Labour force according to the internat. def. broken down by sex, 2000-2006

Labour force according to the internat. def. broken down by sex, 2000-2006

Sex Personal characteristics Periods Labour force internat. definition Position on the labour market Total labour force internat. def. (x 1 000) Labour force internat. definition Gross labour participation (%) Labour force internat. definition Net labour participation (%) Labour force internat. definition Unemployment as a percentage (%) Employed labour force acc. internat. def Position Total employees (x 1 000)
Total sex Single person households 2006 1,191 48.7 45.9 5.8 995
Total sex Other member household 2006 122 59.3 55.0 7.3 102
Men Single person households 2006 693 61.8 57.9 6.4 560
Men Other member household 2006 72 64.9 59.6 8.2 58
Women Single person households 2006 498 37.6 35.7 5.0 435
Women Other member household 2006 50 52.7 49.6 6.0 44
Source: cbs.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Labour force; international definition classification level
occupation by sex and personal characteristics
2000 - 2006
Changed on November 19 2008.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Labour force internat. definition
Labour force according to the international definition.
The Dutch definition of the labour force deviates from the international
definition as given by the International Labour Organisation (ILO), and
therefore gives different results. Firstly, according to the Dutch
definition only persons willing to work at least twelve hours a week are
taken into account. Secondly, the definitions of labour force vary. The
international definition requires prompt (within two weeks) availability
for the labour market. According to the Dutch definition a period of three
months is allowed.
Position on the labour market
The population of 15 years and older can be classified as follows.
- employed labour force.
- unemployed labour force.
- persons not included in the labour force.
Total labour force internat. def.
Total labour force according to the international definition.
Gross labour participation
Labour force as a percentage of the total population.
Net labour participation
Employed labour force as a percentage of the total population.
Unemployment as a percentage
Unemployed labour force as a percentage of the total labour force.
Employed labour force acc. internat. def
Employed labour force according international definition.
The Dutch definition of the labour force deviates from the international
definition as given by the International Labour Organisation (ILO), and
therefore gives different results. Firstly, according to the Dutch
definition only persons willing to work at least twelve hours a week are
taken into account. Secondly, the definitions of labour force vary. The
international definition requires prompt (two weeks) availability for
the labour market. According to the Dutch definition a period of three
months is allowed.
Total employees