Motor vehicles; overview per period and technological features, 2000-2012

Motor vehicles; overview per period and technological features, 2000-2012

Age vehicle Periods Passenger cars By type of fuel Total fuel (number) Passenger cars By type of fuel Petrol (number) Passenger cars By type of fuel Diesel (number) Passenger cars By type of fuel LP gas (number) Passenger cars By type of fuel Electricity (number) Passenger cars By type of fuel CN gas (number) Passenger cars By type of fuel Fuel other/unknown (number) Commercial vehicles All commercial vehicles By model Concrete pump lorry (number) Commercial vehicles Commercial motor vehicles Total commercial motor vehicles By model Concrete pump lorry (number) Commercial vehicles Commercial motor vehicles Total commercial motor vehicles By type of fuel Total fuel (number) Commercial vehicles Commercial motor vehicles Total commercial motor vehicles By type of fuel Petrol (number) Commercial vehicles Commercial motor vehicles Total commercial motor vehicles By type of fuel Diesel (number) Commercial vehicles Commercial motor vehicles Total commercial motor vehicles By type of fuel LP gas (number) Commercial vehicles Commercial motor vehicles Total commercial motor vehicles By type of fuel Electricity (number) Commercial vehicles Commercial motor vehicles Total commercial motor vehicles By type of fuel CN gas (number) Commercial vehicles Commercial motor vehicles Total commercial motor vehicles By type of fuel Fuel other/unknown (number)
Age total 2012 7,858,712 6,253,639 1,326,853 203,851 70,140 1,942 2,287 - - 1,065,799 32,763 1,011,848 18,655 242 2,283 8
Less then 1 year 2012 547,531 366,840 156,671 7,147 15,355 701 817 - - 69,611 487 68,045 507 81 491 -
1 and 2 years 2012 873,133 651,752 179,616 7,492 32,284 752 1,237 - - 122,899 1,148 119,647 885 88 1,128 3
3 and 4 years 2012 924,182 681,600 209,754 17,689 14,634 273 232 - - 190,646 1,210 187,737 1,277 4 414 4
5 and 6 years 2012 930,749 669,911 234,170 20,386 6,153 129 - - - 137,139 1,374 134,818 788 4 154 1
7 and 8 years 2012 922,885 718,318 183,073 20,221 1,247 26 - - - 140,395 1,568 137,628 1,150 12 37 -
9 to 12 years 2012 1,388,919 1,155,813 189,618 43,012 435 41 - - - 171,611 2,383 167,637 1,531 23 37 -
12 to 15 years 2012 1,129,386 1,000,587 97,845 30,935 9 10 - - - 119,302 3,223 114,048 2,000 15 16 -
15 to 20 years 2012 697,934 659,144 28,407 10,374 6 3 - - - 55,614 6,060 46,805 2,737 8 4 -
20 to 25 years 2012 139,884 128,871 9,136 1,869 4 4 - - - 22,612 3,427 17,397 1,782 5 1 -
25 years and older 2012 304,109 220,803 38,563 44,726 13 3 1 - - 35,970 11,883 18,086 5,998 2 1 -
Source: CBS, RDW
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Key figures on passenger cars, commercial vehicles and motorcycles per 1 January by age category of the vehicle, type of fuel, model and weight of the vehicle and by age and province of residence of the owner.

Data available from: 2000-2012

Status of the figures:
All data in the table are definite.

Changes as of 4 november 2016
Non, this table has been discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

When will new figures be published?
The figures in this table wil no longer be adjusted. This tabel will be continued as 'Motor vehicles; type, age class, 1 January'. For more information see Chapter 3.

Description topics

Passenger cars
Road motor vehicles, other than a moped or a motor cycle, intended for the carriage of passengers and designed to seat no more than nine persons (including the driver).
Included are:
a) Passenger cars
b) Vans designed and used primarily for transport of passengers
c) Taxis
d) Hire cars
e) Ambulances
f) Motor homes.
By type of fuel
Private cars by type of fuel.
Total fuel
LP gas
Liquid Petrol Gas.
CN gas
Fuel other/unknown
Commercial vehicles
Vehicles designed, exclusively or primarily, for the commercial transport of goods and passengers (for hire and reward).
As from 2004 including trailers and semi-trailers.
All commercial vehicles
Vehicles designed, exclusively or primarily, for the commercial transport of goods and passengers (for hire and reward).
As from 2004 including trailers and semi-trailers.
By model
Number of commercial motor vehicles by model and version as indicated on
the registration certificate. A commercial vehicle is a vehicle with four
or more wheels, excluding vehicles whose speed is limited, a tractor or a
four-wheeled moped and
a. equipped for the transport of passengers, with more than eight seats,
excluding the driver's seat, or
b. equipped for the transport of goods,
c. equipped for special activities, or
d. campers.
All vehicles for the transport of persons or goods, for specific
activities or towing trailers are considered commercial vehicles.
Concrete pump lorry
Commercial vehicle for pumping over concrete mortar.
Commercial motor vehicles
Vehicles designed, exclusively or primarily, for the commercial transport of goods and passengers (for hire and reward).
Total commercial motor vehicles
All commercial motor vehicles for the transport of goods or persons, for
special purposes or towing trailers.
By model
Number of commercial motor vehicles by model and version as indicated on
the registration certificate. A commercial vehicle is a vehicle with four
or more wheels, excluding vehicles whose speed is limited, a tractor or a
four-wheeled moped and
a. equipped for the transport of passengers, with more than eight seats,
excluding the driver's seat, or
b. equipped for the transport of goods,
c. equipped for special activities, or
d. campers.
All vehicles for the transport of persons or goods, for specific
activities or towing trailers are considered commercial vehicles.
Concrete pump lorry
Commercial vehicle for pumping over concrete mortar.
By type of fuel
Number of commercial vehicles by type of fuel or other source of energy
used for the propulsion of the vehicle.
Commercial vehicle: motor vehicle on four or more wheels, excluding motor
vehicles with reduced speed limit, tractors or four-wheeled mopeds, and
a. equipped for the transport of eight or more persons, excluding the
driver, or
b. equipped for the transport of goods, or
c. equipped for the execution of other activities, or
d. campers.
Commercial vehicles include vehicles designed for the transport of goods
or passengers, special services or towing trailers.
Total fuel
LP gas
Liquid Petrol Gas.
CN gas
Compressed Natural Gas.
Fuel other/unknown