Monthly data labour force: unemployed and employed 2001- May 2010

Monthly data labour force: unemployed and employed 2001- May 2010

Age Sex Periods Labour force (LF) Total labour force (x 1000) Labour force (LF) Annual change labour force (x 1000) Labour force (LF) Seasonally adjusted labour force (x 1000) Employed labour force (ELF) Total employed labour force (x 1000) Employed labour force (ELF) Annual change ELF (x 1000) Employed labour force (ELF) Seasonally adjusted ELF (x 1000) Unemployed labour force (ULF) Total unemployed labour force (x 1000) Unemployed labour force (ULF) Annual change ULF (x 1000) Unemployed labour force (ULF) Seasonally adjusted ULF (x 1000) Unemployed labour force (ULF) Unemployment rate (%) Unemployed labour force (ULF) Seasonally adjusted unemployment rate (%) Unemployed labour force (ULF) Unemployed LF international definition (x 1000) Not included in the labour force (NLF) Total not included in the labour force (x 1000) Not included in the labour force (NLF) Annual change NLF (x 1000) Not included in the labour force (NLF) Seasonally adjusted NLF (x 1000)
15 until 65 years Total sex 2010 Mar./2010 May* 7,740 -6 7,756 7,303 -85 7,324 437 79 431 5.6 5.6 395 3,244 20 3,228
15 until 65 years Men 2010 Mar./2010 May* 4,260 -51 4,268 4,026 -105 4,040 234 54 228 5.5 5.3 228 1,256 55 1,248
15 until 65 years Women 2010 Mar./2010 May* 3,480 45 3,488 3,277 20 3,285 203 25 203 5.8 5.8 167 1,988 -35 1,980
15 until 25 years Total sex 2010 Mar./2010 May* 838 -38 863 732 -51 753 107 13 110 12.7 12.8 125 1,161 51 1,136
15 until 25 years Men 2010 Mar./2010 May* 445 -19 457 385 -28 396 60 9 62 13.4 13.5 68 569 26 557
15 until 25 years Women 2010 Mar./2010 May* 393 -19 406 347 -23 357 47 5 49 11.9 12.0 56 592 26 579
25 until 35 years Total sex 2010 Mar./2010 May* 1,718 -20 . 1,637 -27 . 81 7 78 4.7 . 71 244 16 .
25 until 35 years Men 2010 Mar./2010 May* 908 -13 . 862 -22 . 46 8 43 5.1 . 42 71 12 .
25 until 35 years Women 2010 Mar./2010 May* 810 -6 . 775 -5 . 35 -1 35 4.3 . 30 173 4 .
25 until 45 years Total sex 2010 Mar./2010 May* 3,815 -55 3,811 3,636 -85 3,637 179 30 174 4.7 4.6 152 577 -8 580
25 until 45 years Men 2010 Mar./2010 May* 2,047 -56 2,045 1,953 -77 1,955 94 22 89 4.6 4.4 86 149 22 152
25 until 45 years Women 2010 Mar./2010 May* 1,768 1 1,766 1,683 -7 1,682 85 8 84 4.8 4.8 66 427 -30 428
35 until 45 years Total sex 2010 Mar./2010 May* 2,097 -36 . 1,999 -58 . 98 22 96 4.7 . 80 332 -24 .
35 until 45 years Men 2010 Mar./2010 May* 1,139 -42 . 1,090 -56 . 48 13 46 4.2 . 44 79 11 .
35 until 45 years Women 2010 Mar./2010 May* 958 7 . 909 -2 . 49 9 50 5.2 . 36 254 -34 .
45 until 55 years Total sex 2010 Mar./2010 May* 2,005 34 . 1,908 9 . 97 25 . 4.8 . 75 442 -2 .
45 until 55 years Men 2010 Mar./2010 May* 1,109 5 . 1,061 -13 . 48 17 . 4.3 . 42 120 12 .
45 until 55 years Women 2010 Mar./2010 May* 896 30 . 847 21 . 49 8 . 5.5 . 33 322 -14 .
45 until 65 years Total sex 2010 Mar./2010 May* 3,087 87 3,081 2,935 51 2,934 152 36 147 4.9 4.8 119 1,506 -23 1,512
45 until 65 years Men 2010 Mar./2010 May* 1,768 24 1,766 1,688 0 1,689 80 24 77 4.5 4.4 74 537 7 539
45 until 65 years Women 2010 Mar./2010 May* 1,319 63 1,316 1,248 51 1,246 72 12 70 5.4 5.3 45 969 -30 973
55 until 65 years Total sex 2010 Mar./2010 May* 1,082 53 . 1,028 42 . 55 11 . 5.1 . 44 1,064 -21 .
55 until 65 years Men 2010 Mar./2010 May* 659 19 . 627 12 . 32 7 . 4.9 . 31 417 -4 .
55 until 65 years Women 2010 Mar./2010 May* 423 34 . 401 29 . 22 4 . 5.3 . 12 647 -17 .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Unemployed and employed labour force, persons not included in the labour
force, seasonally adjusted unemployment rate by sex and age.

Data available from:
three-monthly period December 2000/February 2001 till March/May 2010.

When will new figures be published?
New figures won't be published. This publication has been stopped.

Reason for stopping this publication:
Due to an change in the method, the three montly averages are substituded
by monthly figures. For more information see paragraph 3.

Changes on previously published data: new period(s) added and/or update in
existing data as a result of the releasepolicy as mentioned under 4.
Description of the survey. The figures on labour force are provisional.
Unemployed labour force also available according to the international

Description topics

Labour force (LF)
The labour force (15-64 years) includes:
- persons who work at least 12 hours a week;
- persons who have accepted work for at least 12 hours a week;
- persons willing to work at least 12 hours a week, who are available and
actively seeking work for at least 12 hours a week.
The employed labour force includes all persons working at least 12 hours
a week.
The unemployed labour force includes all persons unemployed or working
less than 12 hours a week.
Total labour force
Annual change labour force
Change labour force compared to the same period last year.
Seasonally adjusted labour force
Figures on the labour force after elimination of seasonal effects.
Employed labour force (ELF)
Persons working at least 12 hours a week.
Total employed labour force
Annual change ELF
Change employed labour force compared to the same period last year.
Seasonally adjusted ELF
Figures on the employed labour force after elimination of seasonal
Unemployed labour force (ULF)
Persons who have accepted work for at least 12 hours a week, or
willing to work at least 12 hours a week, who are available and
actively seeking work for at least 12 hours a week.
Total unemployed labour force
Annual change ULF
Change unemployed labour force compared to the same period last year.
Seasonally adjusted ULF
Figures on the unemployed labour force after elimination of seasonal
Unemployment rate
Unemployed labour force as a percentage of the total labour force.
Seasonally adjusted unemployment rate
Unemployed labour force as a percentage of the total labour force after
elimination of seasonal effects.
Unemployed LF international definition
Unemployed labour force according to the international definition.
The Dutch definition of the labour force deviates from the
international definition as given by the International Labour Organisation
(ILO), and therefore gives different results. Firstly, according to the
Dutch definition only persons willing to work at least twelve hours a
week are taken into account. Secondly, the definitions of labour force
vary. The international definition requires prompt (within two weeks)
availability for the labour market. According to the Dutch definition a
period of three months is allowed.
Not included in the labour force (NLF)
Persons not included in the labour force.
Total not included in the labour force
Total persons not included in the labour force.
Annual change NLF
Change in number of persons not included in the labour force compared to
the same period last year.
Seasonally adjusted NLF
Figures on persons not included in the labour force after elimination of
seasonal effects.