Working population by sex

Working population by sex

Personal characteristics Sex Periods Labour force Gross labour participation (%) Labour force Net labour participation (%) Labour force Percentage unemployed (%) Labour force Labour position Total labour force (x 1000) Labour force Labour position Employed labour force (x 1000) Labour force Labour position Unemployed labour force (x 1000) Labour force Labour position Persons not included in the labour force (x 1000) Employed labour force aged 15-64 Working hours 12-19 hours a week (x 1000) Employed labour force aged 15-64 Working hours 20-34 hours a week (x 1000) Employed labour force aged 15-64 Working hours >= 35 hours a week (x 1000) Employed labour force aged 15-64 Regulation working hours Regular working hours (x 1000)
Foreign background Total men and women 2006 61.5 54.8 10.9 1,339 1,193 147 838 100 309 784 519
Foreign background Men 2006 69.1 62.3 9.9 748 673 74 334 23 80 571 262
Foreign background Women 2006 54.0 47.4 12.2 592 520 72 504 77 229 213 257
Western foreign background Total men and women 2006 68.6 63.9 6.8 702 654 48 322 56 180 418 290
Western foreign background Men 2006 74.8 70.4 5.9 371 349 22 125 11 40 298 141
Western foreign background Women 2006 62.7 57.8 7.8 331 305 26 197 45 140 120 149
Other western foreign background Total men and women 2006 68.8 64.4 6.4 667 625 43 303 54 171 400 276
Other western foreign background Men 2006 74.7 70.5 5.6 357 337 20 121 11 39 287 136
Other western foreign background Women 2006 63.1 58.5 7.3 311 288 23 182 43 132 113 141
Non-western foreign background Total men and women 2006 55.3 46.7 15.5 637 538 99 516 44 128 366 230
Non-western foreign background Men 2006 64.3 55.4 13.9 376 324 52 209 12 40 273 121
Non-western foreign background Women 2006 45.9 37.8 17.8 261 215 46 307 32 89 93 108
Other non-western foreign background Total men and women 2006 51.2 42.2 17.4 197 163 34 189 15 37 111 65
Other non-western foreign background Men 2006 58.8 49.0 16.6 118 99 20 83 4 13 81 36
Other non-western foreign background Women 2006 42.8 34.8 18.7 79 64 15 106 11 24 29 28
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Persons employed, labour force, unemployment broken down
by personal features (age, level of education, origin) and

Data available from: 1996

Frequency: Stopped

Status of the figures:
Figures based on the LFS are always final.

When will new figures be published?
This publication is stopped.

Description topics

Labour force
The labour force (15-64 years) includes:
- persons who work at least 12 hours a week;
- persons who have accepted work for at least 12 hours a week;
- persons willing to work at least 12 hours a week, who are available and
actively seeking work for at least 12 hours a week.
The employed labour force includes all persons working at least 12 hours
a week.
The unemployed labour force includes all persons unemployed or working
less than 12 hours a week.
Labour position
Classification of the population aged 15-64:
- employed labour force,
- unemployed labour force,
- persons not included in the labour force.
Total labour force
Employed labour force
Person aged 15-64 working at least 12 hours a week.
Unemployed labour force
Persons who have accepted work for at least 12 hours a week , or
willing to work at least 12 hours a week, who are available and
actively seeking work for at least 12 hours a week.
Persons not included in the labour force
Persons not included in the labour force.
Gross labour participation
Labour force as a percentage of the population (15-64 years).
Net labour participation
Employed labour force as a percentage of the population (aged 15-64 yrs).
Percentage unemployed
Unemployed labour force as a percentage of labour force (15-64 yrs).
Employed labour force aged 15-64
Persons working at least 12 hours a week.
Working hours
The number of working hours in an average working week.
12-19 hours a week
20-34 hours a week
>= 35 hours a week
Regulation working hours
Dating from 2000 the questions about regulation of working hours has been
changed. Therefore it is not possible to publish comparable data for
earlier years.
Distinction between regular and irregular working hours.
Regular working hours are only during the day on working days.
Irregular working hours are:
- in the evening.
- at night.
- on Saturday.
- on Sunday.
Regular working hours
Persons working regular hours only during the day on working days.