Spending; consumption household, 1995-2019

Spending; consumption household, 1995-2019

Goods and services Periods Value Share in domestic cons. of households (%)
3400 Household appliances 2019 2nd quarter* .
3500 Household articles 2019 2nd quarter* .
6000 Consumption non-resident households 2019 2nd quarter* .
7000 Cons. by Dutch households abroad 2019 2nd quarter* .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains figures about consumption by households;changes, index figures, shares, value (million euro) by goods and services in accordance with the National Accounts.
Monthly series are available on changes in consumption expenditure by households. These are based on spending by consumers (including VAT).

Data available from January 1995 to June 2019

Status of figures:
Figures are adjusted provisional figures.
Provisional figures are not become adjusted because the table has been stopped.

Changes as of 19 September 2019:
None, the tabel has been stopped.

When are new figures released?
Does not apply. This table will be continued by Consumption expenditure of households; National accounts, 2015=100

Description topics

Share in domestic cons. of households
Percentage of domestic consumption on an annual basis.
Adjusted to the National accounts 2006.