Institutional investors; balance sheet 1998 - 2012

Institutional investors; balance sheet 1998 - 2012

Institutional investors Periods Assets Short-term securities other than shares Total short-term sec. other than shares (mln euro) Assets Short-term securities other than shares Short-term sec. other than shares r.o.w. (mln euro) Assets Short-term securities other than shares Short-term sec. other than shares gov. Total government (mln euro) Assets Short-term securities other than shares Short-term sec. other than shares gov. Central government (mln euro) Assets Short-term securities other than shares Short-term sec. other than shares gov. Local government (mln euro) Assets Short-term securities other than shares Short-t. sec. oth. th. shares fin. corp. Total financial corporations (mln euro) Assets Short-term securities other than shares Short-t. sec. oth. th. shares fin. corp. Monetary financial institutions (mln euro) Assets Short-term securities other than shares Short-t. sec. oth. th. shares fin. corp. Other non-monetary fin. institutions (mln euro) Assets Short-term securities other than shares Short-term shares other dom. Total other domestic (mln euro) Assets Short-term securities other than shares Short-term shares other dom. Private companies (mln euro) Assets Short-term securities other than shares Short-term shares other dom. Government companies (mln euro) Assets Short-term loans Total short-term loans (mln euro) Assets Short-term loans Short-term loans rest of the world (mln euro) Assets Short-term loans Short-term loans government Total government (mln euro) Assets Short-term loans Short-term loans government Central government (mln euro) Assets Short-term loans Short-term loans government Local government (mln euro) Assets Short-term loans Short-term loans government Social insurance corporations (mln euro) Assets Short-term loans Short-term loans financial corp. Total financial corporations (mln euro) Assets Short-term loans Short-term loans financial corp. Insurance institutions (mln euro) Assets Short-term loans Short-term loans financial corp. Investment funds (mln euro) Assets Short-term loans Short-term loans financial corp. Other non-monetary fin. institutions (mln euro) Assets Short-term loans Short-term loans financial corp. Financial auxiliaries (mln euro) Assets Short-term loans Short-term loans other domestic Total other domestic (mln euro) Assets Short-term loans Short-term loans other domestic Private companies (mln euro) Assets Short-term loans Short-term loans other domestic Government companies (mln euro) Assets Short-term loans Short-term loans other domestic Non-profit institut. serving households (mln euro) Assets Short-term loans Short-term loans other domestic Households (mln euro) Liabilities Short-term securities other than shares (mln euro) Liabilities Short-term loans (mln euro)
Total institutional investors 2012* 13,745 10,027 2,413 2,413 - 1,270 763 507 35 35 - 59,459 7,396 5 5 - - 51,823 2,184 91 49,548 - 235 235 - - - - 48,563
Pension funds 2012* 7,885 5,051 2,154 2,154 - 658 638 20 22 22 - 26,947 4,373 1 1 - - 22,543 768 91 21,684 - 30 30 - - - - 16,235
Insurance corporations 2012* 4,230 3,379 259 259 - 579 93 486 13 13 - 11,178 2,177 4 4 - - 8,932 1,416 - 7,516 - 65 65 - - - - 16,544
Investment funds 2012* 1,630 1,597 - - - 33 32 1 - - - 21,334 846 - - - - 20,348 - - 20,348 - 140 140 - - - - 15,784
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table consists of the balance sheet of institutional investors. It enables analyzing shifts in the balance sheet of institutional investors. This is possible for the total of institutional investors, and for each of the three groups: pension funds, insurance corporations and investment funds.

Data available from 1998 to 2012.

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are up to 2010 definitive, figures for 2011 are revised provisional figures and figures for 2012 are provisional. Because this table is discontinued, figures will not be updated anymore.

Changes as of 5 February 2015:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.
This table is replaced by table Institutional investors; balance sheet. See paragraph 3.

Description topics

Short-term securities other than shares
Securities other than shares with a maturity of maximum 1 year. Some
examples are: Dutch treasury certificates, certificates of deposit,
commercial paper.
Total short-term sec. other than shares
Total short-term securities other than shares
Short-term sec. other than shares gov.
Short-term securities other than shares government.
Total government
Government includes institutions whose final products are not sold but
made available as a collective service to the community, e.g. general
government administration, the preservation of law and order and
education. The service is rendered free of charge or at prices that cover
less than half of the expenses. The services are mainly financed by taxes.
Government is subdivided into central government, regional government and
social insurance corporations.
Central government
Central government includes all administrative departments of the State
and other central agencies whose competence extends all over the
Local government
Local government comprises the institutions of public administration
whose responsibility is limited to one part of the Netherlands, for
instance provinces, municipalities and water boards.
Short-t. sec. oth. th. shares fin. corp.
Short-term securities other than shares financial corporations.
Total financial corporations
Financial corporations are corporations which are principally engaged in
financial intermediation or in auxiliary financial activities. Financial
corporations intermediate between parties that possess funds and parties
that need funds.
In the classification of borrowing party, financial corporations are
subdivided in monetary financial institutions, insurance corporations,
investment funds and other non-monetary financial institutions.
Monetary financial institutions
The main characteristic of monetary financial institutions is that they
receive currency and deposits. The part of the liabilities in currency and
deposits with others than monetary financial institutions is called money.
The magnitude of money plays an important role in the decisions of the
European Central Bank to change the interest rate. On the assets side
monetary financial institutions make use of the received deposits by
granting loans and buying securities. Monetary financial institutions are:
De Nederlandsche Bank N.V., universal banks, savings banks, the Rabobank
and its associates.
Other non-monetary fin. institutions
Other non-monetary financial institutions. They include:
- holding corporations from insurance enterprises, that control and direct
a group of domestic and foreign subsidiaries
- special purpose vehicles (SPV's), these are Dutch enterprises that hold
securitized assets which are financed by bonds
- mortgage banks, but without a banking licence because these are part of
the monetary financial institutions
- venture and development capital companies. These companies supply loans
and capital to enterprises combined with management support
- corporations engaged in hire purchase and commercial finance, but only
corporations that are not bank subsidiaries or car dealers
- municipal credit banks.
Short-term shares other dom.
Short-term securities other than shares other domestic.
Total other domestic
This group includes companies, non-profit institutions and households.
Companies include institutions whose main function is the production of
non-tradable goods and financial services.
These are private companies, institutions providing health care,
government companies and housing associations.
Private companies
Private companies are companies and institutions active in agriculture,
industry, commerce, traffic and services.
At least fifty percent of the share capital is owned by others than the
Government companies
This group includes private and statutory companies. Private government
companies are non-financial enterprises whose share is owned for at least
fifty percent by the government. Statutory government companies are state
enterprises, intermunicipal arrangements with a business nature, and
branches of municipalities and provinces with a business nature.
Short-term sec. other than shares r.o.w.
Short-term securities other than shares rest of the world.
Short-term loans
Loans with a maturity of maximum 1 year. Some examples are: overnight
loans, advance loans, current accounts. Short-term assets on monetary
financial institutions are classified as deposits, not as loans.
Total short-term loans
Short-term loans government
Total government
Government includes institutions whose final products are not sold but
made available as a collective service to the community, e.g. general
government administration, the preservation of law and order and
education. The service is rendered free of charge or at prices that cover
less than half of the expenses. The services are mainly financed by taxes.
Government is subdivided into central government, regional government and
social insurance corporations.
Central government
Central government includes all administrative departments of the State
and other central agencies whose competence extends all over the
Local government
Local government comprises the institutions of public administration
whose responsibility is limited to one part of the Netherlands, for
instance provinces, municipalities and water boards.
Social insurance corporations
Social insurance corporations includes institutions that are engaged in
the administration and implementation of social benefits. These include
monitoring bodies such as Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen
(UWV) and Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB) - and social security funds such
as general old age fund (AOW) and unemployment fund (WW).
Short-term loans financial corp.
Short-term loans financial corporations.
Total financial corporations
Financial corporations are corporations which are principally engaged in
financial intermediation or in auxiliary financial activities. Financial
corporations intermediate between parties that possess funds and parties
that need funds.
In the classification of borrowing party, financial corporations are
subdivided in monetary financial institutions, insurance corporations,
investment funds and other non-monetary financial institutions.
Insurance institutions
Total of pension funds and insurance corporations.
Investment funds
Investment funds collect funds from the general public by offering shares
and invest these funds in shares, bonds, short-term securities, loans,
real estate and deposits. Investment funds come under the Wet toezicht
beleggingsinstellingen (1990, Staatsblad 380), but with the exclusion of
investment funds which shares are possessed for over 50 percent by one
insurance corporation. In the source for investment funds supervisor De
Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) implemented far-reaching changes early 2009. The
most important change is the extension of the population with
institutional investment funds, meaning investment funds which equity is
in possession of one or a limited number of institutional investors
(pension funds, insurance corporations or other investment funds). The
National accounts corrected the break because of its revision policy. A
corresponding correction has been applied here. The correction excludes
the balance sheet figures at the end of 2008 of the then existing
institutional investment funds. However, balance sheet changes as from
2009 of these funds as well as new institutional investment funds are
included in the figures.
Other non-monetary fin. institutions
Other non-monetary financial institutions. They include:
- holding corporations from insurance enterprises, that control and direct
a group of domestic and foreign subsidiaries
- special purpose vehicles (SPV's), these are Dutch enterprises that hold
securitized assets which are financed by bonds
- mortgage banks, but without a banking licence because these are part of
the monetary financial institutions
- venture and development capital companies. These companies supply loans
and capital to enterprises combined with management support
- corporations engaged in hire purchase and commercial finance, but only
corporations that are not bank subsidiaries or car dealers
- municipal credit banks.
Financial auxiliaries
They include:
- insurance brokers, companies that mediate or advise in arranging
insurance contracts
- managers of pension funds, mutual funds
- corporations providing stock exchange and insurance exchange
- stock specialists, market makers.
Short-term loans other domestic
Total other domestic
This group includes companies, non-profit institutions and households.
Companies include institutions whose main function is the production of
non-tradable goods and financial services.
These are private companies, institutions providing health care,
government companies and housing associations.
Private companies
Private companies are companies and institutions active in agriculture,
industry, commerce, traffic and services.
At least fifty percent of the share capital is owned by others than the
Government companies
This group includes private and statutory companies. Private government
companies are non-financial enterprises whose share is owned for at least
fifty percent by the government. Statutory government companies are state
enterprises, intermunicipal arrangements with a business nature, and
branches of municipalities and provinces with a business nature.
Non-profit institut. serving households
Non-profit institutions serving households provide non-market goods and
services to households.
Households include all resident individuals as well as the
usually smaller non-legal entity owning companies, that are not
recognizable as such.
Short-term loans rest of the world
Short-term securities other than shares
Securities other than shares with a maturity of maximum 1 year. Some
examples are: Dutch treasury certificates, certificates of deposit,
commercial paper.
Short-term loans
Loans with a maturity of maximum 1 year. Some examples are: overnight
loans, advance loans, current accounts. Short-term assets on monetary
financial institutions are classified as deposits, not as loans.