Asylum requests; key figures, 1995 - 2006

Asylum requests; key figures, 1995 - 2006

Periods Asylum requests submitted in the Neth. Total (absolute) Asylum requests submitted in the Neth. Age 0 to 15 yrs (absolute) Asylum requests submitted in the Neth. Age 15 yrs or older (absolute) Asylum requests granted in the Neth. Total (absolute) Asylum requests granted in the Neth. A-status (absolute) Asylum requests granted in the Neth. Residence permit (absolute) Asylum requests granted in the Neth. Provisional residence permit (absolute) Asylum requests granted in the Neth. Temporary asylum permit (absolute) Asylum requests granted in the Neth. Permanent asylum permit (absolute) Asylum seekers left from the Neth. Total (absolute) Asylum seekers left from the Neth. Departure with notice (absolute) Asylum seekers left from the Neth. Expulsion (absolute) Asylum seekers left from the Neth. Departure under surveillance (absolute) Asylum seekers left from the Neth. Other departed persons (absolute)
1995 29,260 9,510 19,750 18,500 7,980 6,200 4,320 14,510 8,790 3,370 2,350 .
1996 22,860 7,800 15,060 23,590 8,810 7,380 7,400 16,480 11,090 3,550 1,840 .
1997 34,440 11,770 22,680 17,000 6,630 5,180 5,180 18,870 14,420 3,260 1,190 .
1998 45,220 11,490 33,730 15,100 2,360 3,590 9,150 14,340 10,640 2,620 1,090 .
1999 39,300 10,360 28,940 13,490 1,510 3,470 8,510 18,340 11,250 2,520 3,980 590
2000 43,560 11,100 32,460 9,730 1,810 4,790 3,130 16,620 10,870 2,030 3,190 540
2001 32,580 7,030 25,550 10,580 440 1,570 810 7,230 530 16,020 11,970 2,110 1,250 690
2002 18,670 3,560 15,100 8,820 8,080 750 21,260 16,880 2,280 1,540 570
2003 13,400 2,760 10,650 9,760 8,350 1,410 21,860 17,560 1,710 2,220 370
2004 9,780 2,840 6,940 10,170 6,120 4,050 14,910 10,660 1,490 2,350 410
2005 12,350 3,430 8,910 17,880 11,090 6,790 12,510 8,720 1,470 1,970 360
2006 14,470 3,600 10,860 14,440 7,060 7,380 10,210 7,720 890 1,530 70
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Submitted, granted asylum requests and
left asylum seekers
1975 - 2006
Changed on July 27 2007.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Asylum requests submitted in the Neth.
Requests for asylum submitted in the Netherlands by persons who have
left their own country for various reasons in order to seek protection or
asylum in another country. The figures on 1999 exclude 3.4 thousand
evacuees from Kosovo.
Age 0 to 15 yrs
Age 15 yrs or older
Asylum requests granted in the Neth.
A granted request refers to the year in which the request was submitted
or an earlier year. Persons whose request is granted, obtain residence
From 1 April 2001 (Aliens Act 2000), A-status, residence permit and
provisional residence permit have been replaced by temporary and
permanent asylum permits.
The A-status has been abolished as per 1 April 2001. An A-status was
granted to asylum seekers who, for fear of persecution according to the
Geneva Treaty and the Aliens Act, have fled their own country.
Residence permit
A residence permit has been abolished as per 1 April 2001. A residence
permit was granted to asylum seekers who were not recognised as
refugees but were admitted on humanitarian grounds.
Provisional residence permit
The provisional residence permit has been abolished as per 1 April 2001.
The provisional residence permit was granted to asylum seekers because
return to their home country was considered too dangerous.
Temporary asylum permit
A temporary asylum permit was introduced on 1 April 2001 and is valid for
a maximum of five years; holders of temporary asylum permits are allowed
to have paid jobs. Their employers require a work permit.
Permanent asylum permit
Permanent asylum permit was introduced on 1 April 2001. A work
permit is not required.
Asylum seekers left from the Neth.
An asylum seeker has to leave, if he/she is not (or no longer) allowed to
stay in the Netherlands because the decision to turn down his request
is final.
Departure with notice
Asylum seeker is supposed to leave the Netherlands on his/her own
initiative. His/her last known address is checked by the police to verify
the actual departure.
The person is forcibly expelled from the Netherlands.
Departure under surveillance
Departure under surveillance: departure on own initiative. Travel
documents are sent to the customs point where the person is to leave the
Departure via International Organization for Migration: persons who leave
the Netherlands voluntary, supported by the IOM
(International Organization for Migration)
Other departed persons
Persons who have departed with unknown destination.