Holidays; key figures, 1990-2016

Table explanation

This table contains information about the number of holiday participants, number of holidays, destination, accommodation type, means of transport and holiday expenses.

Data available for 1990-2016.

Status of the figures:
Figures are final.

Changes as of 23 July 2019.
None, the table has been discontinued.

When will new figures become available?
Not applicable.

Description topics

Holidays in the Netherlands
In the period 1990-2001, a holiday was understood to mean:
Staying outside the home for leisure or pleasure with at least one overnight stay other than in accommodation of family, friends or acquaintances.
From 2002, a holiday means:
Staying outside your own home for relaxation or fun with at least one overnight stay. This concerns both domestic and foreign holidays. Staying in accommodation of family, friends or acquaintances abroad is also incorporated in the concept of vacation.
A stay in accommodation of family, friends or acquaintances in the Netherlands, however, does not count, unless the host was absent the whole time or most days.
Type of accommodation
The accommodation type is the overnight stay.
If several types of accommodation have been used, the type is noted in which most of the nights have been spent.

Guesthouse, bed & breakfast
Guesthouse, bed & breakfast
% guesthouse, bed & breakfast
Holidays abroad
In the period 1990-2001, a holiday was understood to mean:
Staying outside the home for leisure or pleasure with at least one overnight stay other than in accommodation of family, friends or acquaintances.
From 2002, a holiday means:
Staying outside your own home for relaxation or fun with at least one overnight stay. This concerns both domestic and foreign holidays. Staying in accommodation of family, friends or acquaintances abroad also comes under the concept of vacation.
A stay in accommodation family, friends or acquaintances in the Netherlands, however, does not count, unless the host was absent the whole time or most days.

Type accommodation
The accommodation type is the overnight stay.
If several types of accommodation have been used, the type is noted in which most of the nights have been spent.
Guesthouse, bed & breakfast
Guesthouse, bed & breakfast
% guesthouse, bed & breakfast