Leisure activities 1997-2011

Table explanation

Leisure activities; sports, hobbies, culture, recreation, going out, use of the media and holidays by personal characteristics.

Data available from 1997-2011

Status of the figures:
All data recorded in this publication are final data.

Changes compared with previous version: July 2017.
None, this table was stopped.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable

Description topics

Membership sports club
The data refer to persons aged 18 or older.
Source: Integrated System of Social Surveys: justice and participation.
Physical exercise
The data refer to persons aged 4 or older.
Source: Integrated System of Social Surveys: basis.
Questions concerning children under the age of 12 have been answered by
parents or guardians.
5 hours a week or more
1-4 hours a week
Mental exercise
The data refer to persons aged 15 or older.
Source: Integrated System of Social Surveys: justice and participation.
5 hours a week or more
1-4 hours a week
Club activities at least once a month
The data refer to persons aged 4 or older.
Source: Integrated System of Social Surveys: basis.
Questions concerning children under the age of 12 have been answered by
parents or guardians. At least once a month active participation in one or
more clubs.
Membership hobby club
The data refer to persons aged 18 or older.
Source: Integrated System of Social Surveys: justice and participation.
Visit to a museum
These data refer to persons aged 4 or older.
Source: Integrated System of Social Surveys: basis.
Questions concerning children under the age of 12 have been answered by
parents or guardians.
From 2001, the question asked in the period 1997-2000: 'Do you
occasionally visit a museum? 'has been superseded by the question: '
Did you visit a Dutch museum during the last 12 months?'.
At least once a month
In the period 1997-2000 once a month, from 2001 at least once a month.
3-11 times a year
The data refer to persons aged 15 or older.
Source: Integrated System of Social Surveys: justice and participation.
At least once a month
More than 3 times a year, not monthly
The data refer to persons aged 15 or older.
Source: Integrated System of Social Surveys: justice and participation.
At least once a month
More than 3 times a year, not monthly