Investments fixed assets companies, SIC'93 2000-2008

Investments fixed assets companies, SIC'93 2000-2008

Sectors/branches (SIC'93) Periods Investments in ownership Type of fixed assets Means of transport (mln euro)
1598 Prod. of mineral waters,soft drinks 2008 0.2
DM Manufacture of transport equipment 2008 x
35 Manufacture of transport equipuipment 2008 x
41 Collection and distribution of water 2008 2.1
410 Collection and distribution of water 2008 2.1
4100 Collection, distribution of water 2008 2.1
4524 Construction of water projects 2008 17.3
I Transport, storage, communications 2008 3,471.6
60 Land transport; transport via .. 2008 1,508.3
601 Transport via railways 2008 x
6010 Transport via railways 2008 x
602 Road transport 2008 .
6021 Scheduled passenger road transport 2008 188.1
603 Transport via pipelines 2008 x
6030 Transport via pipelines 2008 x
61 Water transport 2008 x
611 Sea and coastal water transport 2008 x
6110 Sea and coastal water transport 2008 x
612 Inland water transport 2008 555.3
6120 Inland water transport 2008 555.3
62 Air transport 2008 x
620 Air transport 2008 x
6200 Air transport 2008 x
63 Supporting and auxiliary transport .. 2008 64.8
632 Other supporting transport act.. 2008 14.4
6321 Supporting land transport act.. 2008 x
6322 Supporting water transport act.. 2008 x
6323 Airports/supporting air transport.. 2008 1.6
7123 Renting of air transport equipment 2008 x
747 Cleaning of buildings/transport eq.. 2008 40.2
7470 Cleaning of buildings/transport eq. 2008 40.2
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows data of realised investments in tangible fixed assets by
companies. A distinction is made between investments acquired in ownership
(including financial lease) and investments on the basis of operational
lease or hire. Further distinctions are made by type of asset, and between
new and used assets. The table also shows data of disinvestments.

The data are broken down by activity according to the Standard Industrial
Classification (SIC) of Statistics Netherlands.

Data available from: 2000.

Status of the figures:
All data are definite.

Changes as of 4 November 2010:
All data are definite.

When will new figures be published?
This table has been stopped because of the switch to the Standard Industrial Classification 2008.

Description topics

Investments in ownership
Acquisition in ownership of new and used tangible fixed assets which:
- become operational in the year under review
- are used for longer than one year
- are acquired through purchase, hire purchase, financial lease or are
self-manufactured, (excluding operational lease)
Type of fixed assets
Means of transport
All means for the transportation of passengers and goods by road, rail,
water or air. Motor vehicles which use public roads only incidentally,
such as agricultural tractors, do not belong to this category.