Working population by sex

Working population by sex

Personal characteristics Sex Periods Relation to the labour market Not looking for paid job >=12 hours Raison not looking for paid job>=12hours Look after family/household (x 1000)
Single person households Total men and women 2006 6
Single person households Men 2006 .
Single person households Women 2006 5
Other member household Total men and women 2006 2
Other member household Men 2006 .
Other member household Women 2006 2
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Persons employed, labour force, unemployment broken down
by personal features (age, level of education, origin) and

Data available from: 1996

Frequency: Stopped

Status of the figures:
Figures based on the LFS are always final.

When will new figures be published?
This publication is stopped.

Description topics

Relation to the labour market
Distinction between the employed labour force and the unemployed labour
force. The employed labour force is subdivided according to their
availability for the labour market and how actively they have sought work.
Not looking for paid job >=12 hours
Raison not looking for paid job>=12hours
Look after family/household