Average periods school-leavers to find job by level of education

Table explanation

Average periods needed school - leavers to find job
by level of education
1991 - 2001
Changed on October 26 2009.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Av.per.to find reg.job general educ.
Pre-vocational education, all years. Senior vocational secondary
education, year 1.
Sector social services and health care.
Av.per.to find regular job sec.education
Sen.voc.ed.yrs 2-4 soc.serv.,health care
Senior vocational secondary education, years 2-4.
Sector social services and health care.
Av.per.to find job higher.voc.ed.
Higher voc.ed.soc.servs. and health care
Higher vocational education, all years. Sector social services and health
Av.per.to find regular job univ.ed.
Univ.ed. social services and health care
University education, all years. Sector social services and health care.