Use of medical facilities; 1981-2009

Use of medical facilities; 1981-2009

All periods Contacts with the GP Contacts with the GP in 1 year % Persons with contact Total persons with contact (%) Contacts with the medical specialist % Persons with contact in 1 year Total persons with contact (%) Contacts with the dentist Contacts with the dentist in 1 year % Persons with contact in 1 year Total persons with contact (%) Contacts with the dentist Contact by persons without false teeth % Persons with contact in 1 year Total persons with contact (%) Contacts with the dentist Condition of teeth persons over 16 yrs Complete set of false teeth Total complete set of false teeth (%) Contacts with the dentist Condition of teeth persons over 16 yrs False teeth in upper or lower jaw Total false teeth in upper or lower jaw (%) Contacts with the dentist Condition of teeth persons over 16 yrs Dental plate, dental prothesis or bridge Total dental plate, prothesis or bridge (%) Contacts with the dentist Condition of teeth persons over 16 yrs No dental prothesis Total no dental prothesis (%) Contacts with the physiotherapist % Persons with contact in 1 year Total persons with contact (%) Contacts with alternative healers % Persons with contact (excl.GP) in 1 yr Total persons with contact (%) Contacts with alternative healers % Persons with contact (incl.GP) in 1 yr Total number of persons with contact (%) Hospital admissions % Admitted persons in 1 year Total admitted persons (%) Medicines % Persons with prescription Total persons with prescription (%) Medicines % Persons with prescribed medicines Total with prescribed medicines (%) Medicines % Medicines not on prescription Total medicines not on prescription (%) Contraceptive pill (% women 16-49 yrs) Total contraceptive pill (%) Health centres % visit health care centre in 1 year Total calls health care centres (%)
Standard error 0.5 0.5 0.5 . 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.4
1981 69.3 35.7 60.9 77.3 31.6 7.5 10.2 50.7 6.6 3.8 6.6 6.8 16.2 . 15.6 26.9 85.8
1982 70.5 37.7 62.5 78.2 29.7 7.1 11.0 52.2 6.8 3.7 6.3 7.7 15.0 . 17.2 27.8 85.6
1983 71.4 38.0 65.1 80.6 28.9 7.2 11.5 52.4 8.1 . . 7.6 14.4 . 17.9 27.4 88.2
1984 71.4 37.8 66.7 82.2 28.9 6.7 12.3 52.1 9.7 . . 7.5 12.3 28.2 19.2 30.0 88.8
1985 71.9 37.5 67.2 82.2 27.9 6.7 12.1 53.3 9.7 4.5 9.1 6.9 12.6 28.1 19.4 29.0 86.2
1986 72.9 37.9 67.5 82.8 27.8 7.0 10.8 54.5 10.5 4.9 10.2 7.6 12.5 28.6 20.0 32.6 87.6
1987 71.9 37.5 68.3 83.3 26.1 7.0 11.7 55.2 11.2 5.2 11.9 6.8 12.4 28.0 20.7 32.8 88.3
1988 72.4 37.1 68.6 83.5 25.3 7.5 10.6 56.6 11.8 5.6 12.2 6.6 12.4 29.5 22.7 36.7 89.8
1989 73.4 38.2 69.8 84.6 25.0 6.8 11.8 56.4 12.9 5.7 14.0 6.5 12.7 28.7 23.6 37.3 87.6
1990 75.4 41.0 71.3 85.3 23.7 6.4 12.2 57.7 14.3 5.9 15.7 7.0 12.5 29.8 21.1 34.2 85.9
1991 75.5 38.5 71.7 85.6 23.6 6.7 11.5 58.3 13.7 6.1 15.3 6.8 13.5 31.4 24.0 40.6 89.0
1992 75.4 38.5 72.9 86.3 22.5 6.5 10.9 60.2 13.5 5.8 15.1 6.0 12.9 30.9 23.9 41.4 88.1
1993 75.6 39.7 74.0 86.9 21.5 6.8 12.1 59.6 13.7 5.7 15.1 7.3 13.3 31.6 25.9 43.4 89.6
1994 76.3 39.5 73.9 86.3 20.7 6.5 12.5 60.3 13.7 6.0 14.6 6.4 12.0 31.0 27.8 45.0 88.7
1995 75.2 38.9 74.6 86.4 20.1 6.2 12.2 61.4 13.6 6.2 14.6 6.5 13.1 33.2 28.5 42.8 89.0
1996 75.2 37.6 74.4 85.9 19.3 6.4 12.1 62.2 13.2 5.3 12.9 6.8 12.1 32.9 29.5 45.5 90.0
1997 75.5 37.4 76.1 87.0 17.9 6.4 13.0 62.8 15.2 6.1 13.2 5.8 12.5 32.9 31.9 43.3 88.9
1998 75.6 38.1 77.6 87.4 17.1 5.8 13.6 63.5 15.3 6.4 13.4 5.9 13.0 32.6 32.6 42.7 90.6
1999 75.5 38.4 77.1 87.0 17.0 6.1 13.3 63.7 15.6 6.8 13.3 5.9 12.8 34.3 33.5 43.2 90.5
2000 75.6 38.0 78.2 87.3 15.7 5.4 14.3 64.7 16.2 5.9 12.2 5.6 12.1 33.8 34.5 43.1 88.1
2001 76.1 37.8 77.7 86.7 15.6 5.7 13.3 65.4 16.7 6.9 12.5 5.4 12.8 35.3 35.6 43.1 90.0
2002 74.9 38.0 78.5 86.4 14.1 5.8 13.8 66.2 17.2 6.6 11.3 5.9 12.1 35.6 37.4 41.9 90.8
2003 74.4 38.7 78.2 86.5 14.4 5.9 12.9 66.8 17.6 6.8 10.7 5.9 12.0 36.5 38.2 41.3 90.6
2004 73.3 39.0 78.4 86.3 14.0 5.4 13.7 66.9 17.3 7.2 11.0 6.2 11.3 36.8 38.6 39.9 90.5
2005 73.1 40.0 77.9 85.2 13.3 5.3 13.3 68.1 16.8 6.5 10.5 6.3 10.8 37.1 39.0 39.7 90.6
2006 72.6 40.2 78.1 85.1 12.7 5.7 13.7 67.9 17.8 6.3 9.9 6.7 11.1 37.5 39.9 36.5 89.1
2007 72.0 41.0 77.7 84.7 12.5 5.5 13.7 68.3 18.8 7.0 10.5 6.4 11.3 38.5 39.0 38.1 91.2
2008 73.3 41.2 78.3 85.1 12.4 4.7 13.5 69.5 20.0 7.2 10.0 6.8 11.7 39.6 39.6 38.5 93.0
2009 73.9 43.2 78.6 84.7 11.6 4.9 13.5 70.0 20.5 6.6 9.2 6.7 12.0 40.0 39.1 39.0 92.8
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains information on the use of medical facilities, visits to the GP, medical specialist, dentist, physiotherapist, alternative healers, hospital admissions, medicines, contraceptive pill and health centers.

Data available from:1981

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are final

Changes as of 22 March 2018:
None, this table has been discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable. This table has been discontinued. Figures from 2010 onwards can be found in other tables, see paragraph 3.

Description topics

Contacts with the GP
Includes all contacts with the GP, i.e. visits to the GP and consultations
by telephone in the 12 months prior to the interview.
Contacts with the GP in 1 year
% Persons with contact
Total persons with contact
Contacts with the medical specialist
Including all contacts with medical specialists in the 12 months prior to
the interview, excluding medical assistance by a specialist during
hospital admissions, treatments in outpatient's departments. First aid and
X-rays are included.
% Persons with contact in 1 year
Total persons with contact
Contacts with the dentist
Contacts with the dentist and the condition of the teeth of persons in the
age category 16 years and older.
Contacts with the dentist in 1 year
Contact with the dentist includes all visits to a dentist in the 12 months
preceding the interview.
The figures refer to persons with or without false teeth.
% Persons with contact in 1 year
Total persons with contact
Contact by persons without false teeth
Contact with the dentist includes all visits to a dentist in the 12 months
prior to the interview.
The figures refer to all persons excluding those having a complete set of
false teeth.
% Persons with contact in 1 year
Total persons with contact
Condition of teeth persons over 16 yrs
A distinction is made between:
a complete set of false teeth, false teeth only in the upper or lower jaw,
a dental plate, frame prothesis or bridge, no dental prothesises.
Complete set of false teeth
Total complete set of false teeth
False teeth in upper or lower jaw
Total false teeth in upper or lower jaw
Dental plate, dental prothesis or bridge
Total dental plate, prothesis or bridge
No dental prothesis
Total no dental prothesis
Contacts with the physiotherapist
Includes all contacts with physiotherapists in the 12 months preceding the
interview, excluding contacts during hospital admission.
% Persons with contact in 1 year
Total persons with contact
Contacts with alternative healers
Includes homeopaths, acupuncturists, natural healers, magnetisers,
paranormal healers and other alternative healers.
% Persons with contact (excl.GP) in 1 yr
Percentage of persons contacting an alternative healer in the 12 months
preceding the interview. The alternative healer may not be their own GP
applying special treatments.
Total persons with contact
% Persons with contact (incl.GP) in 1 yr
Percentage of persons contacting an alternative healer in the 12 months
preceding the interview. The alternative healer may also be their own GP
applying special treatments.
Total number of persons with contact
Hospital admissions
Hospital admissions related to childbirth, transfers to and from other
institutions and persons who die during admission in hospital have not
been taken into account. Hence the figures presented are lower than the
actual number of hospital admissions.
% Admitted persons in 1 year
Total admitted persons
Taking of medicines.
% Persons with prescription
Percentage of persons who were prescribed medicines in the fortnight
preceding the interview. Prescription of the contraceptive pill and
prescription of medicines during admission in hospital have not been taken
into account.
Total persons with prescription
% Persons with prescribed medicines
Percentage of persons who took prescribed medicines in the fortnight prior
to the interview. Medicines prescribed more than two weeks ago are also
included. Prescription of the contraceptive pill and prescription
of medicines during admission in hospital have not been taken into
Total with prescribed medicines
% Medicines not on prescription
Percentage of persons who took medicines that were not prescribed.
The figures may be inaccurate (aspirin, for instance, is not considered a
medicine by all respondents).
Total medicines not on prescription
Contraceptive pill (% women 16-49 yrs)
Percentage of women in the age category 16-49 taking the pill.
Total contraceptive pill
Health centres
Questions refer to the period one year previously, consequently, children
younger than 1 year cannot be monitored during a whole year.
% visit health care centre in 1 year
The percentage of children in the age category 0-4 who visited health care
centres during the 12 months preceding to the interview.
Total calls health care centres