Working population by sex

Working population by sex

Personal characteristics Sex Periods Employed labour force aged 15-64 Working hours 12-19 hours a week (x 1000) Employed labour force aged 15-64 Working hours 20-34 hours a week (x 1000) Employed labour force aged 15-64 Working hours >= 35 hours a week (x 1000) Employed labour force aged 15-64 Regulation working hours Regular working hours (x 1000) Employed labour force aged 15-64 Regulation working hours Irregular working hours Total irregular working hours (x 1000) Employed labour force aged 15-64 Regulation working hours Irregular working hours Work in the evening and at night (x 1000) Employed labour force aged 15-64 Regulation working hours Irregular working hours Work in the evening (x 1000) Employed labour force aged 15-64 Regulation working hours Irregular working hours Saturday (x 1000) Employed labour force aged 15-64 Regulation working hours Irregular working hours Sunday (x 1000) Employed labour force aged 15-64 Commuter traffic Address employer Working at home address (x 1000) Employed labour force aged 15-64 Commuter traffic Address employer Fixed working address (x 1000) Employed labour force aged 15-64 Commuter traffic Address employer No fixed working address (x 1000) Unemployed labour force Preferred working hours 12-19 hours a week (x 1000) Unemployed labour force Preferred working hours 20-34 hours a week (x 1000) Unemployed labour force Preferred working hours >= 35 hours a week (x 1000)
Originated from MOE-countries Total men and women 2006 3 9 18 13 16 12 5 13 10 2 24 3 . . .
Originated from MOE-countries Men 2006 . . 11 5 8 5 3 6 5 . 10 2 . . .
Originated from MOE-countries Women 2006 2 8 7 8 9 7 2 7 5 . 14 . . . .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Persons employed, labour force, unemployment broken down
by personal features (age, level of education, origin) and

Data available from: 1996

Frequency: Stopped

Status of the figures:
Figures based on the LFS are always final.

When will new figures be published?
This publication is stopped.

Description topics

Employed labour force aged 15-64
Persons working at least 12 hours a week.
Working hours
The number of working hours in an average working week.
12-19 hours a week
20-34 hours a week
>= 35 hours a week
Regulation working hours
Dating from 2000 the questions about regulation of working hours has been
changed. Therefore it is not possible to publish comparable data for
earlier years.
Distinction between regular and irregular working hours.
Regular working hours are only during the day on working days.
Irregular working hours are:
- in the evening.
- at night.
- on Saturday.
- on Sunday.
Regular working hours
Persons working regular hours only during the day on working days.
Irregular working hours
Irregular working hours are in the evening and/or at night, in the
weekends during the day.
Total irregular working hours
Work in the evening and at night
Persons working sometimes or regularly between midnight and 06.00 a.m.
Work in the evening
Persons who do not work at night but between 07.00 p.m. and midnight.
Persons who work occasionally or regularly on Saturdays.
Persons who work occasionally or regularly on Sundays.
Commuter traffic
Address employer
Working at home address
Fixed working address
No fixed working address
Unemployed labour force
All persons unemployed or working less than 12 hours a week who have
accepted work and are going to work at least 12 hours a week or are
prepared to work at least 12 hours a week, who are available and actively
seeking work for at least 12 hours a week.
Preferred working hours
The unemployed labour force by number of hours they are prepared to work
each week.
12-19 hours a week
20-34 hours a week
>= 35 hours a week