Professional performing arts; capacity, performances, attendance, region

Professional performing arts; capacity, performances, attendance, region

Regions Periods Theatre halls (number) Maximum capacity (seats) In theatre halls (number) Performances Theatre performances (number) Performances Music theatre performances (number) Performances Other performances (number) Attendance Theatre performances (x 1 000) Attendance Music theatre performances (x 1 000) Attendance Attendance other performances (x 1 000)
Drenthe (PV) 2022* 12 4,550 120 65 65 12 14 7
's-Gravenhage (The Hague) 2022* 29 13,105 . 532 79 . . 8
Other large cities >100,000 inhabitants 2022* 179 84,627 2,387 1,529 1,000 334 439 149
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains the results for capacity, performances and attendance of organisations where professional performing arts are presented. The results are broken down by region and discipline.

Data available from: 1999.

Status of the figures:
The figures for 2016-2022 are provisional. All other figures are final.

Changes as of December 2023:
The provisional figures for 2022 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
In the fourth quarter of 2024 the provisional figures of the preceding year will be published.

Description topics

Theatre halls
Maximum capacity (seats)
Number of seats; if there are no seats, the maximum attendance capacity.
In theatre halls
Artistic productions (performances or activities with one or more acts) presented by professional performer or group for a general audience. Every artistic production (performance or activity) is performed by at least one professional performer.
Theatre performances
Theatre, comedy, drama, puppet theatre, figure theatre and youth theatre.
Music theatre performances
Dance, folk dancing, classical ballet, modern dance, mime.
Other performances
Various forms of performing arts (excluding cinema), not classified
Number of visitors to performances (including season tickets).
Theatre performances
Theatre, comedy, drama, puppet theatre, figure theatre and youth theatre.
Music theatre performances
Dance, folk dancing, classical ballet, modern dance, mime.
Attendance other performances
Various forms of performing arts (excluding cinema), not classified