Population and population dynamics by month; 1995-2018

Population and population dynamics by month; 1995-2018

Periods Population stock and flow Deaths (number) Population stock and flow Immigration (number) Population stock and flow Emigration including administrative c... (number) Population stock and flow Emigration excluding administrative c... (number) Population stock and flow Net corrections (number) Population stock and flow Total population growth (number) Population stock and flow Inhabitants at end of selected period (number) Population stock and flow Persons who moved between municipalities (number) Population stock and flow Persons who moved within the same mun... (number) Migration External migration: country of b... Immigration Totals Total immigration (number) Migration External migration: country of b... Emigration Emigration including administrative c... Totals Total emigration including administra... (number) Migration Administrative corrections: country o... Entries Totals Total administrative entries (number) Migration Administrative corrections: country o... Removals Totals Total administrative removals (number) Marriage / partnership Marriages / registered partnerships Total marriages / partnerships (number) Marriage / partnership Marriage / partnership: persons Males Total males (number) Marriage / partnership Marriage / partnership: persons Females Total females (number) Marriage / partnership: dissolutions Dissolutions of marriage/partnership Total dissolutions (number) Marriage / partnership: dissolutions Divorced persons (since 2010) Males (number) Marriage / partnership: dissolutions Divorced persons (since 2010) Females (number)
2017 November 12,247 17,489 11,453 8,925 -2,528 7,787 17,180,690 62,131 87,388 17,489 11,453 2,655 5,183 4,631 4,455 4,363 7,933 2,892 2,993
2017 December 13,740 13,744 12,613 10,662 -2,661 394 17,181,084 62,946 92,797 13,744 12,613 2,254 4,205 4,856 4,706 4,542 7,867 2,448 2,522
2018 January* 14,858 18,054 13,061 11,284 -1,777 4,212 17,185,296 65,390 87,932 18,054 13,061 2,692 4,469 4,345 4,176 3,969 8,606 2,810 2,927
2018 February* 14,454 19,694 10,714 9,246 -1,468 6,752 17,192,048 59,738 83,359 19,694 10,714 2,549 4,017 4,234 4,066 3,924 8,158 2,556 2,661
2018 March* 16,315 15,672 11,084 9,569 -1,515 1,628 17,193,676 63,680 92,553 15,672 11,084 2,731 4,246 4,592 4,427 4,339 9,044 2,737 2,810
2018 April* 12,152 14,804 10,184 8,640 -1,544 5,835 17,199,511 55,339 81,139 14,804 10,184 2,344 3,888 5,987 5,790 5,666 7,556 2,540 2,663
2018 May* 11,801 16,331 10,844 8,350 -2,494 8,257 17,207,768 56,887 84,237 16,331 10,844 2,430 4,924 8,459 8,224 8,134 7,579 2,674 2,763
2018 June* 11,228 16,005 13,516 11,987 -1,529 5,418 17,213,186 57,982 84,766 16,005 13,516 2,276 3,805 10,570 10,339 10,271 7,028 2,455 2,530
2018 July* 11,987 19,891 17,999 16,392 -1,607 5,142 17,218,328 68,990 90,312 19,891 17,999 2,391 3,998 8,450 8,178 7,977 7,526 2,657 2,759
2018 August* 11,746 33,479 16,158 14,803 -1,355 20,665 17,238,993 77,316 88,743 33,479 16,158 2,291 3,646 10,671 10,272 10,157 7,351 2,497 2,583
2018 September* 11,246 31,933 12,947 11,443 -1,504 22,629 17,261,622 66,675 80,942 31,933 12,947 2,153 3,657 10,251 9,993 9,903 7,034 2,306 2,391
2018 October* 12,186 23,151 13,219 10,725 -2,494 12,124 17,273,746 65,947 89,408 23,151 13,219 2,437 4,931 6,817 6,621 6,490 7,602 2,465 2,568
Source: CBS
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table includes information on the size of the Dutch population, as well as births, deaths, international migration, persons who moved within or between municipalities, marriages, registered partnerships, marriage dissolutions and requests for asylum, per month, quarter and year.

Since January 2010, a new production system has become operational to process municipal population data.
As from 2010 onwards, with the introduction of the new system the following changes were implemented:
- Provisional figures on live births by rank number and marital status of the mother will no longer be available. Definite figures will be added to the table on an annual basis;
- Marriages will include registered partnerships;
- Data on registered partnerships will be discontinued;
- Married persons will include persons who have signed partnership contracts. An extra preceding marital status (married) has been added;
- Marriage dissolutions will be presented including registered partnership dissolutions;
- Divorced persons will be presented including legally terminated partnerships;
- Data on persons who have moved house within the Netherlands will no longer be broken down by place in the household.

Data available from January 1995 till Ocotber 2018.

Status of the figures:
- All figures on Asylum requests are final.
- All figures of 1995 up to and including 2017 are final.
- Figures for the 1st of January 2018 are final, the other figures on the population of 2018 are provisional.
- The updating of asylum applications in this table is discontinued with effect from 2012.

Changes effective from 14 January 2019:
None, the table has been discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable. This table will be followed up by 'Population dynamics; month and year' see paragraph 3.

Description topics

Population stock and flow
Population stock:
Size and composition of the population and its components at a given time.

Break in series: late reports
Until 2010, reports on events taking place in a certain year received by Statistics Netherlands after 15 February in the following year were disregarded. These are so-called late reports.
As a result of an improvement in the production process, from 2010 these late reports are included in the year of publication (i.e. not in the year the event took place, but in the year the results are published).

Population flow:
Changes in population numbers as a result of births, deaths, immigration, emigration, administrative and other corrections.

The population figures (numbers of inhabitants) shown in this publication relate to the resident ('de jure') population: persons who reside habitually in the Netherlands and who are recorded in the municipal population registers. In principle all those residing in the Netherlands for an indefinite period are entered into the population register of the municipality where they usually live.
Person declared dead by an authorized doctor.
People moving to the Netherlands from another country.
Immigration relates to all individuals arriving in the Netherlands whose arrival result in entries in a municipal population register.
The criteria are a residency for at least four months in the forthcoming six months.
Emigration including administrative c...
Emigration including administrative corrections.
Data on emigration including net administrative corrections give a better impression of the true level of emigration than data on emigration excluding net administrative corrections.

People leaving for another country.
Emigration relates to all individuals departing from the Netherlands, whose departure result in removals from the Netherlands population registers. The criteria for removal from the registers are 8 months abroad in the following 12 months.

Administrative correction:
Entries in and removals from the municipal population register for reasons other than birth, death, arrival, departure or municipal boundary change.
The greater part of these corrections relates to the processing of either the departures of persons who did not notify the local authorities or the subsequent arrivals.

Administrative entry:
Decision by a municipality, at the request of the person concerned, to include that person in its population while it has no knowledge of birth, immigration or establishment of that person from another municipality in the Netherlands.

Administrative removal:
Decision by a municipality no longer to include a person in its population, once it has established that the address of the person is unknown, the person cannot be contacted and probably no longer resides in a municipality in the Netherlands.
Emigration excluding administrative c...
Emigration excluding administrative corrections.
Data on emigration including net administrative corrections give a better impression of the true level of emigration than data on emigration excluding net administrative corrections.

People leaving for another country.
Emigration relates to all individuals departing from the Netherlands, whose departure result in removals from the Netherlands population registers. The criteria for removal from the registers are 8 months abroad in the following 12 months.

Administrative correction:
Entries in and removals from the municipal population register for reasons other than birth, death, arrival, departure or municipal boundary change.
The greater part of these corrections relates to the processing of either the departures of persons who did not notify the local authorities or the subsequent arrivals.

Administrative entry:
Decision by a municipality, at the request of the person concerned, to include that person in its population while it has no knowledge of birth, immigration or establishment of that person from another municipality in the Netherlands.

Administrative removal:
Decision by a municipality no longer to include a person in its population, once it has established that the address of the person is unknown, the person cannot be contacted and probably no longer resides in a municipality in the Netherlands.
Net corrections
Net administrative corrections and other corrections.
Other corrections are only included in the final figures, and only in the totals for December.

Net administrative corrections:
Administrative entries minus administrative removals.

Other correction:
Correction caused by differences between the numbers of inhabitants in two consecutive years (1 January) which cannot be explained by birth, death, migration and administrative corrections.

Administrative correction:
Entry in or removal from the municipal population register for reasons other than birth, death, arrival, departure or municipal boundary change.

Administrative entry:
All entries in and removals from the municipal population register for reasons other than birth, death, arrival, departure or municipal boundary change.

Administrative removal:
Decision by a municipality no longer to include a person in its population, once it has established that the address of the person is unknown, the person cannot be contacted and probably no longer resides in a municipality in the Netherlands.
Total population growth
Population growth:
The increase or decrease of the population.
Inhabitants at end of selected period
Persons who moved between municipalities
Someone who moved between municipalities:
A person who moved from one municipality to another.
Excluding changes caused by municipal border changes.
Persons who moved within the same mun...
Persons who moved within the same municipality.

Someone who moved within a municipality:
A person who moved from one address in a municipality to another address in the same municipality.
A move between two geographic entities resulting in a change of municipality or country.

Trend break external migration figures
As a result of improvements in the production process, a minor shift has taken place in the external migration figures. With effect from 2010, the following changes have been implemented:
- administrative entries which are preceded by emigration are now counted towards immigration;
-administrative removals which are followed by immigration are now counted towards emigration.
The improvements in the production process have led to a significant reduction in the number of ‘other corrections’ on balance as of 2010.
For some immigrants and emigrants, the country of birth is unknown in the provisional figures. From January 2014 onwards, the country of birth is estimated for these groups (for immigrants, country of origin is considered country of birth and for emigrants, country of destination is considered country of birth).

Break in series: late reports
Until 2010, reports on events taking place in a certain year received by Statistics Netherlands after 15 February in the following year were disregarded. These are so-called late reports.
As a result of an improvement in the production process, from 2010 these late reports are included in the year of publication (i.e. not in the year the event took place, but in the year the results are published).
External migration: country of b...
External migration by country of birth.

External migration:
People who moved to the Netherlands (immigration) or inhabitants who leave The Netherlands (emigration).

Someone belonging to the population living in The Netherlands.
In the population statistics compiled by Statistics Netherlands the inhabitants are the people registered in the population register, whose address is located in that area.

Country of birth:
The country where a person is born.
Until 2010, persons whose country of birth was unknown were assumed to have the same country of birth as their father or mother (if their country of birth was known). Since 2010, this procedure is discontinued in the provisional monthly figures. As a result, the number of persons whose country of birth is unknown has increased. This may affect the provisional figures of all countries of birth in the table.

Trend break external migration figures
As a result of improvements in the production process, a minor shift has taken place in the external migration figures. With effect from 2010, the following changes have been implemented:
- administrative entries which are preceded by emigration are now counted towards immigration;
-administrative removals which are followed by immigration are now counted towards emigration.
The improvements in the production process have led to a significant reduction in the number of ‘other corrections’ on balance as of 2010.
For some immigrants and emigrants, the country of birth is unknown in the provisional figures. From January 2014 onwards, the country of birth is estimated for these groups (for immigrants, country of origin is considered country of birth and for emigrants, country of destination is considered country of birth).
People moving to the Netherlands from another country.
Immigration relates to all individuals arriving in the Netherlands whose arrival result in entries in a municipal population register.
The criteria are a residency for at least four months in the forthcoming six months.
Total immigration
Including unknown countries of birth and children born in a Dutch asylum seekers' centre.
People leaving for another country.
Emigration including administrative c...
Emigration including administrative corrections.
Data on emigration including net administrative corrections give a better impression of the true level of emigration than data on emigration excluding net administrative corrections.

People leaving for another country.
Emigration relates to all individuals departing from the Netherlands, whose departure result in removals from the Netherlands population registers. The criteria for removal from the registers are 8 months abroad in the following 12 months.

Administrative correction:
Entries in and removals from the municipal population register for reasons other than birth, death, arrival, departure or municipal boundary change.
The greater part of these corrections relates to the processing of either the departures of persons who did not notify the local authorities or the subsequent arrivals.

Administrative entry:
Decision by a municipality, at the request of the person concerned, to include that person in its population while it has no knowledge of birth, immigration or establishment of that person from another municipality in the Netherlands.

Administrative removal:
Decision by a municipality no longer to include a person in its population, once it has established that the address of the person is unknown, the person cannot be contacted and probably no longer resides in a municipality in the Netherlands.
Total emigration including administra...
Total emigration including administrative corrections.
Administrative corrections: country o...
Administrative corrections by country of birth.

Administrative correction:
Entries in and removals from the municipal population register for
reasons other than birth, death, arrival, departure or municipal boundary
The greater part of these corrections relates to the processing of either
the departures of persons who did not notify the local authorities or the
subsequent arrivals.

Administrative entry:
Decision by a municipality, at the request of the person concerned, to
include that person in its population while it has no knowledge of birth,
immigration or establishment of that person from another municipality in
the Netherlands.

Administrative removal:
Decision by a municipality no longer to include a person in its
population, once it has established that the address of the person is
unknown, the person cannot be contacted and probably no longer resides in a municipality in the Netherlands.
Total administrative entries
Including country of birth unknown.
Total administrative removals
Including country of birth unknown.
Marriage / partnership
Break in series: late reports
Until 2010, reports on events taking place in a certain year received by Statistics Netherlands after 15 February in the following year were disregarded. These are so-called late reports.
As a result of an improvement in the production process, from 2010 these late reports are included in the year of publication (i.e. not in the year the event took place, but in the year the results are published).

Break in series marriages and marrying people
As a result of an improved production process, a slight increase can be observed in the figures on marriages and marrying people from 2010. From 2010 onwards marriages taking place abroad in particular are measured more accurately.
Marriages / registered partnerships
Marriages including registered partnerships by sex of the partners.
Available from 2010.

Legal, formally sanctioned living arrangement between two people.
Since 1 April 2001, it is legally possible for people in the Netherlands to marry a person of the same sex.
The data includes marriages of which at least one partner is recorded in the municipal registers, irrespective of the country where the marriage was performed.
In order to get married in the Netherlands, both partners must be at least eighteen years old. In special cases, minors are allowed to marry, provided both partners are at least sixteen years old and the woman:
- is pregnant (this requires a medical certificate);
- already has a child (this requires a birth certificate).
Other exceptions are subject to approval by the Minister of Justice.

Registered partnership:
A relationship that is similar to marriage and is registered in the Municipal Population Register.
Both couples of the same and of different sex may have this type of relationship registered.
Registered partnership was introduced in the Netherlands on 1 January 1998.
The data includes registered partnerships of which at least one partner is recorded in the municipal registers, irrespective of the country where the partnership was performed.
Total marriages / partnerships
Total contracted marriages and registered partnerships.
Marriage / partnership: persons
Marrying persons including persons who have signed registered partnership agreements by gender and marital status prior to the marriage or registered partnership.

Break in series marriages and marrying people
As a result of an improved production process, a slight increase can be observed in the figures on marriages and marrying people from 2010. From 2010 onwards marriages taking place abroad in particular are measured more accurately.
Available since 2010.

Which persons are counted?
Persons who, at the time of their marriage or partnership registration are included in the municipal population database of a Dutch municipality, irrespective of the country where they got married or their partnership was registered.

Marital status:
Formal position of a person indicating whether they are married or have signed a registered partnership.

Registered partnership:
A relationship resembling marriage between two persons of the same or opposite gender officially registered by the authorities. On 1 January 1998, registered partnerships were introduced in the Netherlands.
Total males
Total females
Marriage / partnership: dissolutions
Break in series: late reports
Until 2010, reports on events taking place in a certain year received by Statistics Netherlands after 15 February in the following year were disregarded. These are so-called late reports.
As a result of an improvement in the production process, from 2010 these late reports are included in the year of publication (i.e. not in the year the event took place, but in the year the results are published).

Break in series marriages and marrying people
As a result of an improved production process, a slight increase can be observed in the figures on marriages and marrying people from 2010. From 2010 onwards marriages taking place abroad in particular are measured more accurately.
Dissolutions of marriage/partnership
Break in series marriages and marrying people
As a result of an improved production process, a slight increase can be observed in the figures on marriages and marrying people from 2010. From 2010 onwards marriages taking place abroad in particular are measured more accurately.

From 2010: dissolutions of marriages or registered partnership by death of the partner or by divorce (or ending).

Until 2010: dissolutions of marriages by death of the partner or divorce.
Excluding endings of registered partnerships.

Registered partnership:
A marriage-like relationship between two people of the opposite or same sex, registered at the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Registered partnership was introduced in The Netherlands on 1 January 1998.

Dissolution of the marriage pronounced by a judge on the basis of legal grounds. The divorce comes into force once it has been recorded in the municipal population register.
Concern divorces in which at least one partner is recorded in a municipal population register.
Total dissolutions
Divorced persons (since 2010)
Break in series marriages and marrying people
As a result of an improved production process, a slight increase can be observed in the figures on marriages and marrying people from 2010. From 2010 onwards marriages taking place abroad in particular are measured more accurately.

Divorced persons by sex.
Concerns divorcing persons registered in a Dutch municipal population register when the divorce is granted by court. Including persons who disolved their registered partnership.

Registered partnership:
A relationship that is similar to marriage and is registered in the Municipal Population Register.
Both couples of the same and of different sex may have this type of relationship registered.
Registered partnership was introduced in the Netherlands on 1 January 1998.