250;
ICD-6+7: 260
4.2 Other endocrine, nutr. and met. dis.
4.2 Other endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases.
ICD-10: E00-E07, E15-E90;
ICD-9: 240-246, 251-278;
ICD-8: 240-246, 251-279;
ICD-6+7: 250-254, 270-289
5 Mental and behavioural disorders
5 Mental and behavioural disorders.
ICD-10: F00-F99;
ICD-9: 290-319;
ICD-8: 290-315;
ICD-6+7: 300-326
Total mental and behavioural disorders
Total mental and behavioural disorders.
ICD-10: F00-F99;
ICD-9: 290-319;
ICD-8: 290-315;
ICD-6+7: 300-326
5.1 ... due to use of alcohol
5.1 Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol.
ICD-10: F10;
ICD-9: 291, 303, 305.0;
ICD-8: 291, 303;
ICD-6+7: 307, 322
5.2 ... due to use of drugs
5.2 Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of drugs and volatile
ICD-10: F11-F16, F18-F19;
ICD-9: 304, 305.2-305.9;
ICD-8: 304;
ICD-6+7: 323
5.3 Other mental and behavioural ....
5.3 Other mental and behavioural disorders.
ICD-10: F00-F09, F17-F99;
ICD-9: 290, 292-302, 305.1, 306-319;
ICD-8: 290, 292-302, 305-315;
ICD-6+7: 300-306, 308-321, 324-326
6 Diseases of the nervous system
6 Diseases of the nervous system.
ICD-10: G00-H95;
ICD-9: 320-389;
ICD-8: 320-389;
ICD-6+7: 340-398
Total diseases of the nervous system
Total diseases of the nervous system.
ICD-10: G00-H95;
ICD-9: 320-389;
ICD-8: 320-389;
ICD-6+7: 340-398
6.1 Meningitis
6.1 Meningitis.
ICD-10: G00-G03;
ICD-9: 320-322;
ICD-8: 320;
ICD-6+7: 340
6.2 Parkinson's disease
6.2 Parkinson's disease.
ICD-10: G20-G21;
ICD-9: 332;
ICD-8: 342;
6.3 Other diseases of the nervous system
6.3 Other diseases of the nervous system.
ICD-10: G04-G13, G22-H95;
ICD-9: 323-331, 333-389;
ICD-8: 321-341, 343-389;
ICD-6+7: 341-345, 351-398
7 Diseases of the circulatory system
7 Diseases of the circulatory system.
ICD-10: I00-I99;
ICD-9: 390-459;
ICD-8: 390-458;
ICD-6+7: 330-334, 400-468
Total diseases of the circulatory system
Total diseases of the circulatory system.
ICD-10: I00-I99;
ICD-9: 390-459;
ICD-8: 390-458;
ICD-6+7: 330-334, 400-468
Total ischaemic heart diseases
Total ischaemic heart diseases.
ICD-10: I20-I25;
ICD-9: 410-414;
ICD-8: 410-414;
ICD-6+7: 420, 422.1
7.1 Ischaemic heart diseases
7.1. Ischaemic heart diseases.
ICD-10: I20-I25;
ICD-9: 410-414;
ICD-8: 410-414;
ICD-6+7: 420, 422.1
7.1.1 Acute myocardial infarction
7.1.1 Acute myocardial infarction
ICD-10: I21-I22;
ICD-9: 410;
ICD-8: 410;
ICD-6+7: 420.1
7.1.2 Other ischaemic heart diseases
7.1.2 Other ischaemic heart diseases
ICD-10: I20, I23-I25;
ICD-9: 411-414;
ICD-8: 411-414;
ICD-6+7: 420.0, 420.2, 422.1
7.2 Other heart diseases
7.2 Other heart diseases.
ICD-10: I30-I33, I39-I52;
ICD-9: 420-423, 425-429;
ICD-8: 420-423, 425-429;
ICD-6+7: 451-468, 430-439
7.3 Cerebrovascular diseases
7.3 Cerebrovascular diseases.
ICD-10: I60-I69;
ICD-9: 430-438;
ICD-8: 430-438;
ICD-6+7: 330-334
7.4 Other diseases of the circulat.....
7.4 Other diseases of the circulatory system.
ICD-10: I00-I15, I26-I28, I34-I38, I70-I99;
ICD-9: 390-405, 415-417, 424, 440-459;
ICD-8: 390-404, 424, 440-458;
ICD-6+7: 400-416, 421-422.0, 422.2, 440-468
8 Diseases of the respiratory system
8 Diseases of the respiratory system.
ICD-10: J00-J99;
ICD-9: 460-519;
ICD-8: 460-519;
ICD-6+7: 240-241, 470-527
Total diseases of the respiratory system
Total diseases of the respiratory system.
ICD-10: J00-J99;
ICD-9: 460-519;
ICD-8: 460-519;
ICD-6+7: 240-241, 470-527
8.1 Influenza
8.1 Influenza.
ICD-10: J09-J11;
ICD-9: 487;
ICD-8: 470-474;
ICD-6+7: 480-483

Since 2009 ICD10-code "J09 Influenza due to identified avian influenza virus" has been added to the ICD-10. This code is counted in "8.1 Influenza".
8.2 Pneumonia
8.2 Pneumonia.
ICD-10: J12-J18;
ICD-9: 480-486;
ICD-8: 480-486;
8.3 Chronic lower respiratory diseases
8.3 Chronic lower respiratory diseases.
ICD-10: J40-J47;
ICD-9: 490-494, 496;
ICD-8: 490-493, 518;
ICD-6+7: 241, 501-502
Total chronic lower respiratory diseases
Total chronic lower respiratory diseases.
ICD-10: J40-J47;
ICD-9: 490-494, 496;
ICD-8: 490-493, 518;
ICD-6+7: 241, 501-502
8.3.1 Asthma
8.3.1 Asthma.
ICD-10: J45-J46;
ICD-9: 493;
ICD-8: 493;
ICD-6+7: 241
8.3.2 Other chronic lower resp. diseases
8.3.2 Other chronic lower respiratory diseases.
ICD-10: J40-J44, J47;
ICD-9: 490-492, 494, 496;
ICD-8: 490-492, 518;
ICD-6+7: 501-502
8.4 Other diseases of the respirator....
8.4 Other diseases of the respiratory system.
ICD-10: J00-J06, J20-J39, J60-J99;
ICD-9: 460-478, 495-519;
ICD-8: 460-466, 500-517, 519;
ICD-6+7: 240, 470-475, 500, 510-527
9 Diseases of the digestive system
9 Diseases of the digestive system.
ICD-10: K00-K93;
ICD-9: 520-579;
ICD-8: 520-577;
ICD-6+7: 530-587
Total diseases of the digestive system
Total diseases of the digestive system.
ICD-10: K00-K93;
ICD-9: 520-579;
ICD-8: 520-577;
ICD-6+7: 530-587
9.1 Peptic ulcers
9.1 Peptic ulcer, duodenal ulcer and ulcer of jejunum.
ICD-10: K25-K28;
ICD-9: 531-534;
ICD-8: 531-53;
ICD-6+7: 540-542
9.2 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis
9.2 Chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis.
ICD-10: K70,K73-K74;
ICD-9: 571;
ICD-8: 571;
ICD-6+7: 581
Total chronic liver disease and cirrh.
Total chronic liver disease and cirrhosis.
ICD-10: K70,K73-K74;
ICD-9: 571;
ICD-8: 571;
ICD-6+7: 581
9.2.1 Alcoholic liver disease
9.2.1 Chronic liver disease related to the use of alcohol.
ICD-10: K70;
ICD-9: 571.0-571.3;
ICD-8: 571.0;
Icd-6+7: 581.1
9.2.2 Other chronic liver diseases
9.2.2 Other chronic liver diseases.
ICD-10: K73-K74;
ICD-9: 571.4-571.9;
ICD-8: 571.8-571.9;
ICD-6+7: 581.0
9.3 Other diseases of the digesti.....
9.3 Other diseases of the digestive system.
ICD-10: K00-K23, K29-K67, K71-K72, K75-K93;
ICD-9: 520-530, 535-570, 572-579;
ICD-8: 520-530, 535-570, 572-577;
ICD-6+7: 530-539, 543-580, 582-587
10 Diseases of skin and subcut. tissue
10 Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
ICD-10: L00-L99;
ICD-9: 680-709;
ICD-8: 680-709;
ICD-6+7: 242-244, 690-716
11 Dis. of musc. syst. and con. tis.
11 Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue.
ICD-10: M00-M99;
ICD-9: 710-739;
ICD-8: 710-738;
ICD-6+7: 720-749
Total dis. of musc. syst. and con. tis.
Total of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue.
ICD-10: M00-M99;
ICD-9: 710-739;
ICD-8: 710-738;
ICD-6+7: 720-749
11.1 Rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis
11.1 Rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis.
ICD-10: M05-M06, M15-M19;
ICD-9: 714-715;
ICD-8: 712-713;
ICD-6+7: 722
11.2 Other dis. musc. syst. and .....
11.2 Other diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue.
ICD-10: M00-M03, M07-M99;
ICD-9: 710-713, 716-739;
ICD-8: 710-711, 714-738;
ICD-6+7: 720-721, 723-749
12 Diseases of the genitourinary system
12 Diseases of the genitourinary system.
ICD-10: N00-N99;
ICD-9: 580-629;
ICD-8: 580-629, 792;
ICD-6+7: 590-637, 792

Total diseases of the genit. system
Total diseases of the genitourinary system.
ICD-10: N00-N99;
ICD-9: 580-629;
ICD-8: 580-629, 792;
ICD-6+7: 590-637, 792
12.1 Diseases of the kidney and ureter
12.1 Diseases of the kidney and ureter.
ICD-10: N00-N20, N22-N29;
ICD-9: 580-593;
ICD-8: 580-593;
ICD-6+7: 590-637, 792

12.2 Other dis. of the genitourinary ...
12.2 Other diseases of the genitourinary system.
ICD-10: N21, N30-N99;
ICD-9: 594-629;
ICD-8: 594-629, 792;
ICD-6+7: 610-637, 792

13 Compl. pregn., childb. and the puerp.
13 Complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium.
ICD-10: O00-O99;
ICD-9: 630-676;
ICD-8: 630-678;
ICD-6+7: 640-689
14 Conditions origin. in perinat. period
14 Conditions originating in the perinatal period.
ICD-10: P00-P96;
ICD-9: 760-779;
ICD-8: 760-779;
ICD-6+7: 760-776
15 Congenital anomalies
15 Congenital anomalies.
ICD-10: Q00-Q99;
ICD-9: 740-759;
ICD-8: 740-759;
ICD-6+7: 750-759
Total congenital anomalies
Total congenital anomalies.
ICD-10: Q00-Q99;
ICD-9: 740-759;
ICD-8: 740-759;
ICD-6+7: 750-759
15.1 ... of the nervous system
15.1 Congenital anomalies of the nervous system.
ICD-10: Q00-Q07;
ICD-9: 740-742;
ICD-8: 740-743;
ICD-6+7: 750-753
15.2 ... of the circulatory system
15.2 Congenital anomalies of the circulatory system.
ICD-10: Q20-Q28;
ICD-9: 745-747;
ICD-8: 746-747;
ICD-6+7: 754
15.3 Other congenital anomalies
15.3 Other congenital anomalies.
ICD-10: Q10-Q18, Q30-Q99;
ICD-9: 743-744, 748-759;
ICD-8: 744-745, 748-759;
ICD-6+7: 755-759
16 Sympt., signs and ill-defined cond.
16 Symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions.
ICD-10: R00-R99;
ICD-9: 780-799;
ICD-8: 780-791, 793-796;
ICD-6+7: 780-791, 793-795
Total sympt., signs and ill-defined c...
Total of symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions.
ICD-10: R00-R99;
ICD-9: 780-799;
ICD-8: 780-791, 793-796;
ICD-6+7: 780-791, 793-795
16.1 Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
16.1 Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
ICD-10: R95;
ICD-9: 798.0, younger than 1 year;
ICD-8: 795, younger than 1 year;
ICD-6+7: --
16.2 Ill-defined and unknown causes ....
16.2 Ill-defined and unknown causes of mortality.
ICD-10: R96-R99;
ICD-9: 798.1-799.9;
ICD-8: 795-796;
ICD-6+7: 795
16.3 Other sympt., signs and ill-def....
16.3 Other symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions.
ICD-10: R00-R94;
ICD-9: 780-797;
ICD-8: 793-794;
ICD-6+7: 780-791, 793-794
17 External causes of injury and pois.
17 External causes of injury and poisoning.
ICD-10: V01-Y89;
ICD-9: E800-E999;
ICD-8: E800-E999;
ICD-6+7: E800-E999
Total external causes of injury and p...
Total of external causes of injury and poisoning.
ICD-10: V01-Y89;
ICD-9: E800-E999;
ICD-8: E800-E999;
ICD-6+7: E800-E999
17.1 Accidents
17.1 Accidents.
ICD-10: V01-X59;
ICD-9: E800-E929;
ICD-8: E800-E929, E940-E949;
ICD-6+7: E800-E936, E960-E962
Total accidents
Total accidents.
ICD-10: V01-X59;
ICD-9: E800-E929;
ICD-8: E800-E929, E940-E949;
ICD-6+7: E800-E936, E960-E962
17.1.1 Transport accidents
17.1.1 Transport accidents.
ICD-10: V01-V99;
ICD-9: E800-E848;
ICD-8: E800-E845, E940-E941;
ICD-6+7: E800-E866, E960
Total transport accidents
Total transport accidents.
ICD-10: V01-V99;
ICD-9: E800-E848;
ICD-8: E800-E845, E940-E941;
ICD-6+7: E800-E866, E960 Road accidents Road accidents.
ICD-10: See href="
ICD-9: E810-E819, E826-E829;
ICD-8: E810-E819, E825-E827, E940-E941;
ICD-6+7:E810-E825, E840-E845, E960 Other transport accidents Other transport accidents.
ICD-10: V01-V99 minus the list of 4-digit codes, see the table explanation for a link;
ICD-9: E800-E807, E820-E825, E830-E848;
ICD-8: E800-E807, E820-E823, E830-E845;
ICD-6+7: E800-E802, E830-E835, E850-E866
17.1.2 Accidental falls
17.1.2 Accidental falls.
ICD-10: W00-W19, X59;
ICD-9: E880-E888;
ICD-8: E880-E887;
ICD-6+7: E900-E904
17.1.3 Accidental drowning
17.1.3 Accidental drowning.
ICD-10: W65-W74;
ICD-9: E910;
ICD-8: E910;
ICD-6+7: E929
17.1.4 Accidental poisoning
17.1.4 Accidental poisoning.
ICD-10: X40-X49;
ICD-9: E850-E869;
ICD-8: E850-E877;
ICD-6+7: E870-E895
17.1.5 Other accidents
17.1.5 Other accidents.
ICD-10: W20-W64, W75-X39, X50-X58;
ICD-9: E870-E879, E890-E909, E911-E929;
ICD-8: E890-E909, E911-E929, E942-E946;
ICD-6+7: E896-E899, E910-E928, E930-E936, E961-E962
17.2 Suicide and selfinflicted injury
17.2 Suicide and selfinflicted injury.
ICD-10: X60-X84;
ICD-9: E950-E959;
ICD-8: E950-E959;
ICD-6+7: E963, E970-E979
17.3 Homicide and injury purposely .....
17.3 Homicide and injury purposely inflicted by another person with intent to injure or kill, by any means.
ICD-10: X85-Y09;
ICD-9: E960-E969;
ICD-8: E960-E969;
ICD-6+7: E964, E980-E983
17.4 Event of undetermined intent
17.4 Event of undetermined intent.
ICD-10: Y10-Y34;
ICD-9: E980-E989;
ICD-8: E980-E989;
ICD-6+7: --
17.5 Other ext causes of injury and ...
17.5 Other external causes of injury and poisoning.
ICD-10: Y35-Y89;
ICD-9: E930-E949, E970-E978, E990-E999;
ICD-8: E930-E949, E970-E978, E990-E999;
ICD-6+7: E94-E959, E965, E984-E999
18 COVID-19 (Coronavirus diseases)
18 COVID-19 (Coronavirus diseases)
ICD-10: U00-U99;
ICD-6+7+8+9: --
18 Total COVID-19 (Coronavirus diseases)
18 Total COVID-19 (Coronavirus diseases)
ICD-10: U00-U99;
ICD-6+7+8+9: --
18.1 Confirmed COVID-19
18.1 Confirmed COVID-19
ICD-10: U07.1;
ICD-6+7+8+9: --
18.2 Probable COVID-19
18.2 Probable COVID-19
ICD-10: U07.2;
ICD-6+7+8+9: --
Average population
The average population in agegroup L for year t is calculated as follows:
((Population in agegroup (L) on January 1st year t)+
(Population in agegroup (L) on January 1st year t+1))/2.
The calculation of the average of children at the age of zero years differs from this definition and has been calculated as follows:
((live births in year t)+(children aged zero years on 1 January of year t+1))/2.